TWAY 6, 1941. m up TECHNGLflGY Nlfi‘illffii U . . ‘ By E. l’. Hamiska and Bert Millevillc The third annual Co—op 03mm Hanna Ex» hib'it is located in the new Dime! research lab on State street. As in punt yours. tho on- liiiiit consiots of the product‘s of the various cooperating companies and attempts to allow visitors the kind of work the (loops (in when they are with their companion. (Jo-ops will lie on hand to answer quostjons and demonstrate the many moguls. a: c i: in In charge of general arrangement; this year is: the hard working committee of Bill Bolmi 5M, Rudy Rioficv fill, Ed» Opila all}, George Adamo till, Ed Hmogol 3B, and Dick lilodcrmunn 21$. Holding up their end of the exhibit, the junior class is dividing its; talents; in several (:lireetiono—epart on the Coop Exhibit and part in the strength of malcrials and by— draulics labs. Visitors will see the men hard at work on actual experimenm. The seniors will be doing much the some thing in the automotive lab and the steam lab. 3? til: ‘11: all Final election returns for 1941: Fresh- man class, 87 Strong, elect Kenuctn Sun, dens, president; Kenneth Johnson, vice-procl— (lcnt; lticlim-(l Ym-mnrki, uecrclary; and Richard lmdico, treasurer. 1!! >l1 an o The ITS/l banquet at tho Luke Show: Athletic Club next Wednesday, May 14, is one event the ca-ops should make 2'2 a point to attend. At this annual obindép, olhlctes and honor students receive! claw recognition for the fame they hove Mongol. their Alma. Mater. 15 1:.- rm excellent way of getting acquainted with the many calml- curricular activities available oé HT, of meeting the leading mcmbcm of film rcp- illur day school, and of showing your find a good time (for it is for the old poms, too.) Leroy Simpson 43, is handling 3&ch cu; for the soaps. Price, $1.?5 per plol‘e. llc 7% ’i: ”a“ The coop contingent of the mimic clubs in their good-will tour of the Middle View last week included Ed Opila ill, pm Two 4E5, Loo chgcl fill, Ed Marlinoltio 2B, lion Mortimer 28, and Delbert. ficlglcr 4‘53. as :k ‘t or Memo on Dr. Karma llr. W. ll. Kilfli‘ll‘. member of the pliysicc department, is working on an eiaboroic atom~smoshing machine which, when com. pleted, will focus the eyes OE the cclcmil’ic world on ll'l‘. In addition to his ocicntilic researches, this handsome scholar spends much of his time assisting troubled stu- dents with their problems and enjoying good music. His record library is among the finest and largest of any faculty rumor ber and available to interested atudema. For producing high caliber research work, for extending a helping hand, and in gen eral, for being a down-right good fellow, Dr. Karine, we salute you! 5% >2< 5; it: On May 26, the first Monday of the next work period, the Wranglers will resume ac- tive operations. These busy co-ops meal to- gether weekly during the work terms in a serious attempt to supplement their en- gineering training with a study of the flu manities, music, public speaking, and me like. Members not only get practice in de- veloping good speaking form, acquiring a working knowledge of the fundamentals of music, art, and literature, but they 3130 have frequent opportunities to talk and discuss informally with faculty members and distinguished guests fom industry. A popular feature of the ‘Wrunglcrs, and one that serves to bring students and fac— ulty closer together, is the residential meet- ing at which the boys are invited to Spend an evening with a member of the faculty and his Wife at their home. If you are interested in spending your work periods in this profitable way, ask Mics Ludlow in the Co-op office for further information. Olbcr Compuscs By Charles 1. Ball At. a “l“!unkors’ Frolic" (lance recently uponsorcd by Blue Key, national honor lim- ti-rnity at indium: Stale. 'l‘cncliors College, anyone, pout-losslng a gigantic cowl will}: one flunk or two deferred grades was admitted free. «v hi: it. it Courses relating to murriogo and family life are now being offered by more than, 300 colleges and universiticu throughout the country, it :6; av a: Two ongincors at lilo University of Siam Hal; warmly tried on fly a sign by moons 0f: :2 kilo. The kite broke loose and tangled with some telephone wit-cc, whereupon the iwo milled the fire tloparl'mom which ar- rivczl with slnmik. siren and book mull lml~ tier. After they “lead umckly taken down the kilo, tho firemen fletcmiincllly sold the un- fortunule engineers lwo lickcln lo line Film» men‘s; Emil. u a: a: , o ’l‘welvo coeds at Barnum college are now enrolled in tho practical mechanics course and looming bow to ropulr automobiles. av >2: ‘0: to Thin poem, written by a member of an English clans of mm Univcmlly of ‘Wosli- inglon, which hall to moot in the chomistiy building, mutually applies lo Chopin Hall. Sing a. song of sulfide, A beaker full of lime, Four and lwcnly lost woos Breaking all the time, And when the hour). is opcncd, ’1'ch {miles began. to mole. Isn‘t this an (awful place To spend