shouts auctioneel “SOLD! Peter Pollack, as works of institute of W x Design faculty and students; go on block to raise scholarship funds. Assisting in auction. ID student body president Lew Hill looks on. .a‘ e” 5 $1,000 was raised Over by the Insti ute of Design student gov~ ernment auction for the MoholymNagy Memorial Student Aid fund, Saturday. The proceeds of the auction will go towards four one- aemeeter scholarships for 110 students in the fall semester, 1950. This. is the second auction to be held by the ID student government. All works offered were contribu— tions from students and faculty members. Faculty contributors were: Serge Chermayeif, Hugo Weber, Richard Koppe, Gerhard Kallman, Emerson Woelfl’er, Myron Kozman, Richard Filipoweki, John Walley, and Micah Kohn. One hun- dred works were contributed by students. For two weeks before the auc- tion a portion of the works were on exhibition at Riccardo’s Studio ree~ taurant. Peter Pollack of the Art Institute of Chicago was the auc- tioneer. doiiegiote World} the drilling By Vogcl The Pier illini of May 8 came out with what seems to us the per— fect excuse for dismissing classes early. The NROTC class was get- ting a demonstration on the use and nomenclature of the bazooka, when the primer on one of the shells went off and smashed the hazooka against the door frame. The instructor mumbled something like “practice round used for years,” and passed out cold on the floor. vlt-li‘ e In order to bring those Tec- hawks who do not patronize the North Union rumor mill up to date we hereby present a few of the better ones: The coeds of in” will soon adorn our campus; according to latest reports the Home Eco- nomics dept. girls are “moving South,” that is to say the South Cafeteria. The p. a. system equipment is being replaced and it won’t be long before we have that sooth- ing 0’) music again, along with some improvements. . . . This issue of Tech News is 12 pages with less than Ell per cent adver- tising, and they’re still looking for business manager. 49 :fr '7? The subject of the latest poll taken by Dr. Gallup, according to the Lake Forest Stentor. Dealing with the effects of the automobile on kissing direction, it proved conn clusively that both are here to stay. it appears that whether you tilted your head to the left or right and Wright before AA (auto age) was strictly a matter of chance. However, things are different now. According to statistics, 83 per cent kissed to the right when standing, but leaned to the left when in a car. The thing that makes this analysis unique in the annals of public opin- ion research is the fact that every~ one questioned had some kind of an answer. ’1} 3:5 The Western Courier on Wednes- day, April 26, came out with a headline which asked seniors to “Get Forms Filled Out.” They neg— lected to mention if it meant men or coeds. Closer inspection re» vealed the writer only had refer- ence to the senior placement regis- tration blank. A feature article that was lifted from the Denver Post by the Mis- sissippi Reflector borrowed by the Georgia Technician, was entitled “W o m e n Misrepresent Facts; ‘Falsies’ Trade 15 Booming.” The question that has puzzled the mod ern woman as to how the unlucky girls of yesteryear acquired their bosom contours is answered by the old saying, “What God’s forgotten we stuif with cotton.” Notion counters as well as corset departments have flesh—tone rub— ber falsies stacked in boxes. The salesgirls call them “cookies” and use the soiled ones for pincushions. The units come complete with the directions “top left" and “top right” printed inside the cups to eliminate confusion and irregular lines. WWW The Newman club will hold its next regular meeting Wednesday at 5 p. m. in 302M. Since the end oi? the semester is drawing near, the club has de- cided to forego its regular lecture and discussion period in order to devote the entire meeting to the election of new officers for the fall term. Ofiicers urge all Newman club members to be present at this meeting. A field trip to the Stewart War— ner corporation, 1800 W. 'Diversey, will be conducted by AIEE Thurs- day. Thirty-five members-will tour the plant in ‘two groups, one start— ing at 9:151»: m. and the other at 1:45 p. m. e e n . are the L «their John Lightner, AIEE‘ field trip chairman, asked those interested to sign up in 3041’ with Dr. Gross’ secretary. A deposit of twenty-five cents is required, but it will be refunded at the plant. it it .3; At Tueoday’e meeting of the Lutheran Students Association, the following officers were elected to serve next fall: Emil Valovic, president; Marge Elechschmidt, vice-president;’ Karin Bengtsson, secretary; Steve Valovic, treas— urer and Roland Bellman, repre- sentative to metropolitan council. Rev. Kretzmann will return Tues- day and continue his talk on church of the semester. architecture for the last meeting; hone n W‘ m The Illinois Tech chapter of AIME announces election of offi- cers Thursday at 1 p. m. in 204N320. i:- ->: a:- The Society of Automotive En- gineers will have a meeting Tues— day featuring a lecture on gas turbines for automobiles and also the election of officers for next year. The lecture will be given by Mr. W. A. Turunen, head of the research department’s ME lab at General Motors. There will be a change in the usual election procedure at this meeting. Printed ballots will be distributed to the members present with the names of prospective of- ficers, but space will be provided for write~in ‘voteo. The meeting will take place in 115018 at 1 p.m. nus voice is in demand around the clockwnetwork radio . . . theater appearances . . . motion pictures . . . dance dates (over 100 lane. year) . . . plus recording hit tunes that cell in the millions of copies. “Vaughn Monroe is the aingiugest band leader in the U. S. A. n. J. nornolur. women) Co. Winnie-Helena. N. U. You. these.- wem the findings at: noted throat" one cielists cutter is: inter! oi more weekly exuminurions out the threats oi hem» dreads use men and women who smoked domain -—_ and only fimmole -- tier no consecutive doye. genteel entitle elation earning? own infielder? one liner in gtididt“ Endgame" it?“ here ehroei M1” the teen l.