chance to get out and see one or both of the meets as the Navy Pier match is scheduled to he held at the Valentine Boys Club at 7:30 p.m. this evening and the Beloit affair will commence at 2 13.210. tomorrow in the same pool. Friday evening, December 16, the Friars of Loyola Univer- sity were too much for the Tech Mormon as they sue» climbed to the Loyola on- slaught 47-28. Loyola’s squad, which was weak last year, ripped through the mcrmen and emerged victors in eight of nine events. The lone Tec— hawk victory came late in the meet when Ted Eriksen swam to victory in the grueling 440 yard free style. There were many close races in the Loyola~IIT contest. In the early part of the meet Ted Eriksen came within an arms length of Loyola’s Spccht in the‘220 yard free style. The Fancy Diving event was likewise a toss up and the final scoring showed Haggerty of Loyo— la, Klitzke of HT, and Ackerman of Loyola finishing 1~2-3 respec- tively with but a ten point margin between first and third places. Results : 300 yd. Medley relay: (l) Loyola, (2) HT. 220 yd. free style: (1) Specht (L), (2) Eriksen (HT), (3) Spath (HT). 60 yd. free style: (1) Unlike (L), (2) Mitchell (KIT), (3) Kinsella (L). Fancy Diving: (1) Haggerty (L), (2) Klitz- kc (HT), (3) Ackerman (L). 100 yd. free style: (1) Specht (L), (2) Arnhem; (HT), (3) Powers (L). 150 yd. back stroke: (1) Sullivan (L), (2) Camp» bell (IIT), (3) Borden (L). 200 yd. breast stroke: (1) Joyce (L), (2) Zichtcr- man (HT), (3) Carlman (HT). 440 yd. free style: (1) Eriksen (HT), (2) Wat— son (HT), (3) Smith (L). « 400 yd. relay: (1) Loyola, (2) 111‘. did/era with d ad record The Illinois Tech rifle team finished the first half of its shoot- ing; season by winning- all four of the postal matches shot the week before the holidays. The scores were as follows: this]: Illinois Tech. ............... 1382 Harvard Univ. .............. 1344 Indiana Tech. Coll. ......... 1359 Washington Univ. . . . ...... 1351 Worcester Polytechnic ....... 1295 These victories brought the team record up to ten wins in 13 postal matches and a loss in the only shoulder-to—shoulder match. Len Druian, team captain, stated that there will be no more matches until the new semester begins, when the team will concentrate on more shoulderwto—shoulder matches. Present plans include the Univer- sity of Chicago, Northwestern Uni» versity, Loyola University, the new Illinois Invitational Rifle Match to be held on the U. of Illinois down- state campus and the important National Rifle Association Inter- collegiate Rifle match. lingo “ W By Hank Bubley Returning from a brief holiday vacation, the HT mermen will face a tough assignment this weekend when they meet the University of Illinois (Navy Pier) tonight and Beloit College tomorrow afternoon. With but three days of post holiday training, the swimmers will have to be in top shape as the Illini and Vikings have improved considerably. This weekend will afford all IIT students a 'Z/Z/éflf/t/fl’ ORCHIDS TO “Sonny” Weissman, Jack Gavin and the rest of the stall’ responsible for the planning and the execution of our third annual Prep Tourney. . . . No small credit should be given to Mr. Thayer, director of the International Amphitheater for his splendid cooperation. . . . Any basketball fan that missed the mile a minute action that highlighted this season’s competition ought to have his head examined. ‘ The fact that previous tourney attendance was almost doubled this year testifies to the great brand of basketball that was played. Smart planning, and a lot of hard work by the statl’ has made the Illinois Tech tournament the top prep cage show offered during the holidays. IT IS A GOOD thing that the holidays came along when they did . . . maybe it has snapped Glancy’s mule train out of their lethargy and brought them back in the window. . . . During this recent “laying—off” period they managed to blow a pair of games that could just as easily have been sure wins. . . . So the record now stands at three wins, three losses. . . . That’s a real tough one to crack tonight up at Milwaukee State Teachers. . . . If they play ball like they did at the season’s start, they can do it . . . with a win tonight they could easily make it eight and three before another really hard game comes along. . . . Lets hope the boys can regain that golden touch they had in their first three games this season and really turn on the steam. AS “THE IM BASKETBALL league starts into the home stretch the pressure is really on the favorites and darkhorses alike to show their stuff. . . . One of the most important games of the tourney thus far will get under way at 1:00 pm. next Tuesday. The winner of this one (Sharhs vs. Wolves), could easily