This research will project the impact of a new urban armature of logistics for the city of Chicago capable of improving the movement and... Show moreThis research will project the impact of a new urban armature of logistics for the city of Chicago capable of improving the movement and experiences of people and goods throughout new hyperactive urban developments. Through the use of historical and contemporary precedence this new urban plan will address the continual shift in public domains, creating improved linkages and socially charged urban environments. As the inevitable densification of Chicago occurs a new network of connective infrastructure is required for creating new dynamic, three-dimensional public realms. The demand for such kinetic building models is caused by the mass influx of the creative-class returning to urban centers for both work and living. Consisting of a highly diverse set of programs, these new models for Chicago's west loop business district will focus on reconnecting the public to undiscovered urban layers. These hybrid developments break the mold of Chicago's modernist high rise tower allowing for mixing and overlapping of building programs, bringing strangers together in impromptu gathering spaces. Tiered circulation networks serve as the key infrastructural element facilitating these new socially engaging environments. Through the use of this tiered system primary circulation elements allow for the direct movements of private users and services while secondary and tertiary systems allows for pedestrians to penetrate "private" space fostering the interactions amongst a diverse a group of people. Within the new west loop district, the principles applied in creating vibrant urban atmospheres must be applied to internalized building programs, offering a variety of destination points throughout. Through the shaping of space by both generic and specific building forms the spaces in between become critical for the mixing of various characters. New urban armatures must be applied within these spaces providing the support for versatile and adaptable building programs and public spaces. M.S. in Architecture, December 2015 Show less