OPINION 2 CAMPUS 3-6 ABE 7-9 SLIPSTICK 10 SPORTS ll Kori Downs EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Every fall, to kick off the new school year, the Oflice of Campus Life (OCL) orga- nizes Welcome Week, a week of fun events that help new students get a taste of what Illinois Tech has to offer and helps returning students rejoin the [IT community. This year’s upcoming Welcome Week schedule was recently announced, including a whopping total of more than 30 events in the span of just a few days. Events this year include new events, such as a resident advisor vs. ori- entation leader soccer match and a pep rally to pump up some scarlet hawk pride, as well as some favorite events from previous years, such as Fresh in the CIITy, a city-wide scavenger hunt, and Playfair, a collection of icebreaker games played at a huge scale. Ryan Miller, Associate Vice Provost for Campus Life, had a few thoughts to share regarding this year’s Welcome Week. “The goal Student newspaper of the Illinois Institute of Technology since 1928 Office of Campus Life prepares 2014 Welcome Week of Welcome Week is just what it sounds like. We know that coming back to classes isn't al- ways the most fun thing in the world, but our goal is just to make everyone feel welcome at IIT,” said Miller. “We hope that by providing a few fun activities mixed in with some offi— cial ones, we can get everyone acclimated to campus and making a friend or two before the grind of class starts up.” The theme of this year’s Welcome Week has been announced as #TeamTalon, alluding to Illinois Institute of Technology’s athletic mascot, the IIT Scarlet Hawk named Talon. Miller says this theme aims to bring awareness to and reinforce the important role of school spirit in our campus community. Miller also says he hopes to see more people engaged with IIT and Campus Life through social media. “We are hoping to have students develop more pride for IIT, especially sur- rounding our athletics,” he said. Even more than with years past, this year’s Welcome Week events aim to kickstart the formation of the IIT community that we all love. All students who participate will have the chance to make some great friends, learn something new, and maybe step a bit outside of their comfort zone. When asked what part of Welcome Week he is looking forward to most, Miller said, “My favorite day of Welcome Week is Fri- day. We start off with the academic breakfasts where people get a chance to meet specific fac— ulty members. We then go into Convocation where everyone gets the official welcome from the president and provost. My favorite activity of the day is the student involvement fair im- mediately after Convocation. That’s when we get to see all of the student organizations shine and show all of the new students why they should join.” After Welcome Week concludes and classes begin, be sure to expect a variety of fun things happening on campus, many of which are thanks to the efforts of OCL stafi'. Stuart students apply business and finance skills in industry competitions Kayla Ponillo TECHNEWS WRITER Each year, students from IIT Stuart School of Business enter a variety of industry competitions, applying the skills they learn in the classroom to real-world business situations. Here are just a few highlights from the 2013-2014 academic year. A team of IIT Stuart students placed first in the Chicago local-level competition of the Chartered Financial Analyst Institute Research Challenge in February 2014, besting teams from seven Chicago-area finance programs. At the Chicago-area final, competitors presented their equity valuation research to top executives at the featured company, Littelfuse, Inc., which is based in Chicago. This year, over 385 teams from around the globe participated in the 2014 CME Group Trading Challenge, and a team from IIT Stuart finished in the top 10 percent of all competitors, advancing to the championship round. Student teams used a simulated trading environment to trade CME wringing: Group products over the four-week electronic trading competition. In addition, three M.S. Finance students from IIT Stuart School of Business were recognized as top performers in the 2013-2014 All-America Student Analyst Competition, sponsored by Institutional Investor magazine. One student was recognized as a top performer in the sector performance competition, ranking both 3rd in the Energy sector and 5th in the Capital Goods/Industrials sector. Another student ranked 18th in the long alpha ranking and 78th overall of the top 100. The third student finished 24th out of the top 100. More than 2,100 students from 82 schools participated. Illinois Institute of Technology was also recognized as one of only 30 schools with more than one student in the top 100. IIT Stuart undergraduate students also can put their investing skills to the test in the student-run Undergraduate Business Council Online Investment Competition. The month-long stock trading challenge was designed to help undergraduates apply their financial expertise in a simulated, student- run competition. More than 20 students entered, and three sophomores took home first, second, and third place prizes. Students are also rewarded for their efforts. In a joint initiative with Chicago Innovation Awards, more than 100 IIT Stuart students entered to win $10,000 in scholarship prizes for their innovative business ideas. Top winners were enrolled in IIT Stuart’s dual—degree M.B.A. and Master of Design program, with additional prize winners representing the M.B.A. and M.S. Marketing Analytics and Communication programs. “When my team won the Rotman Design Challenge last year, I started thinking that the combination of the Institute of Design program and Stuart M.B.A. is more powerful than I thought.” commented Thomas Gaskin, part of the team that took home the Gold prize. “This win reinforces the impact of design strategy and business.” The awards event also featured a panel of entrepreneurs and innovators, including several former winners of the Chicago Innovation Awards annual business competition. To read more about Stuart students and hear about upcoming competition opportunities, visit Photos courtesy of Kayla Portillo