not get into its form end )lli store. cent deformity; lg‘: “My loner love that the" a the oc‘oteli' .e Quality.” er lioziuelii. to lie bought a lot a Univ loo. fascination a now going; it looms 31ml xlio wollxiug [lows would attained Ken {er last week. by the former red the boys ’ Evelyn only l oil Tumer’o; pecl from tile ‘ aetaclo it. the ing weucll on o moon, “We ; comet into ml group of 1 have been i. Ellie teem university ot‘ scintillating lite o repu- ; seems. that accomplish it one naive we all about 2' not be old old enough. m 53;. ion of “Saint binetl two elea test pley‘goer :e things about ‘little theatre” ple of Shaw’s And the third e is a subject dream—some of rrofit organizat- to pteeent as opment of new ted commercial neon that their 3 contrary. Io 5.375 of the past attest technical in a few years And all this is rector that you e. i personally 'ertholess have first movieoi E ‘ i. z w "A. etiou oi,” ; 53 lg" , 333% to _,Fetliape the gentlemen who are opposed to football don’t realize it til; the Institute is harboring one f the greeteet tingle collections of: tolieo'fiol‘d runners in the coun- Ww szven such able grid factoriee es: Notre Dame must spend more than a little of its time in hunting for * atoriel for the coming oeoeoue. ere the lrieh to glimpse tome of » the talent currently fritteriug away '. their time at 111‘ they would pale got the thought of having; lllinoio Tech on their grid schedule. Anyone who doubts these state- meme might spend an afternoon on the corners oi 33rd and State streets, or 33rd street and Wentwolcth Avon one. The number of students. who arose these come-rs dolly Without lie— _ coming another stetietio on Gluco— go’s death list’ie a tribute, not to the educational facilities oi! the lu-z etitute, but to a massive crop of undeveloped talent. “They say that George McAfee, former Duke all—American now with the Chicago Bears, would start tak- im’; out opponents 30 yards away. McAifee is a bush-leagor compared to the boye and girls of Illinois Tech who day after day send thoeo ill—ton trucks caroening of? in the wrong direction after a near miss. It must be the sporting blood ”(lien of the members of the ad- ministration that allows these ao~ t‘ivities to go on without benefit of trot-lie lights. Perhaps theyéwolong with the Chicago Traffic Commis— sion which probably inoiote not enough traffic passes those corners were amused at seeing the ocasiouel student, who was a split~secoml off win his timing“, swept to the curb in pieces. But then these are the gem , tlemen who ride around in care. It’s unfair to the student body and to the grid world in general that this talent is not exploited through a. football team at Illinois Tech. After all, even George Connor, 235— pound Notre Dame left tackle, couldn't be as fearful at a State etreet. lilllllfitll‘l Clem. (Continued from page 2) mallion.” This same “Saint Joan” is also one of the first stage plays I ever saw. I also had fun with Mr. Show from behind the footlights in ”Candada.” ' His plays and the Wit and phil— osophy in them are somewhat like olives or hard liquor in that you have to keep subjecting yourself to them to really enjoy them to the fullest. In fact, if you go to see “Saint Joan” and it is your first Contact with G. B. Show I would advise you to go see it at least aeecond time. Tile first time you will undoubtedly be fascinated, but may go away from the theatre in rather a dazed mod perplexed state of mind and emo- tions. But after the second time I know you will positively say it’s the most wonderfully penetrating and caustic bit of slander on the follies of humanity that you have ever seen. The play deals with just what you would expect from the title: The heroism, martyrdom, and santifica— time of Joan D’Arc. How Jean, 3. poor country girl, persuades the foolish Dauplin later Charles VII of France, to put her in charge of the Frezdch armies to drive the English Geddamns from France; how she to burned at the stake by the Duquisi- . tion for heresy in her insistence on the right to follow God’s will as revealed to he): by heavenly voices; and later how she is absolved of this crime anti ralsed‘to the stature of a. holy person by the some church that killed her; and finally, four centuries after her death, she is elevated "to sainthood for the very acts for which she was burned is the theme of the play. Buttlzo theme is only the amazing ‘ ‘ ‘ e in}: Elmer’s oyettooes rm Wool tote o it fit; . , Willi ooeyeo witty: tall“. mam icy tut-loll ,. a“ . ii! (a ’l .‘ ti 4" ‘53“ «a? o- 22‘ Zilliom ytelt , fléfig 1‘6}! ”mo fl , it fifg‘éflg ’ . x {'3 % LOU FlSHER 508 GUTHQEE I might we have experienced had means. Those epieel moments in history in which mom hoe risen to the task at hand are indeed few and for betweorl. There is today, however, just out« side Chicago, on the compute of Northwestern Univetsity, a group of students our own age who have dedicated themselves to a very bold, optimizatic, and liberal eeueemmright or wrong may it bow—the cause of “World Government." “We the people of the earth—a united across outu notional bounda» riots by our common desire. for free— dom, justice, and a warless world, . . . alarmed at the imminent threat @me fimfimfi tile mm 3535*}; . ‘ Eggk’flhmgfil’ l3 t 95:13 til motto j 5 £ o l: WIWWW"! Metal “ ”motto WWW”? mm to im $léoolielt.»lol toe Slopsliok Fell Willem it low of global war, . . . feel that a. federal world {2; o v o r n m e n t is an urgent necessity." So reads their petition which they and several other world federalietic organizations are circu- lating. Within the next low months; they hope to garner over ten million signatures. Two drunks were storming on o. street comer when it nude womolm passed by, First drunk: “Shay, out you tee that?” ' Second drunk: “(hicl