l ‘ FREE; 22, 15341 .«ew TEEHNOHJS’IFGY mmnmmmmiml NEWE By E. P. Hanuoka and Burt Millevilio Well, three Weeks have flown bymami here we sit like birds in, the wilderness . . . birds in the wilderness . . . The senior class has elected the follow— ing men as officers for the year: Rudy filed or, president; Carl Swanson, vice-president; Hillard Stryz, secretary-treasurer. The sophomores (they of the red sweao tors) have also elected new officers with these results: Richard Bicdcrmann, presi dent; Ellsworth Packard, vice—president; Arnold Kramer, socretarylrcasurcr. #1 ft ’1? ah FLASH! George Adamo 43 has been an pointed the coop representative to the Dean 5 Committee on Open House. Thin hotly consists of one man from each department and its function is to organize available ma- terials around the Institute in preparation for Open House. You have our host wishes, George. it * )6: all Lease Breakers, inc. (Fred unanimity and Flex-b Smith 385;) have thoroughly aroused the ire and disguat of the M16320 craftsmen. So defectively do they rcntlcr (it’s sup- posed to be crooning) the clung-aloe ihai even the termites have forsaken their physics building home. Stop us if we're wrong about it, out wit appears that the (loath knell has been sounded for the Coop Open House exhibit. With loco than two weeks remaining before Junior Wool: and the (to-operating concerns prone cupicd with defense orders, etc—Winona for the exhibit would require much more cilort than appears to he iorth‘ coming, so let it he with Caesar. The above “death notice" was wrilicn be fore it was known that any action vi» .3: he- ing taken in connection with the coop cxv hibit. However, last Friday. Pi’eciiient l'lietlv or appointed Bill liohco 58 as chairman of the Co-op Committee on Open Motion to work with the presidents of the other four classes, or men who they would appoint, in preparing the co—op exhibit. All correu pondence and information relating to the exhibit should be sent to and discusvecl with Mr. Bobco who is now in complete charge. His program may be secured from Mien. Lucilow in the coop office. >5: * a: ll; Proi'cacor Yellott has proven himself 7.0 he a “regular fellow” (senior mechg: “You ain’t telling us nuttin’.”) according to Messrs. Sullivan, Hanncman, illclllnnis, and Hannska who accompanied the prof. to the student conference of the ASME in Detroit last week. Going up and coming back, he entertained the boys with whistled rendi- tions of every classical selection suggested (this proving him to be a real music lover) and joined in all the songs, collegiate, popu- lar, and otherwise, that the quinteite could think of. ti. very versatile fellow, this man, Yolk)“. 9% ii; 3i: Fl‘ The coop baseball teams are at last swinging intoaction with several games scheduled for this week. Jim 'l‘liozios 48 is manager of the juniors, who have lost none of last year’s strength and will probably win this year (so We hope.) Dick manic. wicz 38 has taken the reins of the prejunior squad. 'Dick promises to do at least twice as good as last year, when the team won ’one game. The seniors, on the other hand, were somewhat nettled by the dismal re. port of the Naval physical exams, and as a result, their efforts in the spring campaign are expected to be negligible. #5 :k v a: Freshmen, please note: There will be a meeting of your class some time this week ijI‘ the purpose of electing officers and ac- :quainting you with the extra-curricular ac- 'ivities available Within the Institute, live Quinlan Maul (5095i liohert J. Crcugan Alpha Sigma fill won the lntcrl’ratcrnity Swim last Wednesday, with the Phi Hops second, Triangle third, Delta fourth, and Rho Delis fifth. It was an exciting meet with several outstanding performers. Gage wars the high point man for the Alpha Sign, and he set a good example for the rest of his team. Dick Taylor paced the Phi Kaps who gave the Alpha Sigs plenty of compo tition until the very and. Beta Omega Nu will have a new house for their next meeting. Sam’s at Twenty-ninth and Indiana. will be the scene of the house warming when the Boners move into their new quarters. Merle Dorglc was initiated at the last formal meeting. Pledge Ed Can mody was unable to attend the last meeting because he had swum one too many races for the Bolts. Pledge Bud Gullett is; look- ing forward to the opening ceremonies at the new house. Phy lioppn Elgma‘s liloihcr’o Club held their semi-annual card party at the fraterni— ty house on Michigan Avenue. As usual the house was overcrowded with card tables and card sharks. lie-int Tau Doha had a dinner party at the house before the Freshman 'i‘oildle last week. The guests arrived and picked at their food until time for the dance. Every‘ one was so nervous that neverzil girls had difficulty in keeping peas on their knives. Ed Moore and Tom Gulliver: enjoyed the evening with Helene Wooleon and Marcel- la (larrity, respectively (hut not respect- fully). helm Lambda Xi has elected new officers tor the next school year as follows: (Emmi! Mahler, William Viam‘d, EEK; Growl l’roz-urziima John W‘bm'k, Emil; Grand Murillo, {llmrlm illit‘hnmn, Milli: lrltml Bur»: my, Mitchell .