'JFECJHNQLOGY NEW’S .1 1 mm.” mm in 91"}? o u. mm PAGE EIGHT WW genior littleche @ettie junior Moshe got intremurei iouchbeii mile Two Flashy "Forums Clinton iiivuiry Bringing the touchball tourna- ment close to its finish, two games were played last week. The first, on Monday between the Sr. Mechs and the Jr. F.P.E.’s was played ”on a field covered mostly with snowend mud. The second on a EWQL, but playable field, was be tween the Sr. Mechs and the Jr. Mechs. The Sr. Mechs emerged victorious from both contests. The :first by a score of 2642 and the second 19-6. In both games, the ;Sr. Mechs showed superiority, ex- ‘hibiting in each contest greater poise and cool~headedness than {their opponents. Score on Kicked In the game against the Jr. FPE’s, the first tally came, in a sense, before the game was under- way—«Emil Galandak toolt a weak ‘kickofl at midfield and ran the hall for a touchdown. (Rolandak continued in his scoring ways by completing a pass from Newhaus for another touchdown. Excitement in the second game, in which the Sr. Mechs won it right to a playoff game against the Jr. Mechs, reached feverish pro- portions due to the indomitable fighting spirit of the Jr. Mechan- icals. It is this spirit, the desire to win regardless of injury to themselves or to others, that has contributed more than anything else to their success thus for in the tournament. The Jr. hiechs have a weak passing attach, a most important phase oi“ a touch— hall offense, but they more than malte up for this, agointzt most on. ponents, with hard blocking and and a strong running attack, on» geiher with all around aggressive, heads up ball. This type of ploy leads to capitalizing on breaks“ ' an art at which the Jr. Macho are very adept. Ncuhans Passes The Sr. Mochs lack, as for as we can see, the fight and verve of their Jr. adversaries. They have however, several men on their roster, who are capable of very good play. Their passing attack stemming from Bob Neuhaus is made a complete entity-elf a foot— ball offense can be dubbed an en- tity —— by the presence on the squad of several very good re- ceivers, who possess enough speed to break away after they complete passes. Without these men; George Pc- derson, Bob Ericson, Frank Jen. cius and Emil Galandak, the po- tency of the Sr. Mech passing at- tack would be greatly diminished. Still, it seems apparent that Neu— hauswan efficient workman, when it comes to slinging that football—— is the most important cog in the Sr. Mach ofiense as it is styled today. Champs Crowned This Week We look forward to a real bat- tle, this week, when the two Mech teams meet to determine the in- tramural championship. fiwim Schedule 13 Ill. ‘Wos. Bartlett Pool 1o Doi’auw Greencastle 17 0pm: 21 No. Central Bartlett Feb. 2 Maryvillo '1‘. Maryville Feb. 3. Tusculun Greenvillc Feb. 14 N0. Central Naperville Fobfil Qpen Feb. 28 Ill. "Wes. Blooniington Mar. 7 Del’auw Bartlett Pool Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. rectal diibiiiii l Coach Davey need have no wor- ry over next Mason’s tennis Squad since Don Shillor decided to lend his services to the team. “Doc” has been promised that the first position will be amply taken care of by Mr. Shiller, and to prove his contention, Don has pmmiscd to defeat any three players sow looted to oppose him. v» >1: u: While over at Northwestern for the purpose of hooking a rifle team match, Manager Bob Lenier and George Borre, with their gal friends, couldn’t find where all the shooting was coming from. After trying several doors with out success, George finally hit the right (‘1) one. George gulped and started a re- ircat, and the usually unabashed Bob gasped for air, also starting an exit, before he regained his senses and entered. The reason? The coed rifle team was holding practice and four beautiful Annie Oehieys were sprawled on the floor in a state that would put Minsky to shame. {Daily Northwestern note). zl; alt :L“ Hurry Sing. senior Milt}, boiler decide on whose team he‘s ployw hip; in the recent Jr. WE’EéZr. 3i ooh game, Kimmy behind the Firemen set up their second touch down when he oonvoniently stood right in from of Front: Jcnoiuo and