Now 15, yoga Efilfiwmés " W @115 ”E” " 11 .111: 12‘“ M E15,, 111111111111. M 1*. 11 En. 4112 A WNWSK’AV, “ENE 15,565.51; (germ. 1%2 A l. 1 ‘ ‘ . _ . ‘erm. . . 11.10 11150;: Phys 55mm. 155% i .1 , _ ‘erm. ‘ . . <_ 1 . 1 5 10.10 12:00 (5121-111. 0253 1, 4 ‘A 1 3 B. E. 4. Germ. 11 A . 11111. 1114 A' B. E. . M E. 1A . 1 Ch E z - 5 , 1 Math. 1043. , ,, 3 c 'E M II: 5 1" M11111. 43:1 A 1 3.. A 1 9 E' E‘ - 11- , C .1 Mam. 514A 5 "‘- ‘1 “A , 1 1 6 F595; M- 13.; 4A1 - MetE. :121 A. 1 1 SW' Met-13 } A ~ Phys. 2115 A 111: 111-12:1111 11‘ 1. 2 1111‘ E 1 13%- . 4“ ~- Phys. .104A (11.1111. 1 1533.1 2 M- E' Educ. .111 mm, 202 A 1‘. En 1 2 M'echI Psyc. :1111 A. .. 111.1111. lugl 2 Mean. ~ 1.10-11-01) , , Much. M 11 2 N s 13 11‘ AB '0‘111 31111-111111» M11111 M: 1 2 pm: Chain 1 A'. ”'0 MC 1510' Meg-11‘ MetJL‘ 1 P. S. 1 Chem A . 3 MC B. 15 Much N. S 2 Chery . A . 1 CB C‘h PE fie‘ch 1:10-11:00 E ’15: 1 2:5 E1311" E1: 11 11311; 10:10-12:00 B. E. 1 1.1:. E. A, 505M M. 1; 14111.11. 1 13 E Ch. E. Math. A 11 MC M. E Mm.» f , 0'11 E; C11. E. Math. B . 13 MC Phys Ijhys ‘ C ‘E Chem. 5 Math. E . 3 MC Phys I. 5 13‘ j c. E. 1111:1111. 1 c: 0 Phys. 1?. s 11‘ E' E1 A. Math. 1 13.11‘ Psy 1311111. Hist 1 ' E ' E. A. Math. 1 G . Phys Math: E. E. Math. 1 ‘ A .. Phys 1:10.11, Math. 11% 15‘3- 1 5:?” E. 11:, 1 . . ' ‘3 ‘1 . ME‘E," FHJEEE 1 11 1" 7"” 11.11%. 4117 {1:- I? 111112 ggm. 811111131 g1; 11111151111111, 11111111 1. c'hen'. M'ath. Eda: (2. E 3 summon mg:- ‘ E. E' 5 111111411111 . a, 1. 1 .., 1 M- 12- 31111-511111 16. E. 4 13“?" M. E. B E. A E. E. 4 PC SI M‘ 193' 133 E B' 1‘3- E- 4 P. s. 4ZOHJ,K,0,PQ M. L. B E- C1 1. E. 2 M. E. B‘ 11“ D‘ I. E 4 . “Re efer s to b Mech. _- 4‘ 1 Math 4 mem ers of class .5 S. (1351171,? 4 If Mech. 2 -4 mnosadnamcs begin with the lettem 1n- ;ngW-cs. 1 (3'11“ 4 1 A 11401211217 , y ' 1:13. 113, 32.1; A “”5042”,” Elm following policies are in 11111-111110 {153,335 133?, 11110111111111, 1111115 5 214, 2l4A ,, , efiect mth regard to conflicts in B. E. M. 51;, 3415 .1ng 9_ 111- 10. 1111 4A an individual student’s examina— . . 1‘. : 2 - 1 ..,. " 1 - 3- 5%.- RE 1.; ;§}2f‘,"?j_‘ 5}.“ B Lj. 1 11/1 131; .1) 111.111.1211: “0“ behedlflfl I: 1133 my” 9 A,“ M. 11, 5511111 A'n" 537A 1. internal Departmental (3011- Chem. ENC-“1- ., . A j 18 21) 15 fillets—The department will re- E. E. 11111.. ..11.1A 211 (1 vol the fl“ t l 55-5395 by,” i? IA‘ L‘QVE‘rnas 00%;;11‘1111111111111 Con- - A mmv, . 1 . .. . . ' 5 :55ng 5 W JUNE 3 Hist. 10.111 ., films-«The student’s major dc- ] 5 $5015??? 3‘ I" “" "0 “111.11.“, partmcnt examination takes pre- 1 P.’ Chem. 11‘ A . (:cclence. WW1 5‘5 5:5 53 2 ' 3. Cross Departmental Con- 11: 10 1-011 M. .111. 