DECEMBER 2, 1941 TECHNOLOGY NEWS cos-cm no no; animation” «- we we announce: our reliance re may. What‘a you say there? Too many valen- tinen? Only happy thought right now is that it's just a little more than three weeks to (Tin-istmas. Gad man! Just. realized I’ve. got $1.85 to buy presents. (loves you can't. have everything. i: :9: it 1i: The keeper of the local inn, which had a reputation for its very strong brew, was awakened at midnight by a loud Iciwching on the front door. Putting his head out of the window, he shouted: "Go away. You can’t have anything to drink at this hour.” "Who wants anything to drink?” was the response. “I left here at closing time with- out my crutches.” all m i it A derelict met one of his patients on the street and asked him to pay his; overdue hill. The patient. jun: tacked at him and laughed. Said the dentist, “Can you imagine that. gay . . . laughing at me with my own teeth.” )k b?» n: it Teacher: Sam. I'm sorry to see your face is dirty again. I even see that. you had eggs for breakfast this morning. Sam: That. shows you’re wrong. teacher. We had eggs yesterday morning. i}: a“ no. it: Don‘t Look Now A painter who lived in Great Britain, liucrruptcd two girls with their hnitain, He said with a sigh, “That park bench—Ave“ I Just painted it, right where you’re chain.” is: s a it Don’t You Winn They call her llamimfl‘ became choir. al- ways falling on {some boy‘s neck. a: u e 4: A business man who made it a point to always; get full value for his money com» plained to his Optician that his glaeeee were not nearly strong enough. But they’re No. 1 type,” said. the opti. clan. “What comes next to number one?” "Number two, air.” “And after that?" asked the business man. “After that, sir, you buy a dog.” ”it 11¢ =37 Fix The aviation instructor, having :leiivereei lecture on parachute work, concluded: “And if it doesn’t openwwell, gentlemen, that’s what is known as ‘jumping to a con clusion.’ ” Ll all :5: ill sic Don’t imagine many of you fellows have ever thought much about what a bride thinks when she walks into the church. Right now it all adds up to, “Male, Mia:- Hymn." a a e )2: Since we call professors “profs” it’s easy to figure out what we ought to call aerate— tants. ' Borgia—l wish I had a nickel for every girl I’ve kissed. Tooteicm‘What would you package of gum? =1: (lo? Buy a l s; e Frank Movement Darling, your eyes shine brighter than tracer-bullets. When you. look at. me, in.- 'condiary bombs explode within me and my heart feels like the plunger of a machine gum. My head whirls like an lit-lo; anti l gasp as. if gassed, as l gaze upon your fea- tures, ifaircr than a flag of trace. The thought of losing you stabs my heart like shrapnel. l’m “holed-up” like a coclmcy in a German concentration camp, by your “blitzkrieg of amorous warfare. Darling, marry me and be my draft exemption! :i: e i a: If you sleep in a chair, You have nothing to lose; But a nap at the wheel Is a permanent snooze. >1: e e - ’l‘hc end. KEEP ”EM FLYENG! 0H Mill‘ll =l~ Giulio gracing lien (ions lloh Crcagzm amt Tom Calcite Bria llmoga Nu, intcriratcrnity fraternity, initiated Jamar. Bamabce, Harry Holden- reich. Loo Off-ii, Victor Eiciwllscixmiilt, Marry Storey, and John Volakahic, at the regular meeting of November 26. The new oiliccw of B. 0. N. are Paul Baerkbolce, president; James Widcman, vice incitement; llalc Will- man. secretary and treasurer: and Ellwaml Moore, mhelm-nontoxic. Beta Omega Nu is glowing he annual “Smelter” on Friday, Dec. 5, 1941. All are invited. ’l‘rianglc is pleased to announce that they now have a new cool: and cookess, i.e., Mr. and Mrs. Bow. Their ambition is to turn Miami! into as well-rounded a man as was last year’s Sweeney. See what you can do for John Wood, will you him. flow? Mama Sigma i’hl chapter was a muddy mess after the hay wagon bogged down Nov. 19. Undaunted the boys wore the mud oil scraping their feet around the dance floor afterwards and the party was a rollick- ing success from all angles except the mud clinging that went on. Robert homey was initiated into Salamander loot. Wednesday night. Nice going Bob. Phi Kappa Sigma is pleased to announce the pledging of Janice Steal; of Aurora who is an F. P. E. scholarship winner. The Phi Kan party last Saturday was well attended by all the guys and gals. Artie Show played for the boys (on records). fiance and holly were looking that way and in. looks like those big dark eyes have captured Prexy’s heart. it seems that nothing is quite so crowded an the from hall in the Chi Omega house at two am. says Dick Taylor who doesn’t like other people’s elbows in his gals face. Delta Tau Delta is proud to announce the pleilging of Robert Trump, “Industrial" freshman