Threat: @fimm Nomi—2d "i”o Swim 12153 (Zooming; flogom “3o Ploy [fiiiiimm 1With the opening game of Lhe 19461-47 baslwtlmll eachmlule but two weeks away. Coach Bernard “Sow my" W'iaissmzm has announced that the Illinois Tech waiters will be led by a game captain for With contest during this semester. "Four men have been selected to lead the squad during thv eleven gamm," said Weissman, “These four men," 0011‘ tinned tho math, “are basketball iettei'men who have z'eturnod from the service, and Since they will graduate in January. the squad thought it would be a fitting tribute to divide the captaincy amongst them.” Selected by their teammates to meme in this capacity are Norm Hawkins, Ray Murphy, Noll Grable, mad Glenn Neiswamior. Ranking who has been appointed captain for the Loyola, George Wil- liams and Lawrence games, was a member of the WWI—45 squad. and , has returned to HT to complete his education after a yoa.:”s absence. Murphy, 3 member of last year's muad has been named to lead the $681th and Gray against Chicago, Goiicordia and Lawrence. A top ifiighi: eager Murphy distinguished 'iiimgeif m: a guard on last season’s; minim. Reiurning again as a. teammate of Hankins, NM “Cannonball" Gra~ “Me wiil Serve as game: captain for the clashes; with Chicago ’I‘eacliers’ Collage, Elie Paul, and G'Tea’é Lakes» Waited: for liis aggrogsive play, Gm— bla "was aim on the first team elm» m;- fiiio mam—415 geoson. “fine remaining two games of the wemoater will find Glen Nieswmuioic headlong the Technwka. “Maia”, lead- ing" Morey of the 3.9434172 mood to harm; this semester to complete is work for 23. degree in industrial en— gii’iem-ing. Ammonium Alumni flame Jim Gibbons, basketball manager ‘lzam announced mm, bile Techawk eagem will meet on Alumni ieam in a practice game on Thursday. Nov. 21. M, 5:30 pm. on Tech’s home floor at the. Valentine’s Boys Club, CELT} Berg‘stmm and Charles Fut‘ tax-er wiil some as officials for: the game which has; once more hecoml‘, an annual affair now ilizit the war is mgei‘. W Led by former mombers of illinois Tech cage squads, the Alumni have booked the game to strengthen the bond between ux‘idei'graduate ail/iv ietes and their predewessors. Up to the progem‘, time, eight. gratis have indicated their intention of par- ticipating in the contest, with more of the alumni expected to volunteer in the near future. Piciurmi above aim, {our mamimw M Hm magi» mum who lime imam ommiiilrmtl game capiains for oil gamos; iliis sm‘mséer. (l, h) r. (Enable man. Hamliirm. Murphy}. These men one gi‘mdumiing ciuriwsgi mid-isomer: anti wow raconily seiecimfi as tapiains by follow imam momlaors. Sowim ‘Wili iii? . iiiiiggiiiiimg “Wow Wow, fiopogii iioiiiiimii Beginning this week, a towei fiery- ice wiii be made available to all Students, “Failure to obtain iowelas hail been ilio major difii‘imilty in providing this semis/e and Unix hag been overcome," stated Bernard. Weissman, assistam athletic (limo tor. in a recent announcement, W955“ mam outlined the following proce— dure to follow, to take adwmmge of this service. Upon payment of a. dollar deposit iii the Busixmgs office. 2; student wiil re re a receipt. By L‘nis receipt. to me at: Marian: stationed on the fifth floor of the Main Building just to the left, of the elevator, from 8 3.7m. to .i pm. every day, the student”, wili recviye 2a towel. The ski/idem; may keg-p this Lowe! and trade it for a clean one at am}; time he wishes, or may reclaim the countersigmd mceipt from the aitondant and; pre— senl, ii: to the business office where his initial invesimeni‘, will be, Mr funded. in order to li’lSuH* zigzainsi: theft, Ll’ie towels; will all iw stamped mind as im added sofeguawl, ali mceipts must, be commemignecl by tendrmi before they will lie in by the Business; Office. pyesen Ling With the {1nd oi“ the inlz'ai to extend COHg‘E'aLlAihEi-Wis no line team mam thus for, for i mains who (mam competiéive Spli‘ finals? their brand of ball is and flak-ea mom. Accm'éiiig m rmwné Ti‘ZNV/I‘issn r given My lira " F) . iirmmondoms 822mm“. $19; 12 m 3 12!.» iii? imam! wwimio a w ilk” Alihougzh il’uj‘g failinil 7,0 lflll‘l'i‘lalllé‘ill Z e in: . 1mm 35w . , sea? to. {53 J: my? “@653: m him 2:}? line is? " 5 who have * good apm’ismanshm :imi vomiuci. 