’I'bSrIsII ruIInaIy your cI'III- confabuIaIIons sIIOUIcI possess ~ ness.,ISI'Ihe'ImprovIsSd ’ey’xpoIIaIion appendlcuIaIus WEI/‘6” , oomphIshness e symp’Ioms as an a ‘ SlrurISrI ’proIanIIy. obscurSn ' ‘ , .avoId IIon Ior IInguIsIIcaI Sx-’ , hoIJICJI IIISoIogIcaIIy SIuoIS , ' phonographys. _ con—r uiz kid program adds up Io Ike facI ’III'SI one ' ,sI’IouId aIways IaIk as cIearIy as pos- SVOIdIng large WoIds BIG, and I, ordi ary 1:0 our common 'souIIIS'rn IIngo'yy 'eg of mcIrch 24' Ibis extremely frum us miSSivS cast gmv allegutlons and slurs both upon my character and upan IIIS ‘ thoI’I' 1 hgppen to bS Sditor o£--IhS central IISws. , scxy thaI this rSmaIk wots wholly mlsquohve and had no fcIcI' would be understatmg IIIS issué. and IS Say that], ‘y lSSs than abommdble ’I’CISIS and Showed ct magmhcent but Would err IS not the writS s anhform potphiq permfluge {ha’I mostyr S’d my irS and righteous mdlgnahon. ms hiS lamentable; lock SI Iournahshc oppr is ‘ printed SSS anthIng about IhcxI newspaper except make paper LII ofirit and (IhtSS morS ondS censored) HSIIc’SI whenfi ~qmexi¢uI1 rotting _, , " , cassomdrcmhally, (signed) Iirnes Ihey go on and it Was npi IhS wnt— remcIins notably and SIgmficcm’Ily SnonYmous, by IhS ony) . ’ his rdthSr laughable utilizonion of snidS syn- IhSreIorS we WIII: go'IIIer Ihoughp’ II I QODWUPIQIII a vaner of ~ ' écoming dov’vn Io SarII1. aII IIIIs , 'cIo IIIeIr du‘ry buI a IIISIr mannSrs. ,,'_ for Ms money, or Wha III seems IhaI IIIIs sI' so caIIed WeII WIsIIers havé been so , W kind Io bring Io IIIS oIIIcS sIaII I, iIIIS' IIIgI1I SdIIor anoI sIaII (I I: SSWSprinI Wonderfully adapISbIS toy'yespecmlly when Ihey gSI DUI 0”, SS words censored.) but it is obvious thoII, IIIS loose. aIISr a IoII IoI meCIIIaIIon We rScaII IIIa *IIISsaurus by IIIS S vesISI mawson. IIII expresmon. ,,rSnnILIs“ IasIIng IIIaII brass, now abou , Ihe -' I IucISnoS on IIIS’ pa’rI o IoIrI II1e sIaII oI rampage and noI SnIargS on ,, 5h my’rotg howS garnered from the IIIIs or In oIIISr WorCIs. nuII sanI ContSsts by the way that same Ln 1). 7 y'do I you iLISI‘ I t , H O 0 ampus office” the editor, shm’wn unfettered at tIIc upper righ , at the thrasmic signs which never seem to ' observeCL ,, wI’IIIney pSaIson. II0I1oI I mermaIcI passIng ou-I p , , II ‘II‘Ié baIcony IIIIICII Io II1S audIIory disIress oI CasI and audieh’c '- were) Snough Io caII IIIern IIIIs) wouIcIIIavS IISIpeo’I If r " V Sigher.’ SI SI WouId IISVS kSpI III'SIr méth; 'sI1uI "bIzz IIIS buzzSI' kaprafios musI havS dropped IIIS rashmg down In IIIS IIIIrcI ac’r ’ , doroIIIy gIambSIIuca SnoI Sr InsSparabIS co mpanion IraIIII ocIoII reaIIy seI-Ious In IIIS IasI row SI IhS baicc I C’smIIIng beauIy, however, ISII aIISr II‘Ie IIrsI' SCI Io'sII wIIn he? mo I InIo IIIS women s CIres'sIngI roym Isy IIsIng IIIS Ia WIISre SIIcI you ISIIas (3er IIIS password?