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Software and hardware solutions that automate the organization, management and application of health care information. Deliverables
IPRO / Interprofessional Projects Program
Medical Informatics (Semester 1 of Unknown), IPRO 372: Medical Informatics IPRO 372 IPRO Day Presentation Sp04
Illinois Institute of Technology
Desai, ParinDesai, RonakHajek, JeremyKinnebrew, HeatherPercy, JenniferPhillips, SeanSelsky, JoshuaShah, Nirmal
2004-10 2004-05
Software and hardware solutions that automate the organization, management and application of health care information.
Project deliverable
Health CareNemethCHFP
2004-05-01T00:00:00Z 2004-05-01T00:00:00Z
Open Access
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