'i Ca‘awi serie; of: if would he ii‘ezii a the {Oiii‘flziv compel vii he fX‘GFl’Hl‘ii-lll il'O :iler to ho roi‘iimzsitiimi foi ‘ilK’E'f‘ i work iiwn my: in Clio mow: tiizm mic mam {v ~ii 1w VS. El havw WEN“ gi‘f Ziifii‘v‘r‘f‘i'fi mggm m Vimm ‘ 71 1 1 W" 3' 3"” i. 1 Th: 1W football finaiisig _ Noiwamfim. Comic “Nam-- '11 ' gill-fl. iii iii iiiwiii wiii play Friday at 111200.. The. four Mama; ie‘fi; iii the mméosat How are: Alpha Sigma, Phi 30, Pi Kappa Phi, 1H, Delta-i Tau Deim 2—22.. Triaiigie 3%. Pi Kopfii Will iiioei. Ti’iangie to decide om? of My and soitle their m game on ’l‘uemiay. So far the Delis Mid Alpha. Sig’rs have played in two ties. The first ended in a six to six more anti game. The Delta maimed their chance to salt Friday night's gram? iiWiiy the second as nothing“ to nothing when Kurt Kuhnie droppoci Wmii Gmboiinski‘g pass to him in the and ZOE’K‘. The Pi Raps Booked the magma. live izl'igimps. Ail the remaining teams have good players but CRXY‘ not compare with the Pi Raps: in re» some six‘chmh or weight. The ‘Pi Km) lirw is izizdoub‘miiiy the iieayw iesl and hardest charging lime in the conference. The Alpha Sign mike zi good vhanco inasmuch they have to be beaten twice in order $0 33 the finalists and time waits will be Eliminaied. iii ii close gamo film lireiilm may decide: ii. and film Aloha. Sims imcl Pi Kai/m Wili undoubtedly mom; Friday for tho championship. MN; Holcio Sohooi [in ‘iFC sicliooi for referees; will be iielé Friday at H o’clock in Room 211 Chopin according w Ken ’i‘liompson, ll‘VlZ Spar i manager. All i‘mtm-niiy sports managers and the iwo men from each frammia it}; who we to be refei’ei-s are flaked in attend. Rmketball Mimi will be read and explained. The Fraternity Basketball Rogue Wiii be started the fia‘sfi week ii”; i . .omber. Each fraternity drew a i’iumlzer from R crop at the last EFC meeting m determine firsfi: imam round opponmnfis. (lb Headed by the izmiefeated Senior Mech, three ”mama ciinched the right to "Vie for the intramuraE muchbaii c ,mmpionship by Winning games. last week. The, playoff for the 13‘}: crown will be ield this week on Ogden Field, with the Senior Maths meeting the once beater; Gremlima. The Sr, F.O.s wiil meet the View? in the final game of the tournament Gremiins Win Two Sparked by hard running Harry Mareado, the Gremii‘ns won Wm games iast week to claim their 8130‘: in the big three. The .80th Whipped fiche SI". Chews, in the fimt oi" the two tilts by a 1248 count. This game was a rem play of the first meeting which the Gremlins won by the same mar» gin, only to have the game voideé. Although the sophomores chalked. up the initial score, it wasn’t until late in the first half when the game winning touchdown was geared. MR?- cado raced three-quarters of the length of the field after intercepting :1 Chem pass to provide the necesin wry edge. Heads—up defensive play by the Gremlins nullified any Sr. Cheml advance, with a good many of the Senior’s long passes winding up in the Victor’s possession by way of interceptions. The Gremlins easily eliminated the Soph Juicers from the tourna- ment by virtue of a 15—6 victory. The winners built up a 15 pqimi’ margin in the first half and heid it up in the last five minutes of play when Charley Futterer gathered in a stray Gremlin pass on his own tax: yard line and returned tho mama ception for the Juioer’s lone score. @1035; Stop Dora’s Fmsi: The Sr. 17.0.5 iadvanceci to film playoffs by defeating the Dow’s Fresh last Wednesday by a. £94) score. Scoring three touchdowns in quick m " "in, the F115 Assam-m their superiority early in the com test, never permitling the Fresh to move past the midfield stripe. Dimwim Low {to Macias Moving into the final Week of play. the Sr. Meclis maintained a clean slate by defeating the Fresh- men Diniwita 1941. Aided by a plentiful supply of substitutes, the Mechs checked the Dimwim attack while fihey scored itwo touchdowns in the first half and added their firml marker in the second. half. Spieedy George Elirliart's sparkling“ play was the feature of the game. Ehrhart intercepted seven Din/mi: passes, one of which he turned into a touchdown with a beautiful (lis— play of broken field running.