nonrw Wfiug $3,?er roar lirenl'is lo be misoussed ill? {Zions Mowing Fildfiy All senior B students have been sent return-ballottmosteards to de~ termine class policy in coming social functions, announced Joseph Melek. senior secretary. A. meeting of the Class will be held this Friday at ll pm. in the auditorium at which results of the postal balloting; will be revealed. Do toils of the “Serenade in Gold” will also be presented. In order to make the meeting a success all seniors are urged to return the slumped ad- dressed postcards without delay, Said Melelc. At the last meeting the class elem ted to hold voting by postcard to insure a maximum number of stu— dents voicing their opinion in the class affairs. Primary on the postal hallott was the choice of attire for the Senior Farewell of formal. semi- formal, or informal. Wit Kisocki. class president, stated the reason for the early preparations is to get the best arrangements possible for the best and biggest Senior Farewell on record. The second item on the Cards per" Miami to the choice of a show par— ty or a stag ‘or both. The seniors were to indicate their choice there- by making known their intentions of supporting the party. lilooo Urgeo inglrnelors To How Army/”5 New Mlliilory Twining Won The. army’s plans for continuous military training- will be explained on the Illinois Tech campus next Friday. Lt. Col. Arthur Snyder will discuss the army’s proposed train- ing program at 11 am. in room 118, Alumni Hall. According to Dean of Liberal Studies J. D. Larkin, “Since our present student body is com‘ posed largely of err—service men who may not be directly concerned, it is hoped that ii’isti'uctors with no con» flicting classes will make a special effort to attend." it has not been determined as yet Whether this meeting is part of the army’s “You, too, can retire in 20 years” program of peacetime en— listments, or the latest version of ..the army specialized training pro gram. Mow Moria o5 gpeolrer The Home Economics Club will have as their guest speaker on Fri— day, November 15, Miss Mary Mark. director of Home Economies in the Chicago Public Schools. Miss Mark has designed her talk to be of in- terest to fuiure teachers, and will tell of the importance of stressing a Home Economics education for girls. Miss Rose Eterno will give a report of the recent lllinois eonven» tion at the meeting. Miss Eterno, a sophomore in the department, is president of the lllinois State Col» lege Clubs. {rill CAMPUS CQMMEng (Coniinued irom page 3) certain reforms for ihe benefit of the student body. 1 would like to help you in this undertaking but my time is too limited to permit my working on your paper. The least i can do for you therefore is to let you know how l feel about pertinent issues as they arise dun ing the semester. if a cross-section of the student body voice their opinions in the same manner you will have a better idea of what your elassmates think and discuss, and this will make your paper more truly representative. E therefore respectfully suggest that you place a receptacle in some easily accessv able place for Ll’lC depositing: of student comments. i don’t believe such a box exists at this time, though I might have missed an» nouncemeni of some in one of your past issues. (Signed) fax Sludeui Quin noel llini‘reohnionl‘o Greer ME liro'l' illehlgee Hours of quizzing greeted the eleven new Pi Ton Sigma. pledges last Thursday. The oilieers of the mechanical honorary arranged fen freshments to revive the pledges, all of whom have received the pledge rules requiring them to garner sig- natures daily, and carry the tradi- tional pumphanalin. The climax for the eleven mem- Al Bourdon, E EC Eclzbergr, Don El» liot, Oliveria Tinojosa, Kurt Kuhw no, Paul Larson, William Fureelli, Gerry Schnieder, Victor Slileir, El- dred Suhr, Walter Zwieriiyclci will come to the end of the two-week pledge period, when n. banquet will be held in their honor. Eilfilh or ll’lh Filling iioorenlor Qilimre floored oi” Eleanor Metering Al: the last meeting; of the Fire Protective Engineer Society, elem tions for club officers were held. Those elected were: president, Bill Anderle; vicepresident, E. J. Dy- meli; secretary, D. W. Ponton, and filillfifil’lfilllllhlfl SlEEWEEEll “fulfill Mi. him minnow rm 3: i v.» 5}“: . 29);; e u "a: , $2? 5%“ treasurer, El. 332. Weller. Plane were than made for a meeb ing next Friday, in. room 39% 331e- movies will he followed by the chinery Hall when shown and then usual business: at hand. A smoker is planned for Tuesday, December 3, in the Student Union. ! l l