Sure.” Firet drunk: “Boy, how would you like to see that in o eweoter?” wll‘lm- Person: “Goodbye owl God lolese you. 3e careful that the rewdiee in town dou°t alloy any tricks am you.” Newlyweds: “Don’t wot-try. Pom eon, they won’t col/ell uo my: ping.” will“: Mother: “You acted wrongly in disobeying me. l om mullet/ling you to impreeo it on your mind." fionny: “Aren’t you proceeding: under a. alight mieopprehoneiou me to the location of the mind? this pomp and power foriyollticerl expediencyg Lillie Gilbert and gulli— van, Show is taking at owing ot the high end mlgl’ntios on the pedeetole. Gilbert end Sullivom used tor-ace set to music as their hiuclgeon; ghew’o club is his earnest seriouenoes spiked with iii ironieel wit. it? after. thie dissertation you should still care to see “Saint Joan” why don’t you drop up to the Raga lieh department and get yourself a student’s ticket. “Daddy, how do they catoli crazy people "? " “Well, son, with rouge, lipstick end at fetching almost.” Remember. you? will ‘otill om malll‘m ioyo oomly maul tiewore. Let lion- lmoo' tltot you to» ioemliei- . . .. wool; ot‘ .tiiom oc-n oeeionolly. mlll‘m A little awesome new owl then; A little horseploy on the olden Wes relished by the wieeet men "Who molly lived before they died. Pottou: lo it umeeemry to limo tlio tot wolltiog around tlto ten M83 l Weitet: ”Whom theme rabbit otow Mi tile meow. tile memoger thioke it saddle to the enjoyment oi' the moot if our: cat is well ml Elm- iu ovidooeo. A social worlcer went the insane eoylom oud spotted a chop in the nude eittiug in {it cell with ml film to lilo hot on. “My good man, thet’o no way to be sitting around. Why don't you .put some clothes on?" “Oh-—nobody ever comee mo.” vioit to see In a; recent visit to the group’s headquarters ll could not help but be impressed by the students’ inspiring will, their fanatical devotion to their canoe, and moot of oll,--tl1o omouut of actual world; that has been accom- pllelled in the low moutlze of their existence. About three hundred strong, these monorail women have personally contacted "hundreds of colleges and univeteitieo. ln midi- tlon to their work in this. country, they have established eixteen addi- l ouppoee at one time or another we have all tried; to imétgiu oumelvee in the position of the signers of the Declaration ‘ ' lndependenoew-what feelings of futilitymof feermof hoe we committed ourselves toig tional units in Europe mid. L5}. America. ; and politicians. college students like you and l' minty of another war in the halo There: are other coeds and working on the project; F, Carney, for in s t a n e e. world federalistic groom. , realizing the appealing charms Eemale beauty, the unit has eopoin ed a Miss Francis Dunean‘ao surer‘. Recently ‘ several of friends and I sat in on e. disousezeo regarding world government. came armed to the teeth with at: nomic and political theories, e ing to cope with e. idieeussioo‘ who carried a bomb undertone and a steel: of red meters the otlien, Quite to out-Ema we discovered the beguiling, Duncan. Before the eiv over we discarded our thoughts on sovereignity amt tioniem and yielded to the we: strains of her thoughts on future of the world. 9D ® llfyottomttttoo Eigmo lie-lo loot-o ’l‘lie Sigma Bate Theta sponsor, Mrs. Helen 3tevoue, was the guest of honor ot a Sigma dinner party at Bit 0" Sweden, Sunday. Mrs. Stevens had just received an oppointmen as associate professor in the English department. Arrangements for the annual Active-Alumnae Christmas Party in the loop have been comoleted. Mm. llse Gilbert, a charter member of the gram), will be present. Phi Kappa gigolo Feeders-by on the street might have wondered, had their gaze in— cluded the from; room of the Skull House Saturday night November aeconol. A low whistle would have Admission to on “Why do you woo? the liet then?" been approriate for the Phi Kaps evening off line entertainment awaits “You can never tell . e . oomebody were having their Halloween Kid’s you there at halt? price. might!” Enemy for the members and their i5" \l \{A l ggi?é§l lilo QC (it! WW ‘ e o til: it o to m: t too? dates. The ladies, bless ’emyrl‘a‘i’o all clad in skirts a full four in, above the knee. Any anti oil “5m? ile games were in orderweniou them, hop—scotch, jacks and tos potato. Bob Mielke officiated these games with his little ‘Wbmn cheerer”, eliminating the mates ants with a vigourous “Bream The spirits of that owning: View irrigated from a older barrel and after the dust had settled, it we. noticed that considerable quantitie of ilie cider load been appropriat _ by George O’Brien and George House. They won’t tell Where the cache is hidden but tell: about loner time and impurities will home? the flavor. N , Triangle ‘ The Triangle Mother’s Club it sponooring a dancing and card party Saturday evening, Deoemhet‘ 7. The fellows may bring their times}, their mothers, 0? they may go stay: Three men were pledged at ti: last meeting; Ken Miller, Leonard Dale, and Robert Palkovie. Polkovl has returned to HT after altering“ the service in 1939. Ken Thompson stated that Elie Triangle T-shirts are now aveilsille to those who ordered them. Noon meals in addition to soppez‘o will be cooked at the firaternity house commencing" December 3 333' Mrs. Peterson stated Roy Noosleocls , er, commisszry chairman. Sigma Alpha Mu Newest addition to the {Shooter i3 _ Sammie, a black four Week: old kitten, who was motored by is} Wengrerhofl‘ on a scavenge? low?» during the reoent Halloweeo Petty. The house is being redeeomted it: yart by the pledge dose om; pimlfi to reezovoto are being made ‘23: interior entirely . After a terrific excellent play 2‘ chapter won til}? tennis: tournament. Al Roll? end berm}; 3““ " " rtwigea a boy? *~ Ei :y o‘ this met-lit o rooms; loam it» ,- W m ,p v ,.. w