iii-F" |:_—" .‘—-H=-fl ,-__._—__ _ ._ .- ‘eigzjrearv. '— .roui. r‘r-vo' r. I" ~' Illinois Tech Relays to be . Held After Three Year Lapse Tech to Play Host to Top Middle West Universities and Colleges in U ofC Fieldhouse Athletic Director John J. Schem- mer unmanned laat Friday that the Jill-roll Tech Relay Gama, the larg- al Indoor collegiate track meet in banal-ion in 1943,tholaatyearot la running. will be revived next larch 15 at the Univoralty of Chi- ago Fieldhouae after a three year ll..- Dofunding championa in both the allege and univerlity dlviaioaa have dread? signified their intention 0! Heading the titiu which they won it 1943. Schommer aaid. Notre Dame Univuraity. which won easily over a record breaking nniveraity entry that included illi- noia, flichlg-nn, Indiana. Purdue, Wisconsin, Noni-(wanton, Michigan State, Hammett», Eleanor-l and Chl- cagn. will enter a full aquad again next apring. The college champion. Michigan State Normal, of Ypaiianti, which won its fourth Tech Relay: crown in 1943 over a field a! 24 mldwrntern collage-a. will also be on hand to defend their title. During ita fifteen year: of exist- ence. the illiuoia Tech Relayu have atu'actni marl: 5600 athlete. and more than MO team A total at El. different acheoll, Including 19 uni- versities and 62 collect-a, have oom- peted in the event. One of the brat known and meet widely adopt-rd innovationa of the run-t has burn it‘. policy of Gift-ring separate competition and individual championship: for college and uni— vtrnity cntrarlta. This feature, lnchh duord by Soho-turner in 1535, err-rod to provide keen competition between achoda of comparable Ila-I, and elim- Inatu the killing competition a! an open moot. Known a the Armour Tech Relay Glance prior to 1341. the relay- grew out a! a triangular meet with North- weatern Univeralty and the Univer- sity of Chicago in 1938. The follow- ing year. Schommur and A A. “Lau- uie" Stags. In. their Tochawlt track coach, conceived the idea at turning it into an annual invitational meet denim-ed particularly for college- nnd unlveraitica throughout the mid- dlo west. in 1.929 a total at eight oollogoa participated In the first meet. The event grow gradually until 1943. when 421 athletea. repruanfinx 12 univereltlaa and 2t oollegea, corn. petal for individual and team hon- ora lo eatahliah the Illinois Tech Re- lay Gama an the largest huioor col- initiate meet in the nation. Dvopite the tremendous aucceaa of the 1943 guinea. Schommar waa forced to cancel the aixtmth run- ning of the meet the following lpring due to the lou o! a “home." loan— much an the Univuralty or! Chicago l-‘ioldhoux was devoted entirely to aervice training programs, and to wartime transportation difiIcuitiea. ‘ In announcing the revival of the meet, Schommer also stated that the program will include apecial eventa for junior college, Chicago city high school, Ind China!) Catholic high school relay taunts. Inn”. "l n- V\ _.‘ ll lt‘il lg, I>-“l"‘r';1'\\“l >- u-I {all 3.--5- 93:43.: :24:- Three inLr-amunl toumamonu will br- ofl'rred to thr «menu upon their return to urinal alter the Citrat- mu holiday-I. Entries are now being accrptr-d [or the basketball. ping pong and bowling tournamata with the (headline not [or Friday, Decem- ber 23. This will allow competition to get undrr wu‘ immediately upon mumpdon of wheel January 6. Routes of the basketball teams must include the names of eight player-r with one of the men selected an captain. Teams moat he made up of student: in the name depart rant and scholastic year. Thta re- striction was imposed einoe it be— came apparent that one or two team: would poaaoaa all the talent while other: would he of mention-e l Each haaltethall team entered in the tournament will he called upon from time to time to auppiy men to act aa oflciala during intramural gar-nee. Thu: thna team will be acheduled for each game, with the third team being tumble to fur- niah the whistle-men. Individual medala will he awarded to the winning team in the tour-al.