‘i’imppliu, Milli; Inner final-(l. lilowm‘cl llomicr, Elli}: 912201" Gum-{L Uharlou llcllrona, llillll. mined Egon ll: HOBDESSES By Helen Momullo Now that the “Spring Swing Number 4” and the candy sale at Armour have been re» corded in the annals of successful 194.1 events, the lilambtias will concentrate on their pledges. Interesting letters concern- ing their jobs and associates plus their pledge duty research are being: received each week from the pledges that have joined the ranks of working women. Theme girls, Elole Rysdcn, Lorraine Anderson, and Joanna Altenkamp, are working at Bauer and Black, Wieboldt’s and Harris Trust Company, respectively. The other two pledges, Rae and Phyllis, are dutifully obey— ing verbatim the wishes of the actives. Sometime in the very near future, the pledges will have their hell week, after which they will be formally initiated. The monthly meeting of the Lambdas will be held way out in Blue island at Mary Ann’s house on Sunday, April 27. Kappa: Phi llcllo extends its best wishes to Mm; Olive Pierce Hazel, an almunue member and director of the drama club, for her speedy recovery, Mrs. Hazel, who sulf- crcrl from a triple fractured ankle, has spent many tedious hours: in the Evanston hospital. We join the Kappas in this wish. Among the working Kappas are Jeannette Macliuckic, who has obtained a position with Commonwealth Edison, and Mm. Sny- der. the former Elizabeth Little, who is assisting in the Home Ec department. Last Tuesday, the Sig-nun; entertained their rushecs at a luncheon in the cafeteria. Besides the rush lunchcona, the girls have planned many gay affairs; to bo hold in the near future. Ami now with May and June so near at hand all of the sororities are making plans for elections, installations, and farewells to graduates. The Easter [funny brought in; as whole batch of Easlm‘ eggs. He had a jaw loll over, so inc decided to rid him of like warping: right here and now. But Easter Bunny, you sum Mt one at our house Sunday morning with Him mainly old lily. 07' maybe Mormon Grif- fin (film; just being unfair to organized labor when he .‘ip'l‘Outcd an orchid for his Mica of l‘hc pretticxt gal in the [folder pamdc. Oh, well a: (cast my lilly smells . . confidentially. Navymuymph Moiict and Marinemcrinalfl ll'laiiihcr are both in the same hoot. Seems they’re between the devil and the deep blue sea, that is, with their loves in abso- lute ahsemia. Just having gobs and gobs: of lrouble, aren’t you, girls! But just keep in mind that ancient adage concerning the quantity of aquatic cranlate veriebinte llip‘ ping about the bi‘iny deep. While in the department of absent amours, hotly Kenne- iiy’u drooping jowls can be attributed to ”Quixote” Quint’s journeys which wITlifli him this time ‘way down in Ohio. ‘Why don‘t you gals organize the “Love us and Leave Us We‘ll Show You" club}! Ethel Witt humming “There’ll Be Some Changes Made” these days. One glance at this Kappa Kupie is enough to convince us! She‘s turning into a real, honeabiogood- nous, bona fide, glimmer ghoul, complete with that shiny eyed 100k, and blushes in several different shades; of red. For why, Ethel? The latest musical gem to be turned out of the Lewis Little School of Lyric Lalapa— loozas and Musical Moments is “Where’s My Heart?” Music and heart-rending lyrics by that up and coming song writing team, l’l’eiss~Reailc. Personal to the Steamshovclerz In this day and age, 0h Steamshovolcr, it pays to keep up with the times. True, things hap- pen at so rapid a pace in these modern times, that the slower members of our unique society doubtless find it very com fusing. But if you will kindly refer to a previous issue of the Tech News, you will note an item with reference to one Fill Bellman attending Lewis. Up to the minute news, after all, is the criterion of any news- paper. Why don’t you read a good column once in a while, and catch up with us . . . we’ll wait for youll liliiullrivyl Julian's pin is still making the roundsw and this time it may come back with a Chi- noso accent. Seems the llaundryman is the latest to receive the coveted honor of (lieu covering that fickle frat pin hanging on one of his shirts. Vclly silangc pcopc, these Phil Klanu!!! But as; they say, it invariably all (tomes out in the wash. Pretty hot stuff, is Gracie 'i‘aa‘licril No hand holding for that little miss for a while! Her digits are in a pitiable state of lethar- gy after her attempt at plucking a hot grate from atop the stove, Bumy, burnyll Don't you have an old driver’s license, a letter oi“ introduction, or any other means of identification, .limo Keller? A number of the male quota from Lewis were heard excluiming in extremely audible tones, “Who’s the babe?” Okay, babel! Oh, my doom! Did you hear about the Gmnma Rhos’ and the Lainhflau' proxy and vice-proxy attending Miss Forbes’ tea last Sunday in honor of Mr. and film. Knapp?? it was vcddy, veddy, they tell me. Aw, kids, quit the Major League stuff and join us in the Minors, wontchal? Pink lemonade and elephants are in the oiling, now! Yep~the circus has at last hit the Stadium. 