who comes to Armour from Duke. Going steady in the Dell houac at. present are: Moo am]! llclcno, Abe anti Gar/my, llama}; anti Carroll, Swede am} Mice, Dutch and Butch, Shank am! (liar Girl, Honcho anti Mary, Hooper and Franny. They all are {.30. log around not thinking of school and thus the Dell average goes down again. The l’laelloiianc held their plcligihg aca- aion and Inquisition at Lewis on Nov. 19, giving “Dogs” Bill Brown, Bag; Carlson, {lemon Cmnphcli, Ernest Lilek, .lim lilomac. and Roger Vealch an opportunity to get in trim for Hell Week which followed the Thankagiving recess. Congratulations; are now in order for those men since they be came full-fieiigcd “D’s” at the initiation on Nov. 28, at the Central Plaza hotel. From recent reports Gamma Rho is doing its part in supplying the nation’s armed forces, especially the Air Corps. Frank lloiplingcr just sent word that he has graduated from the school at Corona Chris- ti; 32ml»: Yer-kins is stationed at Kelly Field; and Brothers Pclwrino, Earner. Barry, and Flzmkamp are somewhere in the US, doing their part for Uncle Sam. iii. ligating Elinor Gilli) DZiGSSESl Helen F. Mol‘zollo The period oi‘ “taking orders,” more com- monly known as pledging, will be a long one. thin connector, but. the sorority pledges are being very docile about, the whole thing “or all. any rate, they hall better boil Sigma pledges seem to be doing very well these days, with green and White bows in their hair,_and extra-a-a large gloves on their hands. Their pledge captain is Olga Mai-coll: The Sigmho held their monthly meeting at the home of Olga Maroon", last Sunday. Ruth Carpenter, an alumna member, will visit her sorority sisters this week. Roth is now a student at the Ohio State college. Last Friday, November 28, the Sigmmi. alumni and active members had a reunion dinner, which was held in the Picadilly Restaurant. Mrs. James Lmnbarao, former- ly Virginia Mien, is convalescing from a sudden illness. Best wishes for a ojpecdy roe.- covery. Virginia! limolxla pledges will continue wearing their white aprons until the end of the pledge period. Each pledge must have at least one hundred names written on her apron, so the girls have been pretty busy getting signatures those days. Each week, Pledgomietress, Mary Ann linicech adds new duties to those that. they already have. The laumlidao had a sorority reunion on Sunday, November 23, at the home of Loan mine lHinmm, an alumni member. The monthly meeting was held at the home of Elaine blown last Sunday. The annual Dinner Dance, for sorority members only, will be held on December 5, in the Continental room of the Stevens ho- tel. Kappa pledges are easily recognized by the multiplicity of their cerebral decora- tions. Pledges Grosaman, Body and Klouzar have been increasing their number of hair ribbonu directly in proportion to their mic" (lcmcanors. Ethel Wm, pledge mistress, has been keeping accurate accounts of the mic- demeanors, which are to be cancelled at in formal initiation. Surprise was the password of the day, when on last Wednesday Blanche emu celebrated her birthday. Kappa licwpics contributed to her locker supplies by add- ing to her collection of musical instruv moms. “Well, folks, that's all there is; there ian’t any more.” fire you next watch! 01’ Man Rumor has it that there is a movement under fool to move the Lewis campus; a few miles northward Since four of the Zola Bola Alpha boys~namcly, Messrs. Rubonotcin, Nabat, ilfilvcrman, and Grecnhcrg — have been making regular trips: to the campun at Northwestern. Some people say the interest is purely academic mothers maintain that there is a feminine factor involved. Come, come, of heartiea —what’s the answer? We a cinch the big item this week in a plug for the Arx society’s dinner before the Winter Informal. Congrats to the folks who cooked up that one. At this writing over we are expected. Belly "Wright. is chairman or woman or something. Details: Bid to (lance, $2.25; dinner tickets, a (loner a heau; place, the Old Town room at the Sherman; time, ’round about 7:30 pm. While we’re at it we wanna give the vehemboys heck for running the Retort Rumpus We see it like this-here: the arx dropped a perfectly good dance—the em llanec, of course, to further the allascbool dance program. The chemkids had no pre- ceu‘ent for an open dance; they knew of the junior arx action if they read the paper; yet there they are. Tch, tch, boys. Still another serious item: don’t miss the announcements sprouting up on your local blackboards, giving out with the dope on the next AAS. meeting. Hear about how the three frosh who bought corncob pipes? And Lenny didn’t agree with his. Jay Zocrn thinks his is