Zwo days a week? 3k iii 331 fl: Kay Kym-r, 1927 gruifillmil: of Nov”: Car- olina unlvm‘nity, was cwoutly appoint/ed vlcc pt'ositlcnl of the school’u board of lili‘co torn. wk Alt 3% w Eleven Holstein cowu, owned by South Dakota college, last year pl'oilucod enough milk to supply '15 fon'illlcs with {our quarts daily. ll: ’r'F 1!; I; A few day/1; ago the sludmig of like Uni- versity of Kansas had a holiday from scllool and spent the limo digging domicilom from the campus, Before noon over ion ions of the yellow weed were gothcrctl in; like 3,400 elzlcrpriuing Modems (waisted by {he incul- ty. Even ihc local theatres coopcmlocl and loci; in dtmdclions as part pomp/cm for lick;~ em. all: it fit k At, the present time them are lilo junior colleges in the United Stolen which have a lotal number of over 236.61% otwllcmo. * it is file .' on emporium-m, by tho homo communion ‘ .‘ at liotlcr “university, oi}; whim rain»: will b? l‘cd tho sownllmi typical collogialc allelwszmtlwicbcn, coca coin and calmly burn. We pity the poor 'ats. K: 1k 1% Ii: The University of Kansas new 039ch a course in movie appreciation. 3% 33: ”k n? By a vow of two to one tho students at Bradley Tech of Peoria, Illinois. unload that they Eli‘efllll’l‘cfl sweet over swing music. For their favorite orchestras the men: voted Glenn Miller tops in swing and Wayne King in sweet; the women voted Kay Kyuor first in owing and also ‘Wayne King in sweet. 35: i: :3 f5 Gallaurlet college at Washington, 110., is; the only college for the deaf in the world. ll: >i< 2‘: Among the occupation»; of students work- ing their way through ‘Wlwaton college in included the job of corn demoocling. * . Verne Herrel is the only male stuuent at Stout Institute taking a home economics course. He says he chose cooking in prefer- ence to cabinet making, but maybe he also likes the company. :2: =‘s rs =k That college students are good loan risks is shown by the record of the Elmivcmity oi“ Michigan which has loaned out over $1,811,- (llll) since 1897. Only thrccmquartcm of one per cent of the money loaned to the stu- dents has been chair-goal oil as a loss, and this was canned by death or permanent disabil» ivy. iizl’ccicpf My checkered two—visored cap just some basic from the cleaners, and I’ve given my magnifying gloss a good dose of Window so I can see through all of you. and your so?» version activities. So luck; in. your bib while I dish out (I. few tempting Tech News Party Tidbits If only the Armour Student Lounge could talk!!! Let’s give the elasticity of our imaglm atlonu a good workout, now, hop on our magic carpet and pay a. visit to Ye Olde Lounge. Carpet: “All I remember were those Merit-y Morons making like Indians, hold- ing their Pow Wow, and putting away their cokes, sandwiches, cake, and ice cream all over me. I noticed, too, the other guests looking longingly in our direction, but they just. couldn’t let down their back hair enough to join the sla-meppy oquuws and lheir balmy braves. Time out, now, while i shake the crumbs out of my hair, and let out a good healthy ugh!” The (tunnel: in the winner: “Never before, in all my colorful career, have I sat in on, or been sat on, by such unusual set ups. Little Mary Ann was having a double dose of (loublodato dilemma with Lamina on one side,.aml Gummy; on the other. But then, to make mutton; even more complicaled, when these chickens left, in favor of a bunch of calories and vitamins, along came "Uncle Emmy-41¢: of“ the Elite Efficient Escort, Service, Inc, with two comely co-ecls who arrived Luiunuchcd. I could almost see Woimmnn in his Boy Scout britchesl! Well, the stage downstairs wants.- to speak hill little piece, so take it away, Antllboriumll" mime: “Suzi-ivy, now—«l thought I'd heard the Androws’ Sisters, Senor Carmello, and Nelson Eddy backed up by the Don Cossack Choir for free Saturday night! But they tell me it was; only the Trio, Bill Limbo, and “lizmlhl‘ul” Mill, l’levu coyly singing the lomleut, of the junior clvils. I smothered a grin in my curtains, however, when I heard l'rol‘. Helu‘ll‘lllkfi refuse to leave until the trio hull rendered, and (lien watched him light; out immediately afterwards. Too much for you, l’rof? Well, time to pull down the curtains and get a little shut eye, now!!” Now let your imaginations snap back . . . ouch!!