711165de N0Vember52013 I TechNews campus@technewsiit.com UTSAV GANDHI Rock Climbing Club rocks fall semes Dan Zweig STAFF WRITER Under new leadership, the IIT Rock Climbing Club has been up to a lot this semester, with events every week and bigger events planned for the future. The group started the semester with weekly in door trips to local gyms, Climb On in Homewood, Vertical Endeavors in Warrenville, and Hidden Peak in Chicago’s West Loop. In September they brought the rock climbing wall to campus, letting all IIT students get a taste of rock climbing, and encouraging students to get more involved with the club and they hosted a BBQ social on the quad which offered students a chance to meet other club members, enjoy the beautiful weather, and even try out slack—lining. This semester the club offered “beginners only” trips an opportunity for people with no rock climbing experience to learn about basic techniques from more experienced club members. Beginners and climbers of all levels are welcome and encouraged to attend every trip, but these beginners trips aimed to reduce any intimidation or nervousness experienced by those new to climbing. More beginners only trips will be happening next semester as well. The first alumni trip in which the Rock Climbing Club teamed up with Alumni Relations to offer current students a chance to meet some alumni while climbing also occurred in September. The event was a fun, new way to interact with alumni. Once the semester was underway, the group started climbing outdoors every other weekend, in addition to the regular indoor trips. In September they went to Barn Bluff, Minnesota, and Devils Lake, Wisconsin, to camp and climb for weekends away from the city. In October the group went to Red River Gorge, Kentucky, and Missi Palisades State Park in Illinois for weekends, mostly with beginners who had never climbed outdot s, to teach them about outdoor etiquette and technique. As the weather cools, the group plans for more exc' 'ng climbing adventures. In the beginning of November a Climbing Lock In will be held at a local gym for IIT students only, letting them climb and hang out all night, courtesy of UB and the Rock Climbing Club. Contact the club if you’re interested. Another solution for cold weather is to go further south. Over the long Thanksgiving break 12 students will be traveling to New River Gorge, West Virginia, to climb in slightly warmer weather. Immediately following finals, the club will be traveling even further south to climb, in Arizona, California and Nevada. Twenty students who are brave enough to travel this far by car have already signed up and will be climbing across the country this winter break. Next semester holds even more exciting events, with budget prt als being submitted for a camping only trip, ice climbing, multiple indoor and outdoor rock climbing events, and maybe even some more extreme outdoor trips if Finance Board and the school approve these events. Photos by Dan Zweig