An algorithm on a computer readable medium for efficiently creating a message efficient virtual backbone in a wireless ad hoc network utilizes... Show moreAn algorithm on a computer readable medium for efficiently creating a message efficient virtual backbone in a wireless ad hoc network utilizes three phases to establish an efficient network among the independent transceivers of a wireless ad hoc network. Independent transceivers within the transmission range of each other are neighbors. A leader election and tree construction phase constructs a tree of neighboring transceivers with one transceiver being designated the root and with each transceiver establishing and recording its location in the tree structure and the identifiers of its neighbors; and reporting when the tree is established. A level calculation phase determines the level of each transceiver away from the root transceiver, with each transceiver recording the level of its neighbors. Precedence for each transceiver is established with consideration of each transceiver's tree level and identifier, with tree level being paramount in deciding precedence; and reporting when the levels of the tree are established. A backbone construction phase establishes all transceivers as a dominator or a dominatee, with the dominators forming the network backbone and the dominatees all being neighbors to a dominator. Within the network each transceiver only needs to know the information of its neighboring transceivers. Sponsorship: Illinois Institute of Technology United States Patent Show less