UPCOMING Events Leno Catapult Contest February 6th MTCC Bridee l:009m Second City Ticket Sale Mid-February Sweet and Sour Weekly Meeting gamer; .1992; was . . Idea Shop I MTCC Bridge LOOPm 2:309"! ' 6:00pm Phantom of the Opera , ‘ , ‘ TicketSale ‘ ‘ « ‘ Mid-February ‘ ‘ a » General Body Meeting use El 242 l2:4SPm - l:45i>m Lego Catapult Contest '- MTCC Bridge . l:009m - 2:009m Lock in Q88 - 802 Events {57} The 802 l0:009m - lz:30am g or once Late Niite February let 1"" A u‘r‘ A Z :mtnpiv‘ it Spring Formal W I. i; 1' ‘ COM“)! in April C M C A x Want to get involved with ' ' ,1 “w - ‘ planning Spring Formal? . ‘ - Come to 08's General Body ' Meetings to learn how. = ‘ } - When : Shh fobrumy '20!!! , Whore : mmc Bridge 7 Time: lpm to 29m Union Board meetings Union Board Office Hours: are every thursdav at lpm Impact - Thurs 2:00-4:009m I" The El Hudllorlum- ‘ Bog _ Mon 3:30 _ 5:309", All committees all at once. _ Traditions - Wed 5-6 pm, Thurs 10-11 am 1 ~. Scarlet Fever -Thurs lo-ll am, Fri 11:30-12:309m L “ .. a 5 ; uild the been i. *Onmpulf and win in H’im ‘ a President -Thurs ll:30am-lz:309m, Frillz30am-12:309m