$1.11 3m "x e 21 , . 1 3333 3a 7‘: 11111111111111 11:11 111$ " 1‘ {Echoes oi" 1111111111 in 117111111111 1111c hiecneseti Loot Tuesday evening- approx— imately 100 members of the New— man Club and their guests discussed with Rev. Fred J. Mann, (3.8.33. he causes of failure in present day _ "11111111111111. in 1940, one out of every four and half marriages ended in «flivotce, said Rev. Manny while in 1945 the ratio had risen to one out of every three. Father Mann traced the change 1 in public attitude toward divorce 1' from 1890 when it was considereii scandal, through 1910 when it was ,hocoptcd, 1920 when it was popular, 11930 when it was considered fash~ ionahle, to 1940 when it was almost expected that a couple entering morn liege would separate. Along with this change in atti- tude come various other indications of serious unrest in our mode of liv~ ing. The most outstanding of these is the recent popular demand by narents as well as their children for the establishment of community rec- mntionel facilities for teenagers. Whig. stated Rev:I Mann, is a public of the fact that they have failed achnowlodgment by the parents. to develop mature personalities in their children, and of their desire to have someone else assume that responsibility. The concert of this growing unrest, ccorcling to Rev. Mann, are changes; our media of expression such no he nonolar use of the moviee and Min end the development of large newspapers. All these media present only the material requirements by noon for his: phynicnl comfort and. measure, neglecting completely the “Spiritual necessitiee of man. 'Ji‘hmughout the last thirty years, 3:31th this influx of hegemonic ideas, - there has taken place :1. gratinzil .iicspii‘itnlizotion of men until in 1938 icon than forty percent of the poo— hlc in this country had religious affiliations. ‘ 11111111111 11111111111111 1 @heeting h111111111’1’ The Honor Board last week haml— ed; flown a decision of guilty in the second case brought before it this cox/heater. The violation of the honor sys- ‘ tom occurred during an English eimm. Almost verbatim wording and exact eeqncnce of thought was evi- . $1111 on two papers in one question hf an interpretive quiz. Upon ques- tioning by the boom, one of the stu- tiento admitted copying from his , classmate. Further testimony indi- cated. that the other person was not meme of the violation. .111 flecision of guilty and o. irreconc— 11 e$1111$11$ co1111111$$1$ {Continued iron: pogo 23 body has ever claimeé that Il’l‘ has “pnslnhoch” sooth on even weather— tight classrooms. The whole piece is liable to collapse any minute. But we accept that. However, there is one condition at UT which is ahsolutely inexcusm able; and that is the condition of some of the washrooms. @h‘viouoly the people who have the authority to do something about them, do not have to use them. Why doesn’t somebody take ten of my $250 and buy some soap dispensers? What better way is there to spread disease than with a public bar of soap? (And we seem to he luclcy to get that!) There is no question about howling soon after even a few hours around here. Furthermore : mthc uted paper towels often overflow, «the obscenity oil the amateur artists and poets that inhabit our washrooms is equal to none, mtho .woshhowls are dirty. How about a little consideration from the top? usually New Student 1131111eg$$>$11 11311111111111 @ehefinio Ghouls photographs of the 1947 integral Irwili be taken according“ to the following echeaiule, said Chuck Hatstoty cry-editor. Students Wiii be excused from close to have pictures taken, andl ell photogranhy will he clone in the Stncicnt Union. '20 Pam 11112111111: Council :30 Aloha Sigma; Phi “in hoocioliono :54} Home Ten mam THEE. DEC. t :M can. loterhonomxy Emmi :10 To.