be the team to watch. . . . Both of those squads have coasted to easy. lopsided victories in their games so far. . . . Another “loaded" team to keep your eye on are the lF’s, a group of lads culled from fraternity row that have shown class. . . . And then there are those fabulous Architects. . . . Bah—humhug! ILLINOIS TECH WILL be well represented tonight up in the beer city when the cagers face the brewery teachers. . . . There is quite a bunch making this trip to lend their vocal support. . . . Our cheerleaders are making the trip . . . those gals deserve a lot of credit for the job they’re doing. . . . It was their own idea to help give our quintet the support they need. . . . Too bad we can’t inject a little more of that kind of spirit into some of the deadbeats around this local lab-report library. .‘E‘ l‘aul Shccdy’l< Switched to Wildrool firearm—till l Because lie lllunlccd 'i‘he linger Nail 'E‘est ! lF YOUR. friends have been slipping you hunks of Cheese, maybe your hair looks mousey. So better take the bait, brother rat, and scurry out for some Wildroot Cream-Oil. It’s the popular non-alcoholic hair tonic containing soothing Lanolin. Wildroot Cream-Oil grooms your hair neatly and naturally without that plastereddown look. Relieves annoying dryness and removes loose, ugly dandruff. Helps you pass the Finger Nail Test! Get a tube or bottle of Wildroot Cream-Oil today at any drug or toilet goods counter. And always ask your barber for a professional application. Warning: Your room- mate will probably ferret. away your Wildroot Cream—Oil. Buy the rodent some of his own! >l< of 327 Burraugbx Drive, Snyder, N. Y. Wildroor Company, inc, Buffalo 11, N. Y. or i By Bill Felliss One of the top contenders for the title was literally bounced right out of the running last Wednesday when the Whiz Kids whipped those now not so fabulous Archs, 27-18. Bill Mattern’s clutch shooting and Floyd Bolton’s speed and height were a little too much for the undermanned W W Archies. Bolton and Mattern dust- ed off the nets for 11 and 8 points respectively to lead the scoring. over the now second place Chem Grade. They look like pretty good bets to cop the section crown. Box Scores: The score was tied at halftime, 10—10, but the Arabs went cold in l h «18 the second half, netting only 8 m s Whiz Kids—~27 Points to the Whiz Kids’ 17. Baery f. 9 g elf} Mattcrnflfgtflo M In another contest played last kfi‘éthdué‘a’ 3 ‘1’ 71323222. l l 3 Wednesday the perennial Chem Lokayquez 2 2 [Boltomg- 5 1 1 Grads sustained their first loss in aorah'g' 1 0 1 ‘Lynn’g' 0 0 1 three outings when they were overu « 7 4 2 12 3 a powered by the IF’s, 47—35. The two mighty mites of the IF’s, Chair- w, 'F'S 47 Chem Gradfi 35 . m n pf f ft f ley Gentzel and .Sheim Roberts Gentocl.f. 4 5 o ,Sachsm ’33 0" sunk 13 and 11 points respectlvely gopertcfl. 1; 3 1 |Peterson.f. 2 o o '. ' _ rlmes c. 1 1 Dunlap g. 4 1 0 to lead the scorers. Big Jim Old Krafft,'c. 3 o 3 Oldshue',c. 5 0 1 shoe and Bob Dunlap managed 10 Kuz’i‘am. 2 o 1 Reagen,g. 2 o 4 ‘. .. , Rey eng. 200!Carr, . 00 and 9 paints for the losers. Scherr’g. 1 o 0 9 T7 1 7 So far the league has in it 19 9 6 seven undefeated teams. This promises to provide some top flight basketball in the next few weeks. In Section A, the NROTC quintet and the FPlE’s are tied with two victories each. The NROTC, after start~ ing slow, is starting to show some of the class that was ex— pected of them. idt’hwoatdere grinned dy around in opener Illinois ’l‘ech’s grapplcrs bowed to Macomb by a 25 to 3 score De- ccmber 17. The rout was Tech’s worst defeat in several seasons. In section B, the Whiz Kids, sporting a 3—0 record are in the lead, with the Accidents right on their tail with 2—0. Al Sicdc was the only repre- scntative of this institution of learning to prance in the win- ner’s circle taking the fourth match of the evening" by deci- sion. The Wolves and the Sharks seem to hold the key to the Section C title race; each have shown ability, scoring power, and have won two while losing none. These two clubs will meet next Tuesday at 1 :00 pan. in what should be the best game of ‘ the tournament go far. Captain Dean Levi, Hank Ozan- ski, Ben Berny, Maurice Fitz- maurice, Red Schultz, Bud Schul~ man, and Joe Kronick all lost their matches. In section D the lF’s now hold undisputed possession of first place by virtue of their recent victory “I’m sorry Mr. Philbrilc, but Johnny has i "I opened up a new world for me; You, too, can open up a new world of smoking pleasure by lighting up a PHELIP MORRIS —thc one cigarette proved definitely less irritating, definitely milder, than any other leading brand. That‘s why there's No CIGARETTE HANGOVER —when you smoke PHILIP Monsis!