FOUR .Eiilllfiiifimfifil Once more lhe school bell lolls. and all lhe "len o'clock scholars" resume lheir dulies oi apple polishing; everyone having found oul lhal palience is a virlue. aller wailing a good iwo weeks for inlarmalion concerning lheir grades. Remember? To begin wilh I believe i will lell you a lillle slory. TlME: 7 P.M.. Friday, January 23. i942 PLACE: TECH NEWS banquel. Norlhwesi- ern's Abboll Hall on Chicago's lake lronl. SETTlNG: Dinner lable; wilh all lhe guesis wailing for lhe official gong lo slorl in a diggin'. Wailers began bringing oul plales and be. lore you knew il a delicious slice oi roasl beef and all ils lrirnmings was sel beiore you. Bul here is where lhe slory really begins; lhrough some misunderslanding. lhe Friday Tish ealers were lorgollen and lhe problem arose as lo whal lo feed lhem. Aller a long conlerence. unpalaiable vegelable ploles were decided upon and lhe vege’rarians wen? lo work. Whai lhey needed in lheir lcilchen was a few oi the home economic girls irorn down here. lo show lhem how lo gaul a good meal logelher in a minule's calico. Wilh lhe coming of lhe new semeeler we final lhal our pal Mary "Bu‘ich" Flasher has losl inleresl in school. and has dropped Lewis and is now enrolled al lhe lllinois Business Col« lege. We'll miss her bid we wish her luck and predicl lhal shorlly she will become ”Mrs. Johnnie." bul who are we lo say? "Oh. lor l‘he lilo oi a sailor." These are lhe words Dave Kesier is now repealing, seeing ihal he has also loll Lewis and enlisied in ihe navy. Probably by lhe lime lhis news reaches you he'll be sailin' lhe seven seas. li's lrue lhere are many who have us. bul lrorn 'lhe looks of lhe many new happy smiling laces. passing lhrough lhe hall. we're sure many newcomers are going lo be ready. willing and able lo do lheir damdesl lor good old llT. Bul now gelling back lo Uncle Sam. Marge i :. rial: Murphy. our librarian, seems lo have received a long dislance call from Hawaii. She has a soldier lriend down lhere and is doing her parl lo aid delense by "Keepin‘ Smiling" and , . . inleresled. John Williams mel will: a mishap: while running our elevalor. He lorgol lo pull his lees oul oi lhe way and consequenlly gel lhem caughl helween floors. Jusl loci: cl his shoe. and you'll see his lamed "big lose" which missed being chopped oil by a narrow margin. Neveriheless. John is slill prelly chip per. and is always ready lo give me? wilh a "good morning." ll seems lhal Sieve Mendak and his able bodied assislanls Kasper and Thomas are "doggin" il during lhe noon hour in lhe cale- leria. They are so slow lhal one ol lhe wom- en in kilchen has said lhal she alone could do more work in a hall hour lhan lhe lhree oi l'hem do in an hour. Bui don"t lrel boys; we agree wirh you. hurrying doesn'l gel you any- where. The lolesl addilion lo our school is Elaine Sivmone of lhe Simone Simon lame. ll seems lhal during roll call Dr. Whilehill chalked up a lillle French lo his credil, for he called Sim— mone and everyone wondered iusl who he meanl. bul as lime passed we all found oul. Well. il looks like lhere isn'l any more. for loday. bul l'll be back lrying as hard as ever and hoping lhal everyone will lurn oul lor lhe Lambda's Valenline dance. Friday. lhe lhirleenih. THE SiXTH COLUMNIST 'em aver. . . . . Thai bunch oi slumble bums lhal arrived at school lasl Tuesday morning were none o‘lh~ er lhan the members of the Glee Club and orcheslra relurning lrom lhe yearly publicily ’rour including Ollawa and Davenport Quole Prof. O. 6. Erickson. "Whal a success. we wowed lhem." Quole Dial; Eclzsirom. "Boy. oh boy (hic) were we gooder lhan ever (hicl.” The consensus of opinion was (hic) some lun. From now on. Julian (Lover Boy) Bowers can nol be lrusled. To lislen lo him you'd lhink he was lailhlul forever lo his Lucie down-slale. Bul he and Blake Hooper disappeared loo lasl aller lhe Davenporl concerl and rel'urned iusl in lime lo calch lhe lasl bus. They were slill wiping iheir lips hall way back lo Chi- cago. Anoiher viclirn. Harry {You've Gal Me Wrong) Anderson is well on his way lo be. coming a compleie dissipate. \Nine. women. song and lobacco have lheir grip on him. Quoie Harry. "Somebody spiked my slraighl (.7) coke and l had lo drink ii so l wouldn'l be wasling any alcohol during l'he nalional emergency." This boy Anderson really knows how lo lalk lo women. Mary Kay had a short course in calculus. organic and physics