TECHNOLOGY NEWS JANUARY 13. 19415 "E’EQi-“i anonra By Bob Bechtolt Former hockeymen Casey Jones and George MacKechnie are now , serving in the RCF. (Royal Can» aclian Air Force to youse engi- . neers). Casey is now-a sergeant hombardier and will leave for 30 1 tion in England at, a date not far in the future, Mac is still training but will finish soon and lie ready for action. 1 PAGE EIGHT l i i l Eugene Dnnat, froeh from Low- is. and Bob La )ivita, fresh EJE. from Armour put up one of the fiercest and bent lighttz of the in- tramural heating: ttiinrnamcnt. Bob fought Eugene all over the ring and then Eugene fought Bob all over the ring and finally they just stood toe to too and Mugged. Bob some out on top after a swell light, by both lads. Anticipating an acute rubber shortage the hockey team has pro- cured twelve pueks which they are guarding like gold. Any man attempting to appropriate :1 puck will be “eliminated” from the Ar- mour campus, if you get what i mean. TEN NES SCHEBULE April it) Del’aul Here April 17 Concordia Here April 24 W'heattm l—lerc May 8 St. Louis 'i‘herc May 14 Wheaten ’l‘here Ma y 16 Marquette iiere May 23 Lake Forest 'l‘here “ion Tennis lininpeiie in howling Moor By dropping two out of three to the Soph Civils, the defending intramural bowling,r champs, the Junior Mcchs have got oil to a had start in this year‘s tourney. With George Martino]; rated as a 177 average and Midge Goluska a 178 average, the Mechs have quite a handicap to overcome. Although there are only ten teams entered, there are many high Class; bowlers in the crowd. Skinner, of the Soph Mcchs with a 171 average, Williams, of the Senior Juicers. with a 165 average, Minwegen, of the Senior Civils. with a 165 average, and also the two. Senior Mechs, Ettinger and Ncuhaus with 162 average, and loll Zelin, 177. appear to be the top men. Family Erich; ~—-— (continued from page three) From the language department of both campuses, Dr. Walter Hen» (hicks. chairman of department of language and literature, Dr. Rob- ert Ackerman, William Hammer, Dr. Sanford E. Mensch, Donald B. Shier. Allen Walker Read. and limit ll. Richie ‘ attended the meet» ing of the Modern Language ASSO- t-irtiion of America, held Doc. 2?" it) til at lmlianapolis. Miso Mollie Cohen and Mrs. Helen Stevens were the only missing membem from liT. lfiljtfiii‘l hfli’li‘ilfilifihifi infill; lEhlhlifi MEN While the current weather spell doesn't quite lead to thoughts of tennis, one active gent's mind is not only tending toward that oli— rection, but he‘s even making plans for next season’s squad. This ambitious lad is none other than Manager Dick I—Iameister, who is already receiving replies to the bids he sent last Septem- ber to probable opponents. Seven matches have been sched- uled to date, and while this has been almost a complete season in former years, the netmcn are in favor of another schedule resemb- ling last year’s, in which nineteen matches were booked. Newcomers on the roster in- clude the University of St. Louis and DePaul. Marquette might also no included in this category, as lam season's thatch was the first with that school, and incidentally, the closest match of the year. ”lion” floncerls «— (continued. from page? one) in the eyes of faculty and stir dents; it is definitely a step to- ward the extension of cultural ed- ucation opportunities for the satu- (icril engineer. That, the need for turn culturedevelopment is reo ognixed by the engineer himself, in apparent in the enthuniastic re- ception displayed by the student body in acquiring all of the duo :ats placed on sale. PLANS FOR FOURTEENTM ANNUAL. TECH RELAY GAMES EN FULL. SSW/ENG Via Den .5. litirighnr Preparations for what will he. the largest collegiate relay carni val in the country are in full swing with the advent of the four- teenth running of the Illinois Tech relay games on March. 14. John J. Schommer, athletic direc- tor and general chairman ol‘ the games. expects most past records of individuals. colleges and uni- versities to be broken. Already a few of the entry blanki-i, which were mailed out in December, are filtering ba ck through the mails. Over 50 schools, both colleges and univer- sities, have been. invited. l]. of C. Fieldliouso Again As in the past, the relay games will be held in the spacious Uni~ veraity of Chicago fieltlhouse. home of one of the finest; indoor tracks in the country. Once again the relays will take place just one week following the Big; Ten Con- ference meet which is likewise be— ing held at the ll. of C. fieldhouse. ’l‘he relays will serve an a- brilliant climax to the indoor track season here in the mid-west for the colle- giate stars. The committee in charge of the til-linen has: a tentative plan of breaking the meet up into two dis. tinct divisions. Completely Elena-n ate relays and individual events will he held in the college and university classes. ’l‘hue cups and trophies will be given to the team f, champions in each division. Thin dill'era from the practice of pre- vious years; of awarding champion- ship trophies in the college divi« sion and allowing universities to vie for a mythical championship. Allw‘llay it’ll-clinic Due to the anticipated ava' lunche of entries to the relays the preliminaries will be held in both morning and. afternoon of the fourteenth. Tie finals of the nine relays and sixteen individual events will be held that evening. The tentative list of individual events, as announced by “Uncle” John Schommer, will include: 70 yard dash 70 yard high and low hurdles; 440 yard run; one mile run: high jump; pole vault, and shot put. All these events: will he held in two flights—meollege and university. Likewiae, there will be two divisions; for the mile, two mile and sprint. medley relays. Special relays will he held for the city junior colleges, the Chicago public high schools; and city Catho- lic high schools. The committee in charge of the games aiding Mr. Schommcr it: an follows: 0. El. Allison, Illinois: Tech treasurer; T. N. Metcalf, ath- letic director of the University of Chicago; Ft. El. Meyer, track coach of Illinois Tech; Bernard “Sonny" Weissman, aasistant athletic: direc- tor at llllnois Tech; and Alexander Schreiber, publicity man of Illi- nois Tech. ‘51?th ,WWW’ «A. 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