TECHNOLOGY NE‘WS lilCTilliilfilR 141, 194% PA GE EHGEIT mum By Warren Spits Items come to our attention some of which we are urged to print, others being criticism, con- structive or otherwise, which, al- though requested not to publish, we may comment upon. Such an item came to us during the week. The writer noted the recent ap— pointment of Remie Meyers as coach of the track team during the internment of Norm Root. He spoke of Bernie’s capabilities in basketball and baseball as evi- dence his record at the University of Chicago. Reference was made to the fact that coaches should be placed where their abilities best suited them and that perhaps Re- mie should take over baseball and let Sonny Weissman and John Schommer handle the track situa- tion. W'c’ll italic Time Out to point out a few facts on this situation, and comment on the above letter. There need he no worry over Remle’s handling of the track team. Since when must s man he a star in the particular sport he coaches. There is no proof in no. time] athletic history that can uphold this theory. Remic is a leurier and the cops- cial fact that it track team is inset} for the main part on individual talents makes Mcycrs’ 301) n little easier mm} provides him with on opportunity to work with catch team member in the development of a winning squall. "We lmow that. the boys are llcliinél Remit; anti knowing that there is; so in- visible coach, ailing Norm Root. the truckstcrs will (lo their very tiarmlcst to present a growl rocorfi for the sake of their school and two coaches. A second point for consideration is the apparent criticism of Sonny as baseball coach. We resent that! The school resents it! Everyone resents it! ' There couldn’t have been any better coaching anywhere in the country than Sonny gave the llli~ nois Tech nine last season. illi- nois Tech was co-champion of the Northern Illinois college confer- ence. if you were at the practices and games, and we were, you couldn’t miss Coach Weissman’s enthusiasm and fight and we know that he was with the boys every minute doing the very best to build a winning team, no mat ter how forceful it appeared to some of the diamondmen. Let‘s quit this quihbling. We have the best and most capable coaching stall that Illinois Tech could Mull for. What we die lack and what we must buil‘il up is the fight anti the constant honest-to- goorlness drive which makes for better teams, win or lose. This is a winning year at Illi» nois Tech. Let’s get together and make it a harmonious year, too. {until fifieyers issues First fies-iii For Vsrsity Meet Thursduy Night in HEW or 5 his. Coach Remie Meyers takes great pleasure in announcing the first meeting of the 1941-42 basketball team on Thursday, October 36. All prospective haskethalicrs are urged to attend for this meeting will be the forerunner of the first practice which will probably be held on next Tuesday. This meet. ing will be held in the stutient union building at 5 pm. in room UZW, in conjunction with the meeting of the track team which will be held at the some time. This gathering is not for freshmen as the freshmen basketballers, un- der the direction of Bill O’Brien will start at a later (late. A. few of the familiar faces that will probably be seen at this meet» ing will probably belong to Cap~ tain Howie Pendlebur , Jackie Eyrne, Ray La Goclney, Mike Corey, Rob Neuhaus, Harry Slog, anti Wally Futterer, all of whom are major letter winners. Supple menting these men will he Emil Gelantiek, J aclc Newsll, Dick laergstrom, and Jack Clark, all of whom are minor letter winners. There will also be a couple of very promising sophs, namely, lvo Bud- (lelte. Slingin' Danny O’Connell, and lloh liicld. itendlehury, a transfer student l r o m Valparaiso. matriculated here {it lllinois Tech in September of like“). came out for basketball in Noreinher, and made the starting team. He and Jackie Eyrno led the 'l‘echmcn in scoring, scoring hill. and ml points respectively. FALL GOLF MEET ll‘l FlNAL RQUNDS the time the next issue comes out we’ll all know just how goorl the present finds of the golf team are. The elimination hogan two weeks ago, Saiuroay. It was a very Bill, . (lay but twenty-three of those tilehsrd parvshooters came out to Southmoor to play a elilysosltecl course. With the rain coming; clown in buckets they potted over eleven temporary greens and only seven true ones. The Dress turned in were every hit amazing considering these poor conditions, it would have been quite a feat. for even the Ho- gans or the Nelsons or the Sneezis to turn in scores less than fill. Yet here two of the novices romeo: the trick: Bob Dalenberg and Charles Behrens. The other six men in the playoff shot in the low 90’s. These classy swingers are Len Yssui, Harry Gillespie, L. Shane, Bob Swanson, Bob Afton, and Eli Curran. Don’t think for a minute that the golf team, its coach, and manager weren’t out there too. No sir, they were siz- ing up the boys from every angle and some of the team members felt a little anxious about their positions, Coach Bibb was out there too, showing the boys how to do it, ambidexterously, believe it or not. Both he and Art Min- .wegen, the manager, had a little grudge match on, but we never found the results. Three of the golfers were lucky when it came to the blind bogey drawing. Len Yasui won the first prize of five dandy golfballs; Char- lie Behrens took three balls for second place; and Harry Gillespie grabbed two in third spot. liy Thus far, a schedule of fourteen games has been booked by Coach Meyers, and he is looking forward to booking at least two more games to fill in his open dates. As in former years, this year’s sched- ule includes a four-day trip to De- troit with all expenses paid. This trip is truly the highsth of the season and is really worth fighting for, so that in itself should afford enough inducement for every red- blooded ’l‘echman to come out and light for a spot in that starting lineup. So, don’t forget the moon lug Thursday, October 16, at 5 pm. We’ll be seeing you. Basketball Schedule llllllblz Nov. 28 Open Dec. 4 Chicago Teachers college Here “ 6 Univ. of Chicago There “ 9 Lake Forest There “ ll Wheaton There “ 17 North. Central There “ 20 Open Jan. 6 Lake Forest Here “ 9 Detroit Tech Here “ 14 Chicago Teachers ' College There “ 17 Concordia There “ 22 Grand, Rapids Here Feb. 5 Grand Rapids There “ 7 Detroit Tech. There “ 17 Concordia Here " 19 Lawrence Tech Here “‘ 24 George Williams Here " 26 Wheaten Here .12 fl WEEK. 9 l0 2 r c Touch Foolhu l Schedule 'lFUlDSlllAY WED NEMMW.’ THURS. ‘ TlliS WEEK No Game No (lame Staph urn vs. Jr. Moshe Sr. Juicers vs. Sr. Civile Quos. Marks vs. Sr. Uivils Sop!» Chorus vs. Sr. Much Soph Moclis vs. Wilrllcats .lr. Cllvils vs. Screw/halls the Navy. Eopyright 1941. 1.155er & Mum Tomaso Co. ANN MEERIUAN in NAV‘I HUME (Warner lime! surreal release) makes a big hit with Chesterfield makes a big hit with the Navy . ' ‘ and with smokom every- where with their Mildew Boner loam. for or fiefinlrely filllllllli‘li’l lflfiflltlfifil ssrrss fulfill/:3 finishers everywhere linow you run hovel u long irony unei never lino smother cigsrel‘rle than cure match Qheslerlhelel tor u liliileler Cooler hotter More. We tihoslerfieielis Slight Comhiuiulien oi the wcrlols'hesl‘ eigurelle lohluceos their wine the esprovnl oi smokers as" over the; country. list the illuvy’s choice he your shoice...anolte your soul posit: fihee‘lerileitfl. W EWEEEVh‘éi’MEQE Wily 55$)