by ihe end oi lho evening and she looked il. Warning! The sophomore class lhreaiens mayhem lo lhal lroublesome lhird year chem~ ical Kapranoa, if he doesn'l slop annoying lhe belle oi lhe sophomore class. Jusl lhe olher day several soohs caughl Cappie siealthily lollowing her bul Don Maihock. Bola Uuridas. Ed Lewnard and Flay Tubergen (all oi whom have been smilien} caplured him and lei him go wilh admonilions lo keep away! ll you don'l know your chem and cola. oi lean? know your leachers. Anybody looking for Harold Ross. Ken Page. Larry Magill. llruce Worcesler. or Jack Hcyl can always find lhem asking Bernslein or {libh some silly gueslions lo impress on lhem lheir willingners “lo learn. Hal Trial ll is w successlul. lhough. lhal line boys are now selling up a whorl course on how lo do less and gel holler grader—- lhrough apple polishing. Waich lhem in ac» lion somelime. They're plenly goodl Time: i0 o'clock, M.T.W.: Place; 305lv‘i—«lor shorl demonslralion. ’3 71': 1% Bill Walson oi lhe powerhouse lunior mechs clique has a new and unique melhod of win- ning his wreslling malches. W’eissmon please no‘re, Seems as lhough ihe mighiy Walson hulied and pulled bu’r couldn'l pin Bachman. Finally in desperalion, Bill used his head—won lilachman's headwresullwfiachmon was pin- ned 30 seconds laler. Nolice lo lhe Lochinvars Club of lllinois iech. Cerlain members 07' lhe swimming loam have passed all enlrance exams wilh high hon— ors and mus’r be admi’rled as members in good slanding. During lheir recon-l lrip lo Greenville. Tennessee. Bill Maui. soph mech. did lhe lollowing in one nighi: Slarled (ml by slurping up a few beers: mel a blond and al- lended a lwo-gun Weslern lhriller. Oi course. during lhis inlerval lhey becamouwell acquainl- ed. From lhere lhey look a laxi lo lhe blonde's rooming house bul mama had paper's sho‘rgun cocked and ready. (Jean. lhe blonde. had nev- er been oul before). Bolh wandered aboul lown and lhey were able lo converse in lhe close inlimacy apprecialed by lhe enamouredl The wonder boy from lllinois Tech. holler known as Cookie. is a real drinking man. Two drinks al'lhe Blackhawk and he is a fire em gine. "Wheel l'm «3 Tire engine," he would yell as he was escorled oul by Member friends. finally lhrowing dollar bills all over lhe slreel when reaching lhe greal ouldoors. His case is nol enlirely hopeless. however. because Ed 02, one of his drinking companions. fell asleep in his car. or so he says, bul we know olifierenl. in $1 I?! The baskelball learn musl cerlainly have had a swell lime on lheir lrip lo Grand Rap- ids and Delroil. The slars and besl wolves of lhe l'eam were observed earning lheir expense money working on EDT lo spend down in ‘l‘he‘ Deli-oil nighl clubs. The hard working slurs were Capl. Pendlebury. Ray LaGodney. Jack Byrne. Harry Sieg. and Bob Neuhaus. A cou- ple of lhe boys worked all nigh‘l so lhal lhoy could have enough money lo keep up wilh " Weissman and lake good care oi him. {They were inslrucied lo walch Sonny and keep him oul oi harm's way by Mrs. Vir~ ginia Weissman.) hk s ii: a "Sonny Don'l be surprised ii a large moving van pulls; up in lronl of lhe $luclenl Union wilhin lhe nexl iew clays and lhe driver slarls un- loading a bowling alley! Al Pelronis ordered lhis alley from Ollawa. ill.. for while lhere. il was on lhis alley lha’l he rolled his 646 series and a 265 game. Al insislecl lhal will: ihis alley (and lha pin boy ihel wenl wilh ll) he would lead lhe Soph Chems lo a smashing vicu .lory in lhe llT Keglers Loop. However. lillhy rumor has ll ihal Aloysius could do perfeclly O.l<".. by iusl hiring lhal Ollawn pinboy be cause 'lhey work very well logelherll vi xi. x: w Pingll Cupid pulled lhe bow. lhe arrow flew direiclly loward lhe largel. and boaulilul row malice once more slruck ye olde campus wilh lhe proverbial bang! And of all places for a lhing like lhis lo happen—yup. in lhe musly. drowsy almosphere oi our library. And now ulhal we've sol lhe siege lel us inlroduce our casl. viz.. Pal Johnson as lhe beaulilul heroine. Elwood Daly as lhe gallanl young lover. and Nell Sieele as lhe cruel. muslached villain. The slandard Mull—Armour woll sees prelly girl. gels on lhe beam. and lhey live happily ever ailer! 