weight Fromm idol; right in thew- (null, you know where}. i; e >2: Envoy’s hockey boys are all but killing one another as they slide around in the gym swinging their slit-lo; and knocking the pool: through the air. It won’t be long now ’til their skates can be oiled up to grip some real ice. :9: >2: 34 , "What are the wrestlers trying: to digest nowadays? Not good food, eh, Sonny? No potatoes, no militwps, too many calories—m ileum let’s study home economics or cooking: This engineering in too tough. all #5 :1: Bill Vizard, peppy senior juicer, has notified Coach “Remie” MeyL or that due to an extraordinary scholastic load and numerous other activities he’ll be forced to relinquish his position as senior manager of the track squad which he has held for the past season. it :1: at One thing which Coach Meyer can’t worry about on this year’s basketball team is lack of height in the center position. Ray La— Godney and Dick Bergstrom mea— sure 6 ft. 4 in. with Bob Kidd down an inch at 6 ft. 3. s at * “Uncle John” Schommor muet be getting out of condition. When he shows up for his Okla 30’? course in 400 MH. he usually sounds like a (lying air wmpreo sor. Sifter recuperating from the rigors of this climb he lectures for five or so minutes and then it’s time to go on to the next class. N :7; 4C s: Several of the better known Junior Mechs who usually appear at school in sweat shirts and old pants showed up recently in suits and top coats; Seems the boys were applying for Christmas jobs and wanted to make good impres- sions on the employer. tourney title. 2 I . specter ‘ l Suit? Photo by bolder Mike Corny, supposed receiver of Elob Nouhous‘ pass, is mum by Jack Byrno in his attempt to mainly the ball. Bill Watson and Bob Ericson are the players in the back ground. 'l‘ho Junior Mochs lost to the Seniors film. The some teams are scheduled for the intramural Williams morph prompts §eoton$s . Window Hurdle for iflerh fireppiert This Friday afternoon at 4:15 the wrestling team will start its regular season in a meet against Wheaten in the smell gym at Al‘— mour. They start the season with most of the stars of last year back to grunt and groan for dear old slime mummy. Koch Competition in the 121 pound division Bill Dunlap will be trying to better his freshman record. In the 128~ pound division Bill Duly, and Co» Captain Fred Till, both letter winv more, are competing for top hon- ors. Don Muihock, Jack Eulitt, and Emil DeBoo are holding on for the lEfi-pound position, while Ed Mime}: and Chuck Bochmann, are battling for the 1.45-pound position. in the 155pound class, Howie .lahnlie, a letter winner, is fight- ing it out with Jim Kalvokis for top position. Co~captain John But- lzus and Martin Yer; are leaders in the lGE-pound class while Gerry Golden has come to grips with f’ete Zemaitis for the 175-pound class position. Harold Hurvitz, a/ returning letterman, will probably hold down the heavyweight posi- tion. This rounds out a mighty potent and well-balanced team, having eight letterrnen returning. The boys will have to be hot to take Wheaten, the champs of the Litu tle Nineteen, which is always a strong wrestling conference. Besides this meet the squad will travel to DeKalb on January 10 and to Boloi‘t on February 14. DeKa-lb will come here for prob ably the last meet of the season. Highlight of the season will be the Wheaten invitation meet in which the leading colleges of the Midwest enter teams in competi- tion with ‘lllinois Tech. Meets are tentatively scheduled with Milwaukee Teachers, Augus- tzma, American College of Phy. Ed, and the Great Lakes Naval Training Station. The naval aoade my boys are known to have many prominent former college wrest- lers in their ranks and will be a formidable toe. Another important event in wrestling circles will be the intra— mural competition. This will be held along with intramural boxing during the second and third weeks of December. Entries for this competition should be given to “Sonny” Weissman as soon as pos- sible. All are eligible with the exception of lettermen. Wifii’l‘flli. ,wattsrtstu WRANQLE WW; WAT DIViSiGN STREET l”, 37‘/2-l5‘/2 Although the session with Divi- sion