Tuesday, November 12,2013 | TechNews RHA sponsors lounge event featuring Toast 8 Jam band Kyle Stanevich STAFF WRITER If you wanted a place to relax, eat chocolate, and enjoy some jazz last Monday, then you were in luck. The Residence Hall Association (RHA) partnered with the band Toast 8r Jam in order to hold a chocolate fountain and music event in the McCormick Lounge on Monday, November 4. It was a great turnout, steadily holding a crowd of about 30 for the entire event. The halls up and down MSV were filled with music, attracting interested Person you should know Megan Mozina Ioannas Joseph TECHNEWS WRITER From addressing student organization meetings, assisting with the acclimation of international students to life at IIT, being an integral part of the Boeing Scholars Academy, and even finding time to stop by UB’s coffee house series, Megan Mozina strives to foster strong relationships with IIT’s general student body. Mozina serves as the Assistant Director of International Outreach and Engagement as well as the Director of HTS Boeing Scholar’s Academy in the office of Student Access, Success and Diversity Initiatives. Mozina’s duties includes getting the word out about IIT from an international standpoint, being an integral part of the Syrian students initiative, assisting international students, setting the goals and vision of the Boeing Scholars Academy, and getting more faculty from IIT involved in the academy. Mozina has a particular passion for any type of international engagement and cultural acclimation, having studied abroad in Spain for a semester during undergraduate studies, lived in South Korea for about a year after her undergraduate studies, and served as an educator in the Peace Corps in Honduras for over two years after her graduate studies. This is further reinforced by her MA. in International Education and Intercultural Training. “I lived in three different places abroad. . .I understand the value of learning about other cultures as well as learning about myself and this drives my outreach with international students,” noted Mozina. Mozina came to IIT right after her time in the Peace Corps and was particularly attracted to the diverse team that she would be working with as well as their passion for education. This was further solidified by the international dynamic of the university and the opportunity to work in intercultural activities. Having previously attended and worked at a students to check out the event. This was the second chocolate fountain event held by RHA this semester. They brought out their fondue fountain and plenty of snacks to dip, including pretzel sticks, graham crackers, animal crackers, and for the first time, strawberries. All were gone just as fast as they were put on the table. These events are always free and a time to give back to the students and stir up a bit of interest in RHA. It also provides a good time for students to voice their concerns to RHA, letting them know what could change on campus, and for RHA to inform students of ooodeaooooooo large public university as well as a medium sized private liberal arts institution, Mozina credits IIT as a, “small community in a huge city with a particular focus in technological fields.” Mozina was a resource to the Engineers Without Borders chapter at IIT by serving as the guest speaker to general bodies as well as the cultural advisor with regards to their bridge building project in Nicaragua, given her work in their neighboring country Honduras. “There are so many things that our office would like to do, but there is never enough time with the new ideas and opportunities which present themselves,” Mozina stated when addressing one obstacle she has encountered during her tenure. This has been remediated by working in conjunction with a number of internal organizations such as the Office of Women’s Services, Residence and Greek Life, and external ones such as World Chicago and other Chicago'area organizations. Her most memorable event at IIT, during her short tenure, was when she went to the airport to greet three of the Syrian students who had faced much adversity during their journey to IIT. “It was both an exciting and emotional time for all of us involved,” noted Mozina when speaking on this experience. She is especially fond of hearing the different successes and experiences of the students with which she interacts. Outside of IIT, Mozina is involved in the Chicago Area Peace Corps and is also a volunteer with World Chicago and with a Battered women/children’s shelter in Chicago. To students, Mozina’s advice was, “You’re not only at IIT for academics, but also for your overall growth and development. . . Get involved in something which is related to your major and then one which is completely different so that you meet new people and develop those soft skills, interpersonal and leadership skills.” To any student interested in learning about life in a different culture or studying abroad, Mozina would definitely be a valuable resource. their upcoming events. You dont have to worry about any of that, though; you can just come for the free chocolate. However, this time it was not just RHA in the spotlight, but also the talented jazz band that Illinois Tech has on campus, Toast 8r lam. Composed of HTS very own Luis Larco and his friends from VanderCook College of Music, they played for almost two hours straight, entertaining the crowd with their wonderful music and amazing solos. Many students came out just to listen to a song or two, but many others came back with a book to read or homework to do. A few people even started dancing, even if just for a moment. It was a great atmosphere to relax in, washing away the stress of midterms, tests, and deadlines. Hopefully the band will continue to play around campus, expanding their audience to other students and maybe even staff and faculty. RHA is always holding these small events. On November 21, they will be holding a hot chocolate event, so watch out for more info on campus for that. If you are interested, RHA holds open executive board meetings on Sundays at 6 pm. in the MSV East Hall basement. C] RZZK — of the —’ WEEK Meet Ashleyann Sanabria. “What do we livefor if it is not to make life less difficultfor each other” Year: Fifth Major: Architecture Greek Aililiation: Kappa Phi Delta Hometown: Chicago, IL Why did you go Greek at ii’l‘? community. other, and make IIT awesome. Leadership Positions at IIT: President of AIAS, Community Desk Assistant, Lacrosse, New Velociity, Mies Van Der Rohe Tour Guide Hobbies: Drawing, water color painting, sketching, taking pictures, hanging out with friends, and family, dancing, singing, listening to music, reading I joined Greek life because it provided me with a home away from home, and a group of girls Who understand and agree with many things that I do. How has Greek life developed you as a person and a leader? I would never be as involved as I am now if not for the encouragement and inspiration of my sisters and other members of the Greek What would be your advice for an incoming student? Get involved. Find what you think is worth your time doing, and get involved with it. Go Greek. The Greeks at IIT are nothing like anyone else in the sense that they are a group of highly motivated students who do more than their share to not only help the community, but help each What has been one ofyour biggest challenges at UT? Knowing when to say no. There are so many wonderful things to be involved with on campus that it is hard to be able to say no, and to understand your limits. You are only one person. What’s one of your iavorite questions to get a conversation going? If you could be anything in the world (person, place, thing, animal, gas, mineral, ANYTHING) what would you be and why? Questions? Email 0rderofomegaiit@gmail.com ORDER OF OMEGA