“ Bots Fl :20 Etc linmm N11 :30 Chi Eviction :41 Phi Lemming Upsilon :oo lE’i new: Emifion 30:00 hi Nu Epsilon 10:10 Pi Tun Enigma; 10:20 Samumnmlen 10:30 Tun (imam 10:40 Honor Hoard}. 10:55 I'K‘SA lllmwd 11:00 Pen Committee mum Alpha Phi Dmozm “:20 Armour Eye “:30 Monaco Cluh 11:40 ”hammock 11:30 Home Ec. Blah 1:00 om. 171‘ Vote 1:an 113V]? 1:20 Newman Clint) 1:30 Polish Climb 1:th Alpha Chi £5an 1:50 Rho Enoilon 2 :0 2 on mo Manna Sigma 10} Pi Known Phi :21)! H’motorionn :30 Elm Shelia m“: 4113 5112mm Aloha his! 1 Theta: m h 9 E) 9 ll Q 5 0 A )2 albawmencomugewmu :W Kayne Phi liltolto (him Fhi Beth Pl Wmhmmluy Doc. Li, 19693 112% mm. Enigma @micmn Lomlnie “2W sigma Both Them “:29 AlflHE‘ 1112319 AfiMh‘. 1:00 pm. ASCE 0 nine Club :30 llntorilmtoniity Council 1! Sophomore Clone . . . all members 11) Wenhmrm Chemo . . . all momhcm * whee 131111 $11 ihiee Ellinoio Tech stucients will he given on oppor‘imnity to improve noon 1111 present school emhiem in the forth» coming contest 11111111111111 by the ITSA to select the best design min Knitted by students. The pcesenh can“: hlcm wns considered inodcqnoi:e since it isn't representafivc of the “new” institute. $im Toepfen, contest committee 1 chairman, stated that the 112133 date for entries will he published in the Tech News at some future time. The first eliminations will he imageil hy o. repireoentative stucient 3211i {1111‘ city group, final selections to he voted on by all students. The oziginator of the winning om- hlcm will he awarded 3 Parker pen and pencil set by the bookstore. The winning emblem will take its niece on all banners, (locals, etc. Entries mode by students taking technical drawing; will be creziited as on 0?“ tionol sheet. when $111111 $11$11$1$ 11.11111 macho in the renewing on 1111: one $1 nightmghflgg 1111111. genioe 33‘s {Stowe The l pious wil Sr. Men} on Ogde' whipping 434}, the 1’) fact see. ageinst the cilia: If the today 1:31 rship. On win, one nlsyeo‘ s stated ti iiiniaifiiuig 11131131115131“ 13%: (Month 11.1111 men 1111111 11111 11111111 111111111 11111111111 111111 _ . ,1 £1 111119 111111111 11111111111111 course was made by the board. The fiWfiiflfi W112i?) o o v 1 3 11111111111111 §3Q11§nt¥~ hominittee subsequently affirmed the 1111191 on henchmen difiemme in 11111111111 1111511111111 1111.111» . 8‘11 21111112111111 c1? 31 ” 19111151111311 $931310“ ninetine than 11111111111 111111.111 1111111111111 1111112111 hometmmnehe .. 1 11111 3%, 11111111 hettctmhecenoc it lets?) the 11111.1... 11111111111311. off the 11111111111 ’ $13 “9 W1 ‘hncot cohnccoe come thwngh i111” none comhfieie enioymcnt: endemic, 1311511. 11731313; ”1‘1? 131111.11} Minnow-moon, coo. 111111. egnee 111111 11111111111 3 ‘ 13111111111 11 1111111111111 131M113 11111111111111 ‘ .1, 1 I N 11..., . Schimmc A 111*. The 13111 5.111 Mocks to 1111 2111 in show smell {‘1 111151111311 11111111111 11111111111 11111111111111 $11111 1111" Mociei @oniest illinois Tech’s model airplane club will hold an indoor model meet, an, nounccd Rocky Sprague, president. The contest will he held at B pm.1 Monday. December 9. “The contest is lacing held to stimulate activity in model build- ing among KIT students, and to ac» 15111111211: the modelers with each other”, Said Spragne. “Any student, either day or evening, may enter,” he conn timteii, “No limit has been niaced on. any model. Any size, weight, our type of, model may he entermi.” Any student wishing to enter the conteeh may having; his nioclel. to the 5313' Aociitorium, at the time of the contest. Mi entries will he henclleci 1111 $1.11 111111.