APR] L 22, «1941 um: m illihhih ”i'hhh Soiihuil Tohvhhhihhth finial" “imhio Whoh ilhtloi‘ {hull glohm hid gami‘fié l’ii‘ohei‘ Nomiiil‘iw llhi Latvia Deprived of a perfect game only by a lapse of defense, Sitiney Cam— ms pitched a no hit hall for seven innings as the softball season opened at Lewis. His; amazing ac— complishment in slow-pitching softball together with the Dowel» ful hat of Jack Suriano enabled the Moleculeg, led by (Ia-Captain Jack Cliakoian and Joe Minga to overwhelm Captain Morton Le— vin’s Cougars to the tune of 43- 0 Hit Five Baublos A barrage of 48 hits, including ten home runs, was started in the first inning with the Molecules tallying nine runs. Circuit clouti; by Suriano and Kaazen led the em tack and were supported by five doubles and three singles. The Cougars were held to three infield flies in their half of the inning. The bombardment continued in the second inning with eight more runs paced by Suriano‘s second home run and a triple by limit l’achowic. Thirteen in Fifth The big round for the Molecules was in the fifth in which thirteen runs were scored! and seventeen batters faced the Cougar twirlei‘. Employees Eliminated in Armour Games Tuesday, March 15, four more teams battled for the intramural baseball crown. Ed Koziol pitched the Junior Chemicals to a 20 to 4 victmy, allowing only two hits for his victims the Sophomore Fire Protects. The game was crowded with errors, both teams making a total of seventeen. The outstand- ing player of the day as James Ray, the Chems second baseman, a gr's s59 “flimsy. ! i “(r “3"" " mama: who led his; team with his consist- ent hitting. The second game paired the Gx'cencapss and the Employees. The Employees, depending upon the lost power of second baseman, Sonny Weissiman, lost to the count of 12 to 2. It seems that Sonny couldn’t get his "home-run" eye much to the disappointment of the spootmom. Wmlnezsday’s ggames were all rained out and will be played this week. The schedule for the coming wool: is very heavy, but elimina- tion of a team earlier in the woclt matmimiiczilly cancels a game. TECHNDE/DGW NEWS 23? LEWIS (Pivot Round) Apr. 15 Moleculesl-Chcm Cougars Apr. 17 MoleculeS‘Emilicumi's Aqua 1'? Chem.liJougm'uwMuhicuhu Apr. 18 illiigincom-Eradicatora Apr. 22 lilolccules-lillolli‘lczms Apr. 22 Ch. C(mgam-lllmdicutors Apr. 3% Mohicauns-Emdlicatom i’lpr. 25 Molecules-Engineers Apr. 29 Ch. Cougorsdllnginoers May 2 Mohicans-Engineom (Second Round) May ti Molecules-Ch. Cougzim May 8 Moloculcs-Ermlicziwi'o May 8 Ch. Cougars-Mommas May S) Engihcei-s-Emdiwmm May 13 Moicculuas»Mohicana May 13 Ch. Cougarsflmdjmiom May is Mohlcans-‘lilmdlimtom Ma}; 16 hllolceulesvlllngincerts May all Enginecrs’mi. Cougars May 2:; lliohimnsdfilngincom Illinois; "ll”ltloli Ihl’mmhmi hhiihull [ARMOUR TUEEDAY 2~3 Sow: Civilsfloph Mocha 3-4 Sopli Choms’Jr. Chums WEl‘JNESDAY $le0 Sr. Juilcerler. FEE {9‘11 551‘. Civlls-flloph Jujcem 12-1 Kills-'99P. Mocha; .2 Six Chemo-fill Cunops THERSDAY “-12 Sr. FPE~2B Coops: 122-1 Sharks-14305.]: Arx fl~2 lintsJWlniuzkiils 2~3 Jr. Juicers—Eagles; FRIDIlY 940 Sr. Juicy-email (Jo-ops: ill-iii Soph (Evils-Jr. Aim 12.1 Eopli Juioters-Gmoiwuna L2 31‘. Julimrwfilmrlto 2-3 Jr. Civilsfloph Mocha MQLECULES POST SECOND TRIUMPH Despite an injury to their star twlrlor. Sid Camras, who was well on his way to his second no hit game, the Molecules continued limit winning ways by defeating the Emdlcutors 53-2 last Thursday. Czimz‘as was injured in the third inning, catching a line drive, and badly sprained a few fingers. Jack Chziltoian