Tuesday, November] , 2013 | TechNews Union Board wins regional award for MTCC Late Niite Katie Peters STAFF WRITER The National Association of Campus Activities Mid-America conference is an exciting weekend for Union Board, and this year was filled with even more events and initiatives that they participated in. The regional conference, which was held in Peoria, Illinois from November 7 to 9 this year, had special events that are not held at the national conference, including event and individual awards, a graphics competition, a school showcase, and the chance to present educational sessions. This year Union Board nominated several programs for the awards, including our traditional Homecoming Carnival, the collaboration event Paint IIT Pink, a small budget program Sweet and Sour Banquet Hour, and the spring late night event MTCC Late Niite. Our school is part of the large budget category, competing against large state schools such as Illinois State University and Eastern Illinois University, yet Illinois Institute of Technology Union Board brought home the prize for MTCC Late Niite as the most Outstanding Late Night/Alternative Program for large budget organizations in the Mid- America region. The nomination description is as follows: this award is presented to a program from a member institution that took place late night (after 9 pm.) on a Friday or Saturday. This may be a series or individual program, but the duty of the program should have been as an alternative to drinking on campus. The program was judged on the following criteria: - Effective use of available resources (financial, human, logistical) - Evidence of an effort to encourage participation in and promote and market the series/program to the student population (posters, newspaper ad/articles, etc.) - Creativity involved in the creation of and the achievements or successes of the |EEE@|IT closes semester with fi Swasti Khuntia LAYOUT EDITOR Rohit Aganval, 'l‘reasurer of lliliEQ’D ll'l‘, welcomed everyone and spoke about the various activities oi‘ll4,lil<‘,@ll'i~ during the Fall 2013 Semester. Starting from the general body meetings in which they had speakers from Goldman Sachs and National instruments, he talked about the various events in which members of the group have been awarded. The first general meeting was held in September, in which IlililiaDll'l‘ invited a speaker from (ioldman Sachs who advised students about how to crack interviews and also shared information about how Goldman Sachs recruits students. It was attended by more than hundred students and marked as a huge success. Similarly, in the second general meeting which was held in October, lElZIiQDll'l‘ invited a speaker from National Instruments who gave a live demonstration of various l\'l devices used by students in their projects. He advised students about Nl's policy in recruiting students. Agarwal also spoke about the achievement of the llihliaitll’l‘ group represented by six students in the ll€hl€ Regional Student Leadership Conference held at the University of Minnesota. He talked about other events like the Microsoft technology Center Tour, [El-:15 BBQ, llilil", Xtreme. and the Microsoft Game Development Workshop On October ii, the [iii-Iliaii llT chapter organized a tour of the Microsoft 'l‘echnology Center, which was attended by around 30 students. lliEEQDllT is also organizing another tour this semester to the liA‘l‘ON facility in Chicago. The tour is scheduled to be program as determined by the stated goals of the programming board. - Involvement of students in the planning and implementation of the series/ program. - The level to which the program relates to the specific award category (low- budget, diversity, etc.), and if the series/program met the criteria for that category. This is the first award that Union Board has won at NACA-Mid-America, although it is only the second year that they have nominated any programs, and it is hopefully the first of many years to come! Union Board also participated in the school showcase, which invites programming boards to create displays and hand out giveaways to share event and marketing ideas with other schools across the region. Mid-America’s theme this year was “Naca-ular Spectacular,” a circus theme, so the delegation put together a three-ring-circus trifold filled with pictures of past Union Board events and designs. The event was a great networking opportunity, and also helped spark some creative new ideas for events to hold on campus, as well as signs and other guerrilla marketing tactics. The most popular part of our table however, was taking a picture with our Ringmaster Talon, and taking home a boogie bot to show to their delegations! Last but not least, this year was a great opportunity to show other organizations on campus the benefit of NACA. Since the conference was so close this year, Union Board and the SAP sponsored day passes for members of other programming organizations on campus; the applications were open to any student and International Student Organization and Syrian Club both decided to send representatives. Hopefully in the future the conference will also be close enough for other student organizations to attend the conference, allowing them to find new events and speakers to bring to campus. on November 22, but the timing is yet to be decided. IEEE BBQ was organized on the eve of Halloween Day, and was followed by an international marathon programming event called, IEEE Xtreme There were five groups consisting ol’thirteen students from lIT. These included both graduate and undergraduate students. All these groups were sponsored by ll‘lhhtiirll’l‘ and IEEFAChicago section, One ot‘the live groups was ranked 18th in the US region. There are four projects currently being supervised by [EEE@I l'l‘, which have received great attention among students. The projects that are funded by IEEE are Quadcopter, Muti—touch project, Guitar Amp, and Ardupilot. The guest speaker for the last general meeting was Dr. Ashfaq Khokhar, Chair of the ECE Department. He talked about the various changes being made to improve the ECE Departmet and stressed the interaction between faculty members and students. The ECE Department now has a coffee lounge in Siegel Hall meant for faculty members as well as students working in the labs. At the end, he asked the audience {or any advice regarding the Dept, and students stressed the engagement of more TAs and upgrading lab equipment. gag-magmas Photos Irv Si/vusti Khuntia