PAGE 2 hilhdilllll ii; Mllfll‘ihhllfihlfl William Anthony - God’s gift to the women. Carl Anderson -— They say he boards at Madura’s. Robert Barrett —— If there's an answer, Bob has it. Albert Berger ~— The Bowery Kid. Charles Blastik —— The lone wolf. Melvin Bose —— Human Question box. Charles Boyer —— Man with the bedroom eyes. Lee Bullen —— The reason for pa- tience. Ernest Colant -.. Gander. Donald Crego ——~ Goose step on a small scale. Edwin Grouse -- Best undressed man in Detroit. Jack Davis - Every room a lunchroom. Otto Drefl‘ein -— Do they come any bigger. Alexander Druschitz ~— Still water runs deep. Henry Dulkin —— “Talk. about it, Mr. Dulkin." Joseph Dworzan ——» Quiet, but at ways there. Edward Floreen _. Gosh, but Mil- waukee’s a long way! William P‘urriner ~— Watch Elm‘ hurst GROW. Chester Ginsburg - Slugger oi the Mechs. Peter Giannini -~ The Culllcrtson of Pinochle(?) Robert Golden ~— Slleuce is Gold» en. William Hahn ——— Good ad for a girdle. Elmer Hankes w Nash’s prodigee. William Heller M I wish Catlin were here now. Wilbert Hellman ——- Joy—stick man. Henry Hermanovich —-~ Candid Camera Kid. l‘tohert Hulitt - Mcet ’chn in the last row. Walter Jensen - Lost without. his cigar. Edward Knorring ... Good exam- ple of smoking too soon. William Krause — What would the team do without me. Warren Kuehl - The “Gar Wood" of ’41. Thomas Lewis - Krause’s sha~ dow. Robert Mztllek m Empty barrels make the most noise. Arthur Marks - The Mech’s Foul Bait. George Martin m Mother’s Boy. Robert Mather —— The pinhoys friend. Elmer Matson —— Can’t he beat with a paddle. James Murray _ Hey “Doc,” are these connected in Delta? Lee Niems —- Dangerous man on the dance floor. Richard Nolte -.. Kid plate. Howard Obergfell —— High school girls, beware! Frank Pfeffer — Should’ve been an interne. Goosy-‘Goosy Fashions Chester Ozimek —- The Windy City Kid. Gerhard Reimer —— Ain’t love grand. Alexander Reynolds ~ The bubble bath boy. William Roehm ~— Two beer and to sleep. Ernest Rumqulst —- A world of experience. Waiter Russanowski — “Irish.” Allen Sampson —- Groucho him- self. John Sauvage ~— Diesel Dan’s right~hand man. Sherman Siemen — dreamer. Leopold Sitko — The mad elec- trician. The day @lifllglfiN Charley Nash ~— When the Moon’s need a friend. Harold Sorensen —— Ford’s best rooter. Steve Stefanski —- Stephen the pretty boy. Leo Stoolman - Reports by the pound. Thomas Sweeney -—~ Here, the "heads” have it. Eugene Wasz ~— Man with the tapdance walk. Zeb Wesolowski -~ The mod Vio- linist. James West ~— The reason for the seven place tables. Kurt Wintermeyer -— Good result of Merger. Edward Young - The kid with the buttermilk drive. Itohert Smith ~— Smitty could fly a barn door. Jerry Brown - King Kibitzer. lit ll: lit Ludwick ’l‘. Blumberg —- Entered armour as a sophomore from Wright J. C. First Ark to land a permanent position. Sort of a silent chappie. with humor so dry it rustles. Arnold E. Blame «— lBetter known as "‘Slealie.” Will probably be at Pensacola in the fall. is allergic to big black cigars, hut “Gin- nie" has the opposite effect. George E. Diekel «— From the hills of Montana via U. of Montana and Art institute School to Armour in sophmore year. Sports the (luckiest mustache and is co-c.hairman with Miller of the Knit. the li'launtors. Charles l5). Kulleke - A Lane Tech lad known for his puny puns and airbrush work. Bends over to go under low bridges. C. l”). Lenart m Known as “Seepy” or “Lenny” but never “Casimer.” Mrs. Carroll’s pet - has had more john than the rest. of the class combined. Daniel Miller M Another Lane chher. Has smoothest draft~ ling technique within miles. Spent part of his soph year “on the beam” - literally. Two pedigreed lrish Setters are his pride. Robert J. Q’Erien ~— Notre Dame sent him around in mph-days. llecognlzahle by checked shirts and convertible automobiles —— soon hy Navy’s blue and gold—- has preference for N. U. gals or lilond with brown eyes. ll’illiam C. l’ehta —— His memory would put an elephant’s to shame, not to mention those of his classmates. Famous for the stage at his house and for jokes starting “Who’s Going West?” Eugene C. Pointeh -~ After three years of Pro-Med. Prescribed a . ‘ ‘ m t’ '- ltd-«a career 12‘: architectuic .3. mm- sell. Don’t call him “Shorty” or “Hairry.” Leonard ll, Fteinke —- From Osh- kosh B’gosh Messier in Frosh Beaux Arts Daze. Squirts the air brush with Kulieke. ls some- times known as the Crisco Kid. Harvey Schader - Finished his first three years then dropped out and rte—entered this year. Prominent figure at all initia- tions. Great advocate of the bow tie. Florence Schust — Some call her Florence, but her real name is “Susie.” Came from all sorts of places by way of Gropius’s office in her senior year to be our only coed. Guy G. Steinweg — “Chopper” or “Ruck” to us. “Chopper” be- cause of an ax-man cartoon he drew and “Buck” from his Bow- en High days. Good will Am- As the hand of time erases, one by one the paltry number of min- utes marking your last stay here, we of the journalistic world, 0 Senior Class, salute you and bless you, as you commence your long journey into the darlc beyond. Your numerous faces pass before us now in one great [calmedoscom‘c scene, and we record now the cpithaph of each and every one, big and small, fair and dark, up- on the tombstone of his under- graduate school career. nWmm~--n hassador from Evergreen Park. A star ball player any time. Closely identified with Vera. H. Thurber Stowell «~— Cllass politi- cian of early days also “L" as— sembler. Tall, dark, and mourn- f‘ui-looklng. Wears a pipe. Known by the company he keeps «— l. e. _. Gladys. cushions , Bauinann —- A conventlneor who registered at the Rialto Wanted; Sam Fall: Habitat; Metallurgy Lab. What the devil it never saw him there. Bauer w lie thinks he’s a sch. their, hot he is only a ham. Furch —- lie got his muscles by sleeping in Process Met. Hartman -—— Who tried to bowl over fresh with eggs. They got him. Boddoe -~ He knows all about rub- ber diaphrums and flow of fluids. Dost m Even when they are prone on the Rifle Range, they can still shoot over Ed. Krueger -—— lie used to he all wet but now they’ve got him a spa ghetti drier. Long ._. He’s going to build an- other still in his basement. Mast-linen m A confirmed smootch- or who couldn’t beat the Kisso meter. Molds m We couldn't get him out of the ’l‘rocadero. {shaping ... A “lecherous Lothario" who to c: all of the EDT sec- rctaries. Joe Smith m rl‘wo beers and you can't turn him off. Vander “Woodie ~— “Judas Priest! that schratl” How will “Horst Weasel” ever part with Charlotte and Nitro- benzene on June 15? “ii‘atsnuii” Wilson didn’t know there were three periods to ash tling. Sliwa and Franc ~-—— The guys that whitewashed the annex with slurry. Mustakas w lie does all his mid ling with the Lewis lovelies. Ronnie Smith ~— The gother who did his senior problem in metall- ura ,_ McAleer _— Photogenic gallant who the Can. thoughtto en~ circle and attack. Sherman w lie polished all of the samples and then didn’t use them. Baum — Want your neck wrench- ed out of place? See Bin. Barry - Silence is wisdom say the prophets’. This man sho’ is wise. Boarini — Orchids to the only man in school who looks good with a cookie duster. It gives Ed a celestial feeling. Art Carlson m Holder of the un- official beer-guzzlers champion- ship. ”He ain’t talking though— he’s modest. Doyle ~ Pull a hat over his eyes, a cigar in his mouth and you’re set for the most sidesplitting facial contribution. A la ugly puss. George EllisuHas already bought. a burial plot in the middle of Ellis Ave. He don’t wanna. be forgot! may or, ion .1 'Wm l”Quill? m i .‘ hiilii’lh ihl-Vlhlilhi ”mu-«mi Eleven more days —- and then what? The Lewis seniors will go their respective ways, but with them they will carry memories which they will associate with their classmates. First, Adele Mazer, the mischiev- ans-eyed key collector-wand not only to the home “ec” cupboard; Katherine Smialek and Aldona Glaz singing those oh so sweet (‘2) (littles; Marie Baron, the physi- ology guinea pig; Ruth Weiss, sweet. cooperative switch board operator; Marveuc Jones, willing, smiling and helpful; and Deborah Locks acting the perfect cashier in the cafeteria —- these home “so” girls just can’t get away from the food —- and no doubt they’ll be found cooking, baking, and count. ing calories in their jobs after commencement. Chemists —- who said chemists? OK. Jack Greener, the molder of glass hearts, and John Ferraro are synonymous With research chem- istry. And of course, who could