PAGE EIGHT ”Hedi? our By Warren Spitz With the adoption of the revised ITSA constitution, Illinois Tech officially opens its sporting cam- paign. For the athletic teams, this season should carry great import- ance as it represents Tech’s first real attempt to make an outstand- ing name for itself in all fields. Last year was one of much inde: cision and experimentation, in which the foundling Illinois In- stitute of Technology meekiy thrust its head into the public eye and excited some notice. Carnegie Tech, bewildered by its downfall in athletics during the past few years, has sponsored a campaign to “rebuy” its athletic glory. The student body has been “sucked in” by the surge of opin- ion favoring the “purchase” of star performers so that Carneigie Tech could regain its position as a top “football” school. Rah, rah for the engineers. Illinois Tech, on the other hand, does not want to buy glory in the world of sports. Through its ex- cellence in scholastic attainment, it has gained honor and the re- spect of the country for what it is, a line institution of education and a builder of men and women who can make a place for themselves. We want to be recognized as a top school. Not for superiority in sports but for all‘round ability. We can do this by building up all weak spots, whether it be in teams or in educational personnel. lllinois Tech isn’t going to buy its way to the top. it's going to build and fight its way there And when it reaches the top it isn’t going to fall because we haven’t bought enough good football ma- terial. We’re going to stay on top because the school has built men who can throw a tackle in any venture and score their goal in. the world. We want good teams, good coaches, and good equipment, eer~ tainly. We want our boys to win and we’ll fight like h»l, but there won’t be an auction of players or coaches if the squad takes it on the chin. We’re going to keep in step with the development of the new llli nois Tech and this means a better caliber of teams which will be en- hanced if the atheletes are given new playing fields and buildings. These are all coming, so let’s not get out of step in the parade to the top. Let’s get out for those teams, now. Let’s support the men by turning out at the meets. Feature Shall Forced To Accept Challenge Visible through the haze of last Friday was the drooping figure of Feature Editor “Ghoul" gen, leader of those cadavers known as the feature staff. Amidst his wheezes, in most undiscernible words was heard a suggestion that the challenge of a touchball game with the sports department be ac- cepted. Undying carcases “Soap" Swan, "Mucklchead" Galandark, “Pig- head” Pollack, and “Softhead” Sundstrom assented and amidst grunts of approve] it was decided that Friday next will see Illinois Tech's sports department rid the campus of these creatures, For the living sports department “Speed” Spitz accepted by naming “F‘leetfoot” F i t c h, “Charging” Bechtolt, “Flash" Keigher, “Blue Streak” Guetzow, and "‘Lightnin’ ” Butkus on the board of strategy. Mae «Kruger Elected Badminton President Mae Krueger, senior pro—profes. sional student, was elected presi- dent of the Illinois Tech Badmin- ton Club at the first meeting of the club October 20. Her choice as the first president of the newly organized club was unanimous, the members feeling that her ex- perience and skill as a badminton player, together with her extens- ive knowledge of the rules entitled her to this position. In addition officers elected were: Freshmen Ann Mossner, secretary, and Dave Kester. manager. The Badminton club, member. ship in which is open to both male and female students, is an outgrowth of the unorganized games played in the gym on Mon- day and Wednesday afternoons, TECHNOLOGY NEWS liocdoeieers?o @other Wednesday , lies fipeoiol @rgoninoiion Meeting Illinois Tech netters will con~ vene in Room UZW of the Student Union at five pm. this" Thursday, for a special meeting prior to the beginning of fall practice. A large turnout is expected, as last minute dope concerning the practice ses— sions will be made known, and the proposed Junior Week trip covering the University of Wash ington at St. Louis, University of Illinois, St. Louis university, will be discussed. Prospects for the coming cam- paign seem very promising as five lettermen are returning; several freshmen, including high school lettermen, are competing for a berth. Though he looks for an irn~ proved team this coming season, Coach Davey also averred that the wonnlost record will probably fall short of the last campaign’s be- cause a much stiffer schedule is being booked. All possible push- overs are being eliminated, and top-notch rivals are being substi» tutecl. 'li‘wo Teams Also, if the caliber of the squad warrants it, two teams will be formed. The members of the first squad will be largely chosen on their fall showing. The first practice is at the Armory, Wednesday, Nov- ember 5. LEWIE BOWMNG LEAGME STARTED OCTQBER 558, 19431 Twenty-three members of the west campus oo-op department will form the nucleus of the Lewis bowling league. The league will bowl at the Madison Square Bowl- ing Alley which is situated at, 1452 West Madison street. The players will meet at the bowling alley on Fridays at 2 p.111. Anyone inter- ested in bowling; can enter as a team member or individual. Three games will constitute a series. The cost of bowling will be 20 cents a line plus a small ex~ tra charge which will pay for the prizes. Prizes will be awarded to the winning and placing teams as well as to the persons possessing the high game and series. Wr Copyright 1941. Liam's-r 8c Mums 'l‘omcco Go. _ oheooi oil over the it MDMENME some (slow ‘of Mom, screen and radial visits many trol‘nlng comps In her lob as Chairman of the Entertainment Com- mittee of the Home legion. A canon at Cllosierfleldt is u mighty welcome gift for the men in comp. hollow the lewd oi Adrienne dines hind send the risen in the temps the siporotie Widtifi‘gd fieiiniiely ddiiiddd twirl serrggwrnsrijlygs: Everything nboot @liesierheld is made tor your pioneers dread convem nience . . from their tune, rghily blended roboeeos to their onward-“open cello»: phone locket their hoops fiheslerl‘ield olwoys ' Monitor (and floolehdmokng. guy or posit and try them You’re sore to hike them become the hip thing that’s pushing flheelioriielel country is the contested oi? smokers like yourself: so