strong. Wait’ll he lights it . . . We’ve got the dope on Mary Elizabeth fillies. (Linotypcr’s note: ”Who’s dot? Editor’s not»: lioncy Chile. Linotypcr’a not-z Wel-l-l I’ll bow.) She usta be a journalist at the U. of Ark. Yeh, she wrote a fashion column labeled Slick Chick. Egad! Rumors float in from the Fresh that Mac- Arthur qualifies as a movie critic. Uh~huh, the guy's seen every Show in the Loop. Wouldja recommend the Oriental, Mac? Speaking of shows, Dunlap ushers at the Rialto. Ahcm! . . . Going from ridic to sub- lime, we might mention that yearling Da- vidson is s’posta be a brain. Passes quizzes and all that. And sliding back to ridiic again: Woehrl is heating oil women lately, a la Michaelscn or Haasky. Congrats to the juniors on their newly streamlined Seegrist course. Last Thursday night Scarab pledged three juniors (Art. Lillibridgc, Wes Piphcr, and! Jack Randall) and two sophomores (Tom Regan and Tom Smith) at the Sherman hostel. incidentally, Hacskarl, Powell, and Larson are now' are; Scarab’s convention in l’ittoburg. G’byc new hNNllfi. PAGE FEVE WW By Charles Rowliothum With this looms code the A. group's; your and the last year for the aoniorc. The ISA follows are really a swcll lnmch and all tho (so-ope will miss booing their happy fame with that “l’vc incl. vol; to posts” lock. All the themes, lob roporta, and cram-' lining that; ahould have been «lone in tho last seven wcolna will be jammed ooh) than laat precious: week. But after that. on fli‘ri- (lay evening, Bolicxniior 5, all the mic-opal will celebrate their commotion of a tough your anal tho return of spending money from tho factory. The aoniore we having a Dinnoniilmmo at the Elimination illoach hotel; the pro-juniors will have a banguup tlmo at o alag‘party in tho back room oi at tavern; tho sophomores are going to colo- ln-ato in a «My way in the otuilont lounge; loot; but not loam; tho liroalnmcn are going to otmgregato at. 0h Henry i'or the ovo- hing". Bids are now on sale for the first dance in Illinois Tet-It’s new program of allochool dances with big name orchestras. The offih cers of each co-op class have a plentiful sup- ply of bids for the Winter Informal at the nominal sum of only $2.25. This is our big chance to show that scraps have plenty of school spirit when it comes to supporting the first all-school dance. If this dance goes over big, other dances will follow with such orchestras as Jimmy Dorsey, Larry Clinton, Glenn Miller and other famous orchestras. There is no reason why such a dance won’t go over in a large school like this. Quite a number of the co—ops have com— plained about their lack of knowledge con» earning the Engimaorea Cooperative Book Buying Club. To counteract this, ropresclm tatives will talk in all the coop classes this week concerning its activities and ban. elite. The $2 membership fee is only an invest- ment for the purpose of building up capi~ tal. This membership fee will be returned at the end of the student’s college career. For those who wish to invest their $2 before returning to work, the co-op collectors are Bill Weming‘hau, 2A., and Chuck RoWn botham, 2A. With the start of the work period comes the Mart of rho haekotlball council. The team is going to be red-hot this year and will be even hotter if a large student following shows up at the games. The four coop members, flmarl, 80m. more, Kiddl, and Ii‘uttcrcr, will ace plenty of action this; season. All home games. are free if you just present your athletic pass which can be obtained at the cashier’s office free. The team is playing; at 4:15 pm. in the 108 Engineer-3’ armory on Dec. 4, while the game of the year will be played at the Univcmily of Chicago on Dec. 6. The real feminine menace of the pro-jun— iors is Kurt “Muscles” Voderburg. He really went on a spree the other night, claiming confidentially to have spent five dollars on one date. After spending $2.00 to have his suit remodelled, $1.00 to renovate a topcoat‘, another $1.25 for haircut and shampoo, he still felt generous enough to take his girl to a two-bit show and a coke afterwards. Yes, sir, that is really putting on the pres~ sure, Kurt]! Have you heard the Shocking hows? George Wlonold, 4A, took a front row seat for the first time in four years. However, it was not because of his; interest in the 1ec~ turc. The reason is that Carl Buchhass has been subjecting the sleepy members of the class to “cicatrothcrapcutic treatments” by means of a Ford spark coil. Isn't ii; marvel- ous what a college education will do. it; has been snggcstctl by the 3A machine design class of Prof. “it Worlch in my Bay" Perry that he work out his quizzes before springing them. His. present policy some (low tor only one paragon.