- maul. The Intramural ping pong tourna- ment will. alter competition In both the ainglea and doublea eventa. Any aura-mt may enter either the ain- glee or double: play. and each an- try rnuat indicate the dlvlalon of competition. ha in the can at other intramural loummtl. ateriing aliver medala will be awarded to the vision in both alngloa and don- 'blaa. Five man will maize up a team in the intramural bowling tourna- mt lithe-nah uncut onlriea muat include the name of an alternate who may aubetltute in the event of a wink abamoe. The town-tamer“ will he a round robin with matched team! selecting the time and place for their eeheduled roll-ole. Handicap will bewhd out from tho reunite at an initial practice aca- Triangle, Daedalians ‘Jlin in IF Tourney Triangle nosed out Phi Kappa Sigma 2&20 last Monday night in the gymnasium. Joe Hell-Jit'a Triangle team led all the way but saw tluir 9'0 half time lead whittled to {our point! in the lat few minutes. The first half was extremely slow with right minute; going by hetero lion Turner broke up thr- acorelcu tie with an unvior-lhe-baaket allot. The Phi Karr- led by Homer Deahaan rallied to acorn twenty point- in the second half but not enough to over- romo their halftim deficit. Dealt- man earth. flvn field goale and two Lee thrown for twelve point- Ken Turner was high point man for Tri- angle with eight. Intitearoondgaroeotthewvak the Daedaliana trounced the Prat tartan: 34-22. Led by Stuart and Roman, the Daedaliana atarted oil to a lead that was never threatened throughout the game. Stuart waa high point man for the evening with aeven field goaia and one charity tau. Quataman wea high Icon-er {or the loeera with twelve pointa. Ken Thompaon, 1P aporta man- ager, haa elated that “omdal'a time“ .m be out-ma in In luum 1r haaketbail garnet This rule atopa the clock during the leat three rain- utea at play in the game every time the referee blowa hie whiatle until the ball is again put in play. Any of the timekeepera who are in doubt on the timing during thia period would aaa him. Dee-bar H—‘lru—H lul- Pfln been that“! Prat-rt... rune; ans—I'm u PU Kneeling MIMMH aian. 'i'hla handicap will apply to the following week'a competition. Aa an iudIVidual'a handicap la anh- lect to change from weak to week othmvllnganawonawillbecom- puted from the preceding week’s ro- aulie. Medala will be given to the five men of the winning team. [See DEADLINE FRIDAY no page 6) o-- v‘ r Three Prophets collect Smokes in Basketball Score Prediction Race By turning in predicted aoaraa which were very _cioae to actual game econ. a! the lllinola Tech haakrtball aquad In their paat thue encounter; a trio of etndonta have been awarded two cartoaa oi cig- arettea apiece. The “Plot: the Win- ner" annual, aponaored by Teak-ol- a" Neel-a offer: the vim-lam a chm to xvin two cal-tuna of Ch-tarflald cigarettaa by eeieotlns the winner and the score a! the oontut. Dave Hem-nan Won the tint eon- tut which matched [ilinaia Tech and Loyola. Holhnan'a predicted 0843 more in favor of Loyda heated the field of entrica in Teeh'a opening 84- 40 loaa. In the George. William Collage game. Carl Barnum gave the nod totinGmewlthaMpredlo- tioo. Tech dropped the encounter by a {9-39 margin. Bernirom’a om- lest winning margin waa very cioee and was garnered only altar it mu loom! that hia prullctod total 0! points Icored waa only one abort u! the actual. Any atudent on the campus may enter thia coated. by selecting the winner. each taam‘a aeore and the total number of points econ-ed. Thia information along with his name should be written on a piece a! paper and dropped in the intramural box in the lobby of the Student Union. Only one entry per [trident wil be accepted and they must he in the intramural box 24 houra before game time. -";‘i—'Ya"v"r'e5wlu ' ., ‘ , M . - . a Illinois Tech won its first' season last Friday night when College by 38- 88. The initial win in {our atarta found every man'- ‘ ' - '-'i.