forget that twosome of Louis Do Krause and Ken Calhoun? Louis always looking for a fight and Cal invariably listening to others troubles —_ and that play boy of the department, Bernie Silvermin- dependent. temperamental musici— an that he is; but oh, what. a plan— ist! Ambitious George Bernard tak- ing chem courses ’cause he loves them, and doesn’t need the credit. Then the quiet isolationist, who is quite a chemist-Elmer Moller -—- Oh yes, and “‘Cupie doll” Ralph Wojakniewlcz who takes a lot of ribbing from his cohortsn—and the mailman of the department, Ar- thur Wright who works nights in the post office; Toribio Salvado, the radical, who's planning a revo- lution in the Phllllppines. Every group has to have a gambler and so have the chemo. —— Joe Hejna bets on anything with four legs, and wow! what a pinochle player! Then there’s Edward “Bi-Cupid“ Krasniewski DDS. to whom the boys are going to present the pla- tinum-plated loving cup —- Karl Kokot, the smooth dancer and builder of houses without walls - and Theodore Steiskal, the lone wolf of the department _.. complet- ing the list of senior chems is Paul Moy, the smiling jut jitsu artist, the proud escort of the “Ming Toy.” Moving from the chem depart- ment down to the third floor we find the graduating Kappa Kupies ~— Florence Alder with that “snorky” laugh that amuses and amazes everyone, Jeannette MacLuckie, the gal with the cap- tivating personality who’s been missed this quarter while she gives the night schoolors a treat, and Mickey Walker, the “leading lady” of Lewis aromatics, the girl. with the. unlimited vitality. “Mo and My Shadow” m Ruth Sprague, the willing worker who will undertake the projects others: hesitate to, and Lillian Snodgrass, the girl who made Lewis famous: ~~at Armour! Glamour boys all m Dick Barnes, the Gamma Rho etitrantf‘ Uncle A1” Fallunan, right in the midst of the battle; and “Super salesman” Charles Reinhardt. Glamour (stut- tered) Bernice li‘eldman’s eyes ~— the girl who takes the part of the masses. Norman Frlmer, the perfect gentleman of the class, and Syl- van Tanner, the library Cananova, dressed in the latest Hollywood manner. Then there’s our studi- ous member, Joseph Goldmanm and Leslie Kaplan, the little man who acted as disciplinarlan of the Crane boys .._. Esther Kuhn, the tops in precision ... and Aaron Sega] the “drmnatic” actor and poet of the class — William Gold defending religion, as well as be— ing an able assistant in psychol- ogy. Good natured Maude Mann and her class associates Besshart Cole, Jean Williamson, and Susan, Harrison in the cafeteria rehash- ing sorority affairs m While the inseparable lletty Deltz, Theresa Drobinsky, and Mildred Snyder combination quietly go about their way .. Ruth Storz, the lone Sigma senior. The business “econ” department is livened by Harry “I—lep Hep" Bystricky, “I‘m in the army now" and roly-poly horn-touting Jerry Gregor; Lloyd Senstrom’s dry wit and Canute Olsen’s spicy maga- zines. Wells Mori contributing to the intellect of the department as does Thomas Richardson, a real business man —- Walter Gillen ad- ding quiet sellipossession to the at- mosphere. Norman Griffin display- ing his business ability in admire lstering Polygon business.- Bob Reitz, quiet, conservative, and anx» ious to gain weight so he can get in the armymllobert Schrage, also quiet and unassuming closes the roll of these future businessmen. To end with a swing - the roar trotting "Juba Jive” sisters, Aida Kairis and Jane Goelet ~— corny jokes and mirth are theirs. Thus ends the roll and role of Lewis graduates. This is what they are now —-— what will they be ten years from now? Firszt —. The first shall be last and the last first, but this one’s F‘irszt. Aintcha, Joe? Gehle — No relation to “Gayly we danced along.” Grigas — Joe’s gonna hang around awhile. Next year’s Sr. Class need some material for touch- ball. i‘iolexa —— Salute! Dis guy ain’t never had nobody shave his mustache off. Huebner —. Huby uses Man Moun— tain Dean tactics on unwily fresh. Kurland — What else besides curls? McIntosh - A good ol’ Yiddish Name! Hoot Mon? Majko —~ Dean of the Dry laffers. Malela —— Scourge of 0. (3., Pride of the Knights of Armour and future coffee-cake expert. (continued on page five) : " I” i. W. . £9.» sweetness