s'wzmpamw {aliegm 11:) A wlfiem’om Associayui‘ Sollegmlc Press lllmois lnslrluézr of laclmoloqy, 3300 Published weekly during flu; £0”qu advevtlsinfl bv lFl/aflonal Adve' 4170 Madison Ave“ , Chiwgo, Bowen, Los Angeles_ Enlared a: Odobm 10, W40, (:1 Wm p011 office 21‘! 3, 1279. Subscnplion vale. 11.00 pm levm. publlffillufi cf Hlmoia. OEflclal Federal sluduni 3mm, flepmacnfgu’ for g college {Dubllshfiivs aepnamnla’rlves, San Francisco. Chrcago, national Macaw Clea!» math-u Mango, lllimis. under lhc: Ac? 0! March MANAQENQ BOARD "BILL HUKKHARY P.Al.ll_ A. {HOMPSON Edl‘ror-In e llusEmeEa Manuel Managing l:dvlo 3:10:15 Edilor. . Nsws Edilor . l‘memre Edilo MARTY GABRlEl. STAFF be Ringhuiw Lester Templeton, 551:: Assistant Sparta Editor 6.30m! and ltowrim Ed: amuel Rand, lewis, Wnlimr Zwierzycki Joe Gaffer. l3‘w1mm Vll1~ml sou Lane} 8 1015mm are looked 11111131 as M. 911112111 31ml 8.116. wen if Um _, are 12,12 <:11, the») 3.11.: 111.111: l ed. $1.11)) slude‘n’é, {011M write 2 mmme: 1611mm: max, be, demaited News E10: 011 :11 11ml flaw“ a- enlmnw. faint-he {lOFlllQB in amagtim; 112.01“ 21b). 112?; if; 3’ «’4'171151200 1.: 11 Hall 11 s” l Mae wards. W lm 3. Hfii’l‘fi‘fi! PC Hi “all . magnn'tuniiées i0 U ‘51 C m: A. w, 1E.» j.d£../ .QWW /’ 2/, [RV 1H; fiRA/(V mam-a... 42W f‘w’fl’fi” 42L . 4193114 ”gig 1. 132:?” V7} “g ONH’Nf ”‘1‘ LsTsss @ fisw11“s:l:sssw.s ,’\[/ V g /f M7725 OU7J'5' x15 ‘ W5! A /; . y:»}:,:,;,ép) /(' 1M rl‘s'i 17 ~— 1‘21;ij 1"" ‘ “‘72::‘17: . f ’ J, ‘ M“ 71 M pfiwefifl» mow/1‘}: "WEN a/mgfa inn 4 :2 55$?“ .2: 31317.11 WW??? .4.» ‘ v . 23"? km“ >1: JWM/‘w? tam/Z3; n V "A l ‘ “f..- :1 (\ mmj 1 T 7/7 / 499%}? ll ..{.1f‘£<“:/u2 A :1 111:1 Sl‘asywasfi Emmy)“ Harold ll. Burkart, Man of the Week, future attended Metmpalimn Buslne Trhoal fmm Lane Technical High: with :11: eye on the: «:41 {”111“ng after gmdusl‘lng’ He- had engmwmng aml hum» mass aflmimstmtmn in mind. Says Man”. “The aballly to lake shorthand and to use the typewriter is 21 definite asset 1.0 the engineering student.” But as he ralates lhere were 36 gals up there and he was the anly man in the class. After five monlhs of this Burlcarf. cam 10 MT in Sept. 1941 as am EYE major. H a 1 .1 y'a fool ~ bias are radio mm ymfisgrsphy although he dues not confine his ac» tivities to Chase 2110119. In his secv and semeslw he? became a report» or on Techrmlam; Nrws and jomed the Dance Club where he demon» stmted a technique that has little ‘m do with mminwring. To $031 thv list of his activizlus 21: £943 Burkan was clmtwel 1:19:51- 3»th smallwnn mmpus fife. July i, .2 During