111‘ has been notified that their freak show is rather small, but hold out for higher wages, kidsll Maybe they ought to see highiiier Tully, if they’re on the lookout for talent; ’cause there she was, rescuing her shoe from the top of the window in the News Office. Such claringl That happy little fixer, (Jack Cholmian) believes in doing things up right . . . none of that half-way stuff for him! The little boy scout, whilst doing his good deed for the day by fixing the sugar bowl cover for the help in Ye Olde Cafe at Lewis, found the whole business in his cup of java. I’ve heard of doughnut and cookie dunkers, but sugar howl tops!!! Flossic Mosul, too. be- lieves in lending the helping hand. The mathematical whiz was Viewed sitting on the stairs explaining the intricacies of trig to some wayward youth. Looks like another storm brewing, so pardon us while we duck into the nearest shelter. From the looks of this downpour, next week’s column will be just plain mud! THE mourn CilithiNlS’l‘. WWWAWWWWWWM‘WWW Wfifim '5’ Wu c, d . , y? Not so long ago liloruco llfioitlt and his Musician] Knights; brought out u now num- hor. “Fl-loudly flkworn Polka,” on a Column bin room-(l (360%) which it; no uucooncl‘ul it challenges tho “Moor Barrel Polka” for the most, popular tavcm song. Alt tho proclaim; time thin rocoml lioatio tho hoot ooi‘lor lint ol‘ (‘lolumbiu popular room-(ls . . . Elcvorznl other bands; have picked up the tuna and have mmlo rocortin ol‘ it. Frankie Miniature“ vuruion is coupled with “molorcn” and Ecu- turoo a crook vocal ohorua by Frankie. (Olmh, 13142). filammy liliuyo aloo recorded it and paired it with “Hmvuilon Sonnet.” 'l‘lic linyc rocomll lilatiurou in main ohortm and plenty of Gorimm llaiul olllocin. 'llho inland millilmr la vol-y omootli mod was written by filmnmy until his brother. Marty Mchnnu gives; tho vocal on it. (Victor, W381). Duke Ellington has; come out with some more of his very excellent swing stuli’. “'ll‘alkc tho ‘li’ 'JIFi-aln" is board on one. side and naturally foaluroo tho Illulto‘s archeo— lriiizlng genital-i. The coupling is a very 1m- usual and clever veriiion of “iliilowulko of. Now York." (Viol/or. M380) . . . Guile Kim“ pin goes sweet in his; latest offerings, “ill‘ho Things i Love" and “Little Man With o. Unruly Cigar." The first features a vocal by Howard llu Lanny and is at real topnotch dance piece. In the second number Gene beats the drums for the background of a clever arrangement. (011mb, 61413) . . . For those who like to hear the classics ewung, Jack 'lfoamzirtlon has it for you this week with filaclmmninoflh “Pmludo in ‘C" Elnora) Minor" On the reverse side in board “llluo to the hourly" (Decca, {lil'lllll . . . The best Columbia release of the week is Hourly (lootlman‘o record of “'Jllalco it" and “Yuma.” 0n the first we hear the Goodman clarinet joined by Comic Willlinmn’ trumpet, Lou Mcharity'o trombone and Johnny Guarnlor at the piano. This combination gives no one ol‘ the liner-it swim: clot-mulch over to be manic. The coupling is done in a moderate tempo and features a vocal by Halon Hl‘orroot. (Col- umbia, llllliil'l') . . . [liviuo ltoy alga turns to the classics this week with another over- ture. Having just finished the “William ’i‘oll" ovorturc, he gives; out with the “Light Cavalry" overture. Coupled with it is “Ilmapoln” which is played slow and sweet. (Bluebird, BJHWBL no» null .— (conlinucd from page six) ”De man in room sebcn done ham] hlsoelf.” “Hanged himself? Did you cut him down?" "No, sch. He ain’t (lead y/t't”. L I}! a w o ‘What a Bushman! Two waiters; were standing by a table on which John McMurphy, after a hard day’s work, had fallen asleep. “I’ve already wakencd him twice,” said the first waiter, “and i'm going to wake him a third time." “Why don’t you wake him and suggest he leave?” asked the other. The first waiter shook his head artfully “Nothing doing,” he whispered. “Every time i wake him up he pays his bill.” . v ii a: >5: She (coyly): Your a bad boy, Milt, don't you dare kiss me again. He: I won’t. Pm just trying to find out who has the grape juice at this party. a a 31‘ a Fl‘fld lllhlcrt: “Why do you call your girl friend Muscles?" Johnny Martin: “Aw, because she’s in everybody’s arms.” #E ill 1% l? Fire Service Farmer Apple/snooker retired and moved lo the big city. In the morning, after spend- ing the first night in the new home, his wife said: “Well, Pa, hain't 2'! about time you was grilling up to build the fire?” “No, sirec,” replied the old gent. “l"il call the fire department. We might as well get used. to these city conveniences right now.” on: Milli -m—wxwwmmmmmh...