—--unrl I’ll just add that the grand finale was reached with the advent of Bucky ‘Wullm- and Joe Mingu. They claim they got stuck at the Grotto . . . Well, did you finally get her phone number, boys?? li‘rom wherc I sit, it lookc mighty like the (lamina ltlno’s are going to be muscled out of the allections of the coeds. At the last l’lii lino date dinner there were some- thing like six Lewis Lovlicc present. Better look sharp, fellows!!! information, P1011545 Anymore knowing the whereabouts of The Barn, please contact Ronnie Smith. The merry chase was on for two hours, with Ronnie Smith leading his little flock astray over every road on the southwest side. And what, happened to Doris Tully? It took her five tries to flag down a car to help with that flat tire (no, not R. 8.) And with those logs, honeyll To the lolly in No. Ten Lullaby Lane: That, was a meeting of the Brothers and Sisteis Club camped wuuud that flat with Leo Orsi acting as traveling emisoary to gas stations. If you want to see the rest of the show, come to Open House. Newsomo Twosomo The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and all, for Lonnie and Gloria . . . the new h—m-m-m-m of the week. Gruesome Twosomc .lioo Minga and “Alon” Perkins must be suffering from delusions of grandeur. It seems they’re laboring under the illusion that, they’re Prince Charmings. They were seen cavorting around room 336 with a size 6AA. But the idea is to find Cinderella, boys, not hang it up on the wall maps!!! Then there’s “Pickle Puss" Kairis, being stuffed! to the gills with 011115! We are pleas.— ed to announce that Aida does not have the mumpsll Open. H ouse is the next doings on the (loc— ket. to be followed by the Junior Informal, I see by the papers, So clean up your specta- tors, girls, and get out the b’ar grease, boys, and I’ll be seeing you there! THE FEFEH CQLWR’lNEST PAGE ’3 WWMMWWW wwow .mec- cm)” 4L F) . . ...... Wool? 'éoccf-woooccccfi“ Wm mW/vol lily Boll Saigli Topping the Victor list of releases for this: week. are a couple of swell Latin Amer- ican numbers played by Leo Reiuman and his orchestra. On the one side is a tango “'l‘liey Mot in lilo" from the: picture “Tlmt Night in lilo" which features a vocal by Sui-u Home. On the reverse side is a rumba “Clinical Chico Boom Chic" featuring Anita Boyer with the vocal. (Victor, 27383) . . . Emu-lo Madriguom also prosentn two very good Latin American numbers, a bolero and a conga, “lit the Mal-all Gran" and “Bin Bonn llum" with Patricia; Gilmoro and Tito Rook rigue'. (icing the singing. (Victor, 273%) . . . For Columbiu, the King of the Rumbas, Xuvior lingual. does “Bulimia”- and “malnouri- m.“ Miguelim Valdez handles the vocals on both cities. Poul Es‘olcr does a brilliant job of playing the piano on the second number, (Columbia, 36083”). “mam" Waller uses both the piano and! organ in swinging “ll Wanna mom- Swing fiongu" and “Lot‘s (lot Away ll‘i'om It All." Both are played and sung in Fats own in imitable way and there is plenty of his plane which makes thic record a real suc‘ cess. (llluobiml, ll-l‘lllili) . . . ll‘llorry lumen combines “Dolores" with “Walkin' by like River" for a clever bit of work. On the firat Harry's; very tricky trumpet. really is ouo standing. The second number is: a fine dance piece and features Dick “laymen on the vocal. (Golumbia, 36069) . . . For the jitter- hugs ’l‘ouy l’nnior and his boys play a solid n‘umbcr called “Copley Square." Coupled with this rather fast one is a slow and lazy Lune “liraggin’ "' which has Tony at the mike all tho way. (Bluebird, 13-11119) . . . Walking In tho Wind" is brought to us by lliek Jurgono and is played in a slow, soft pace. Hurry Cool presents an outstanding vocal. On the reverse side is “Mornlu’ on the Farm" which is played in a little faster tom» ‘ p0. Rural sound ellects are featured in this novelty piece. iludtly Moreno scores with his singing. (Olwh, oil/l) . . . Modern vor- sions of “Wlmro lino Mounuiinn Moot mo Moon" mud “l‘orspiezlolty” are given by the King Sisters. These familiar tunes are’ real- ly done up brown by the Sisters. (Bluebird, “099). ’l‘lilo lli‘icoolkuw (continued from page six) Lambda Xi 27~9 last week. Hussander, Hack- harth, and Sundstrom led the batting attack to support the pitching of “Swede” Larson, while Katzback and Hackbarth starred in the field. Most of. the Sigs agree that they probably owe their victory to the fact that Vimm played on the other side. 'l‘riungle’s “Senior Farewell” dance is; go- ing to be held oi; the, Edgowolcr Beach on Friday May 2:}. Proporationo for the coming Junior wcck activities are keeping the Tri- angle boys buoy. They’ve practicing: for tho Sing and Skill, am] say with pardonalllo pride, “we look plenty good.” m it '4: 44 Last Sunday at a smoker attended by several members of the Lewis chemistry department, the lModlalians inducted three men into their midst. Those who were add» crl to the group entitled to wear the “D” and the wings are: Lowell Stevenson, Ken. notli (Calhoun, and Tail Kowaislci. (Note: At this writing the boys seem to have fully re- covered.) From the west coast comes word that an alumnus, .lolm Supple, recently won the Los Angeles, Calif., bowling tournament. Upon viewing the newspaper clippings etc, it seems that Johnny was a dark horse who more or less walked away with the honors heaped upon his brow. And so the “D’s” carry on! On May 2, members; of Gamma Rim had a meeting at the home of ficwio Hci‘uog. Professor ll. Roy Mathews, a member of the Lewis faculty, and an alumnus of Gamma Rho, spoke to both the active and alumni chapters on “The Present Situation in Eu rope.”