St. YMCA last Friday, Nov. 28 was a practice meet, the Tech Tech wrestlers put on the pres» sure to win, 371/2 to 15%. Primari- ly, the meet was scheduled so the men would have that “rooky” feel- ing dispersed. Start With Many Pins Dunlap, De Boo, Jahnke, Eulitt, and Maihock got into the spirit of the evening by pinning their op- ponents in fairly short order. This encouragement to the team led to further wins. The freshman 185 pound man, Glassgen, display- ed his spirit to win over Olaf, Y. Horwitz, later in the evening, gave forth with a burst of speed to take another decision. Now to reverse the picture. Dur- ing that evening’s display of brawn, the “Y” had several out- standing men. Daley, last year’s major letter winner, had a bat— tle on his hands when Lapinsky, Y, set the pace. As the bout end- ed, Daley lost the decision. Golden. had much the some trouble with Lenckas in the sense of fight- ing strength. His adversary had a slight edge in weight and speed. Because of this lack of aggressive- ness by both men, the bout was conidered a draw. Grimelc Down Two Ozimek lost two bouts that eve- ning, but by no means should be slighted- He has enough aggres- siveness: from which a good man may be developed. Remember to come to the gym this Friday, Dec. 5, to see the boys in action against Wheaten college. This meet, as it always has been proven, will be the year’s high light for the team. mm WWWWWW DECEMBER 2. “ML WWWW .o “ll“lllvlii fill”? There is one sport at Illinois Tech that provides an opportunity for full non-playing student. pan tlcipotion and that’s basketball. We don’t have a football stadium and our ball games aren’t played ‘in the inner realms of nearby Comiskey park. Most of Tech’s teams draw only a 'sprinkling of spectators, but the oagers are ex- pected to induce a multitude of howling engineers and liberal arts students. Cheers for the gang, are already in the making “and every game this year should be a top classic from the tipol‘l to the fined whistle. Fri- day at 10 will see, you and you jammed into. the south campus auditorium to yell, be popped and incidentally see one of the finest athletic programs of the year as “Maestro” Schommer introduces some of: the Champ Boers. If you want to be in on Tech’s biggest display of pop in history you can’t miss Friday's gathering. lit all :4: As we charge into a powerful finish of the football season with the championship touch tussel be- tween the upper class Mech squads, we also are going to keep up with the bigwigs by announ- cing an all—something team from our own season of competition. After the final battle, intramural manager Pleva will meet with all of the official refs and choose an all-Techuallstar touchboll ‘l'eam complete with alternates. Exclu- sive results will appear in your paper. Along with our aggregation we call upon the top man of referees, John Shommer, to name an elev- en of star pro gridders, whose ac- tion he has witnessed on the field this year. >$< hi: ti: 0n the field house fund, we want first to put in. an official gripe on the publicity for the big dance. We’ve less than two weeks fellows. so let’s start some real pluggin’ and forget petty jealou- sies in school affairs. Note, pub- licity oflficel Next week we can expect some hang up news on the fieldhouse situation, but meanwhile a few more small bouquets are due be~ fore the expensive orchids are handed out. The past week saw the managing board of the Tech News vote $50 worth of advertiss ing space to the benefit of the Winter Informal and consequent- ly the Fieldhouse Fund. Also inaugurated during the past few days is o loosechange department organized to keep the ball a rollin’ and pick up a con- stant trickle of tinkling coins to supplement the large folding mon- ey donations which have and will be received. The loose-change collection will be maintained and proper facili- ties will be set up in the Student Union and at Lewis. A large-scale campaign will start after the big dance. Student" I iiieidhooee E‘Fund ”SA ................ $ l 0,000.06 Close oi 5%! 9713i Honor “I” .......... Zbflfil Loose~€3hange 4.9M- ‘Ninier iniormoi 1???? 1???? .................. 2’???