it new fireflies leeellers eel? nettle/1e leelegr Illinois Tech will be host. today, to the annual meeting of the Chi- cago high school teachers drafting section. A business meeting and election of officers will be held in the North Union auditorium. Professor Eugene C. Pare of the technical drawing department will announce details of a forthcoming drafting contest to be sponsored by Illinois Tech. Professor Henry C. Spencer, chairman of the technical drawing department, will address the meet— ing and discuss some of the latest types of auditory-visual aids in use at Illinois Tech. MW 411%?th m. ,‘ .in . :4 ~ ’wu ., cl? Rig S. . J Copyrighi 1950. onem & Mme Ton/mm OJ The Alpha Phi Omega Book Ex— change will again be set up to oper— ate the end of this term and the beginning of the next. All those who have old books to sell or would like to pick up a few volumes are urged to come to the Book Ex- change located in the APO office, 207 NSU. There is no charge for this service to buyer or seller. Exact hours of business will be announced next week. There will be a chest X—ray, mo- bile linit, on campus the week of January 23-27. All students are urged by Clarence E. Deakins, dean of students, and Dr. Hoesley, school medical administrator, to have their chest X-rayed at this time. These X-rays are free of charge. Gene Rezabeck, Editor of the 1950 Integral, haswannounced that the first third of the yearbook is being- sent to the printers. The staff wishes to express its thanks to those who have helped in its pro- duction. Publication of the Integral is scheduled for the middle of May. ti: =81 it: The American Society of Me» chanical Engineers has scheduled two meetings for next week. First will be the President's and Stu— dents’ night, featuring a free din- ner for all ME seniors. James D. Cunningham, president of ASME and chairman of Illinois Tech’s Board of Trustees, will address the meeting. Tickets are available in Professor Rusiiiofi’s office, 306MH. aaanaanfiawngaaaaa “aanrzmaamma ogsmgmmnaag Per gallon ol gee sold to my lll' student. stall or 2 leeul'ly memliermee well as o nickel discount on oil, and expert grease ‘iohs ill’ a dollar. Joe Mfillm “lemme fifiwmh 2 Willi AND WAflASl‘l E$l my "lllinoit "loch" a ll? ll: W gnaw/ms mire-em WW we we MAW my moms were we" rename/om were it trimmer , lll‘glfl’ll! lemons flee/well dilemmas, alleys: “Every time I open a hack of Mlblmh cuesmurmms llmow that every one will leave a clean, fresh taste in my month. No other cigarette does that lor me. That’s why Chesterfield in MY cigarette." Views. fifiwlwfifWWmmm Si'l‘ARRlNG lN “‘l’l'lh Wigtlil QM l'l-lh lElWlll. rotten” EKG RAD“) RELEASE