finished the game, ul- lowing only three hits, and two unearned mills. Although Boy Meyer, Illrudicah or pitcher, subdued the Molecule power hitters throughout most of: the game, he was unable to pre- vent the usual fifth inning spree in which four runs were scored. The Eradicators scored their runs on two hits and two errors in the fourth inning. Their re- maining hit which came in the sixth inning was unproductive. Phlflllll J ll: W SQPHQMQRE MEQHS Willi” fllfitiill‘USM-ilifi Last Thursday due to’the rainy weather only one game was play- ed. But, this game was a hang up battle between the Soph Mocha and the Freshmen Starduaters, with the Mechs winning in extra innings 8 to 6. " ' At the very start, it seemed as though the Macho would make a run away as pitcher Jack Byrne, the first man 1119, hit a long fly that lvo Budcleke let sail over his head for a home run. This helped the Mechs get oil? to an early lead which they held until the fifth. ' In the fifth the Stardusters bounced back: with 3 runs to tie the game. In the first of the eight, Midge Goluska led all with a hit. , Then the frehhmen blew up and on two costly errors Goluska and another Mesh scored to win. the mm: WEEK'S} momma“ Armour College MONDhY all (Jo—0pm .; 8m. ll‘ll’lll, 8 9m lilo-ops, ill; 51% Oomph. tl TWESHA‘M lmcncxnph, 1,2; lfliliployooh, 2 Jr. Chaim. 20; llloph WW], l rmmmmv Soph Mocha, a; Stardom/cw, ll @hfllflm, ll; Eagles, 4 FRIDAY Soph Chemo, 12:; Fresh Aim, ll "vow Qililfillfl. DAD ought to know. Look at the wall behind him—bis personal military history. Photo 0;? the trocap. 13ml lay himself, very proud in his okl-atyle chokencollar blouse. (laid his decorations—the Order of the l’utplc Heart, SfllVWY EQLDEERE” Victory Medal, Ctoix cle Guam with palm. ”You savvy quick, soldier," he says to his son as that chip all the old black in the new uniform mofl‘clrs Camels. “These were practically 'rcgulmion’ cigarettes with the army man i knew. Lots of other things have changed, lam. Mot a soldier’s 'smokin’o.’ ” just seems that Caron” ”"0" a a a; ‘...‘¢ yum... Right! Mainly, amt! ior more than 233 yeum, reports; from fill-my Post Exchanges show that? manuals aim the iavmilh. Ami in Navy maximums, mo, Camels we preiermci. with more people than any other cigarette - whethct they’re wearing 0.1)., blues, or civvies. You’ll savvy, too—and quick «with your first puff of a slower-burning Camel with its extra mildnesa, extra coolness, and extra flavor, why it’s the "front-line" cigarette! The Smoke of Slowezufiuming Camels gives you EXTRA MILDNESS, EXTRA COOLNESS, EXTRA FLAVOR and than the average of the 4 other largest-selling cigarettes tested—Jess than any of mama-according to independent scientific tests of the smoke itself @ What cigarette are you smoking now? The odds are that it’s one of those included in the famous “nicotine-in-the—smolce” labora- tory test. Camels, and four other largest—sell- ing brands, were analyzed and compared . . . over and over again . . . for nicotine content in the smoke itself! And when all is said and done, the thing that interests you in a ciga- rette is the smoke. YES, 5:61, THE SMOEE’S YES 'FHENG! SMQKE EAMEESE WTHE filfli/lilfi’lllffi @? éflfi’lfil R. J. Reynold}; 1'0ch (‘ BUY CAMELS BY THE CARVGN - FOR cONVENlENCE, FOR ECEBNOMV BY BURNING 25% BLOWER than the average of the 4 other largest- selling brands tested —— slower than any of them - Camels also give you a smoking Mus equalmn the average, to 5 EXTRA SMOKES PER PACK! mmy, Winning» Finlnm,Narlh Cu ullna .,;. i v J' A ~ my - 4W4!» «a, , . .. .