80 H says horell * it #4 2h 0n ‘lhal evenllul Musical Club's concerl lour. lho schedule called for leaving Davenu porl. Iowa. al | A.M. Tuesday morning. giving lhe boys aboul lhree hours lo do anylhing lhey pleased. Rising in heighls of greal lead— ership. Norm Lellvin decided lo give a low of lho boys :1 special lreal and announced lhal he would arrange a small dance al lhe Blackhawk Holel (and provide ‘lhe girlslll Al- ler lhis slarlling declaralion. Norm slarled righl ou‘l lo make every word lhal he had ullered. He worked in close coniunclion wilh ”rho supl. of grammar schools of said lawn. The evening found Mr. Lellvin surrounded by a bevy of beaulies. all of lhem college—boy— crazy. as mosl lwelve year olds are. Leaving no cle'lail undone. Norm had arranged lor several chaperones lhus making lhis cradle- robhing legilimalel All lhe “1' men were lick- led pink wilh lhe resulls of Mas’rer Lellvin's enlerprise and gave him lhree rousing cheers as ‘rhey carried him lo lhe shower roomll sk m '4’- * 'Whal your scribe is wondering aboul is whe’rher lhe EDT secrelaries also work lo 3:30 AM. when “we .Jr. Mechs and Co. slay here lo lhal unearlhly hour on "EDT business"? if Rose and Ann slay down we're going on record righl here and now lo say lo you. almighly Weissman. lhal our services are yours for lhe asking— we may even be willing lo work wilh: oul moneiary relribulionl Pin boys beware. lhe 3A keglers are all sel lo slarl oil lhe lirsl round of lhe Co-op Bowie ing Tournamenl. Come Wednesday. lheir four 4—man learns will be over al Milo VVeisner's wilh blood in lheir eyes and bags undernealh. Thal man ol many accomplishmenls (lrom dancing inslruclor al Melody Mill lo boogie; woogie ivory lickling). Harry Lee Schrader slales. ”ll 3A bowlers can'l deleal any learn led lo lhe slaughler by lhe olher co-op classes, i will share my lillle black hooks wilh all wolves." ’i' " ' ‘ ‘ cm: W in ”run . w/lisurslucwm uri- . v was: monomer: '» . my Winona W MAW. Here we are back again. Yep. wide awake and rearing lo go.- Keep 'em rollin' and here‘s lookin' al you. ?l< 3% 59‘ 3’: ME DID O: "Whal was lhnl explosion on Si's harm?" K: "He led his chickens some lay—colonel lead and one of lhem was a roosler." 3% ill * 3k Did you hear aboul' lhe young lady who. when asked why she ran home lhe olher nigh-l. answered: "Because l was being chasle.” >lx 1k :9: it: One oi our more or less prominenl men aboul lown was describing his family. “Yes. sir." he said. "my lalher had seven boys. The lirsl one grew up lo be a banker and lho second one was a crook. loo. The lhird boy finally gol' a job on a WPA projecl. The lourlh one wouldn'l work. eilher. The lillh boy wen'l' inlo lhe drying machine busi- ness and ‘lhe sixlh gol lo chasing around aller women. loo. As for mowwell. | iusl grow up lo be an old bachelor like lalherl" i: ‘Jk >l< w "Well. my son. whal did you learn in Sun- day school loday?” "We learned all aboul a crossneyed boar.” "Abdul a whal?” ”Yes. sir. named Gladly. We learned a song abou’r him: all abuul 'Givladly. The Cross l'til Bear'." Sr i- w w BEFORE NATION CARDS "Hello! ls lhis 'l‘he Smighl‘ aparlmenl? . . . Well. I'm McTavish in lhe aparlmenl' below you . . . Lislen, il's lhree in lha morning now. and your parly has kepl me awake all nighl. l don'l mind lhe pounding and shrieking and music slumping and singing and banging lhal's been going on over my head. bul pul some more sugar in lhal Tom Collins lhal's dripping ‘rhrough lhe ceiling." * ’l‘ ‘l‘ '31 WHAT ABOUT CHATTANOOGA? Handsome Johnny: "Can you read my mind?" Beaulllul Eloise: "Yes!" Johnny: "Go ahead." Eloise: "No. you go aheadl" w ii ii * "Filleen minules. aller pulling on a pair of socks i made a hole in one." wrole an en— lhusiarlic golfer lo lhe sock manufacluror. Sl‘ ’fl Il< 1h COLUMBUS? Sonny: "There's a nice looking gal rooming across lhe courl from here. bul l don'l like lhe way she dresses." Ray: ”How does she dress?" Sonny: "ln lhe dark." ‘5‘ 7’1"» '41 Tl‘ "Whallo' you sharpenin' 'al' razor?" "Woman, 'ihey's a paih o' genlmun's shoes undah yo' bed. ll lhey ain'l no one in dem shoes l's gonna shave." ‘15 i/fi m :5: THERE'S A REASO An lrishman. invil‘ing a lriend lo his wedding anniversary. explained how lc find him in l'he aparlmenl where he lived. "Come lo lhe sevenl'h lloor." he said. "and where you see lhe lel‘l'er 'D' on lhe lloor. push lhe bullon wilh your elbow and when lhe door opens pul your Tool againsl il." ”Why do I have lo use my elbow and my fool?" asked his friend. "Well. for heaven's sakel” exclaimed lhe lrishman. ”You're riol coming emply»handed. are you?" Hil lhe road. you bumsl 0H MiNl