‘rt finale of the 1946-47 baaltethallv e ' swamped Chicago Teachers of the starting five displaying than M and headineaa which won them elm-ting berth! on other Scar- m and Gray quinteta in mi peat. lad by Bill Smart who claimed individual aooring honora for the evening. the Techawha waited for live rnlnutm o! the mend half to alip by before unleashing their at- tack which netted the»: a new game nearing record in addition to the victory. Smart totaled 23 points. garnering 11 field goal- and one true allot. Crowding the apoedy lot-ward in hieroleaahlghpointruanwem Glenn Nelnvander and Ray Rurphy who each collected 18 poiuta'and Jim Oldalruc who contributed 1a talliee. The Teacher: managed to play the Tochraen on even tarm- daring tho lint hall with the Techawb loading 3746 at the luteruziaelom Then the Scarlet and Gray qu'l their eeeond half drive by literally runnlnv the CTC crew into the floor. Tech’a strategy at refining to call a time out paid oi! large dividende and la eupeetad to aid the Techruen In their future g'amea. Tech and Concordia Tomorrow night. u» Tech-wh- vviil renew their rivalry with Carl- cer-die College a! River Foreat. The same will be played on Illiuola Terh'a home floor, the Valentine’i' Boy: Club and la elated to begin at 5:.30pm. Last year Concordia dealt. the" Tech five one at their fair: defeata. ' The River Forest aggregation out- laatrd the Techawka on their borne court. taking the battle by a one point margin The Techman “mad the Meat however by troonclng the Canaan on their hardwood before a large group of Concordia alumni. Laat night the Scarlet and Gray met the Lake Forest College quintet at the Valentine gymnaaium. Runlta at the game were not available at. the time this was written althoukh the Tachawlta were favored with a 16 point advantage before gar'na Lime. [Ia-h h m ' vflflp an, Hm.aaavm lg. Cele tithe!" GOO Carl-a DOOM-w III: h" 1:3:g‘uk lle ill- 7"“ ' 0 influenti- 3:: atllalarte set 3-51- rlotw lea “CW vino.“ 11‘ the... :::- -—- Gable or; "“3 Hole! 0.. Shh-Ell“... tilt" ““1 Open Minds ‘ W — for open Country ELEPHONE men are hard at work extending and improving telephone eervioe in rural area! served by the Bell Com'pauiea. They're pueblo; a $100,000.000 three to five year program to give telephone service to all who want it just as faat as poaaible. To do thia they had to look beyond conventional telephone practioee. New tcchniquee and new and improved equip:- mant had to be planned, developed and Wilt? Wom- "femur"? w. ‘59P. . : > F proved. Now uev. steel wire ,'l 'l l t '.l~. they are furniahing tale-b phone aervioe aver rural power-lieu. over that requiree fewer poles per mile, over inaulatodwiro that. can be- buried directly in the ground and. by means of rural radio. Man who approach every problem with open minda.. . who are guided by inge- nuity and velour-cellulite“ rather than by establiahod method . . . find telephony an ever atimulating and intone-ting career. 'I'hero’e Opportunity and Adventure in-Télophorry TELFPHI’NE, SYSTEM l Techawks Set New Scorlnigmm'i Record in Season’ 5 First Win Smart Paces-Scarlet and Gray Victbry Over CTC; Techmen to Meet Concordia Next ‘A- . a...’_, 4,4. ‘;«_‘I‘."." \ ..i 7 . if." -,4 M... f . ‘w ' Lili . a..- a -- .1- .3 7-..-k-b-__.- .4.—