512‘ A '- flicts in Service Departments— ’ “‘5'“ 1 A ’ Lower numbered course takes . E. 311A C1113. 431 11. 111-11100 precedence. $155.61?“ 3;)? g. 163. 551% 4. Cross Departmental Con— C 115. 403 1‘15: 113' A fillets in Service Departments 11:3. 1115. 553 1111151111. 313 115 with both Courses of the Same H. E. 5202 ”31:: 30 B Number—~Depnrtmcnt that is Milk; $3} Mays. 2‘11“ 5“ 111-11 111 alphabetical order takes 111121111. 2111 11 ‘111‘1/3.‘ 11111 A .. precedence. Mall: 3311 5‘. WEDNESDAY mm 7 . In all cases it is 1.1116 responsibil- . MM“; 2051 a. I ity of the student With the conflict M‘ E: 183 .3: $331254";ng to 1913011; to his instiuctol‘s who Mech 408 g ‘ “ r1“ “ will resolve the conflict. - 1.111115; 402 11101. .128A Phys 617 "m., - ”WWW, FRIDAY, JUNE 2 102C EEEEEEE’E WEEW E‘EEEBEEEEZ O. . 13.13. 315A . IOIMC , , 11:: ., . 1111 1111111111111 111 8:15 1.1.11; EEBEEEWMBEAE % E §82§1§ doggc ’13:?131 1831"? :‘EEEEE ghfififi BEBE l. E. 337A . M. E 401 A,B 53$nt @ELEEEEB manila EEEEEBEEEEEE llama an pouring in look fflmamblo are mm which ham been “111111111111 with 1111 Damn a? Sludnnis' om“ MONDAY. MAY 22 TFU, 4 pm AH conf room Campus Players, 5 p.m NU and. Sigma Iota Epsilon 5 p. m.. IHC r0 Tutgizning. 6 p.m., 219MC 'FEEESDAV, ME” 23 Chem. Honors assembly, 1 p.n1.. ISIMC ngéelign Students assoc, l p.m., IVCF. 1 p.m., NU aud. SAE, 1 p.m.. 115GB LSA. 5 6...1;:1nn Exec conf. room ITSA. 6E": lounge Campus layers. 6:30 p.m.. NU and. E‘ EEIQEEEWBQEEE 1.1111153” WEDNEfiEAV, MAY M Alpha Chi Sigma, 5 108MC ' , a a Newman club, 5 302M 1‘5 ’5 ill 1 p. 11.. 1.51101. 1"...m.11x.......1 3.11.11 9 gE‘EEE‘Efi WEE glpEEE‘E‘fi gEWE‘E’SE 1 Tutoring. 6 p.m.. 219MC Campus Players. 8 p.m.. NU aud. You’ll stay more comfortable on the hottest days $35 fig ' “ ‘V ' ' 5, I in our new air 0011131110an Arrow 51mm! VH‘J‘EZZAY’ MAY 25 , We have ihe secrei> of keeping you cooler—Arrow , . ., 11 ’ ' . . . . . fififlllprifnm" 3;;ng Be5’&33 009121853, these Shirts Email? Arrow} smart shlri’s and sports sh1rfs With ihousands of imy ”Wm- NRO 3““ N‘I‘Jd‘lafd. collar styling and fine tailoring. In whites 3111i dgws“ iha’r lei air in and 01.1%! They’re iusi as good- §§%2d°L%Bcé102TE fiw’igmc ”ddzrklongaand Short sleeves. See your Arrow looking, long wearing and washable :15 your regular 'l‘utoringg,‘m 1 p..m, 219 QMC ea ex toaay' Arrow shirts, fool Come in for yours foday.’ Campus Players, 8 p..,m NU and. "' 1. 11111111111, WWW 261 Alpha Lambda Pi. 7 13.111, 302M fl; ‘ Campus Players, 8 p.m.. NU and. : Phi Eta Si Mama 8 pm. Exec. conf. 551.1% filo/1;; gigafiw d? fingmny MONEMEV, WM“! 29 E LSA, 5 pm” AH Cont ,‘Oom ‘ wwwmm MIME 11511131152135? 1.111111115511111 fiE’Véfifi 2mm BEEEE‘B 1% 111m EENflEERWEAR 111 WANDKEEEU—EIEF5 1: 51111211115 §MEEET§