Pervasive computing is the concept that we will one day have an invisible fabric of networked computing that assists and enhances our daily lives. During the Spring 2003 semester this project... Show morePervasive computing is the concept that we will one day have an invisible fabric of networked computing that assists and enhances our daily lives. During the Spring 2003 semester this project examined one practical use of such technology, a prototype course evaluation system. This project continuation will look at new uses of the technology. Special focus will be given to the area of context- and location-aware computing and cross-network services from the Internet to telephone networks. It is also possible that short-range wireless networks may be used in conjunction with hand-held computers to enhance the pervasive experience. Students from all majors are welcome to join this project team, with a definite need for students from electrical and computer engineering, computer science, internet communication and technical communication. Students will gain experience in developing a system to interface with a legacy network. While developing this system, some of the key considerations that they must be aware of are the interface issues with the device, privacy concerns in allowing other people to see when, where, and how one is using a device, and security concerns to make sure the data exchanged cannot be tampered with. For computer science students, it is advantageous to have a background in network programming and operating systems; while electrical engineering students should have a basic knowledge of communication systems. Show less