TechNews | Tuesday, November 12,2013 TechNews STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SINCE 1928 McCormick Tribune Campus Center Room 221 3201 South State Street Chicago, Illinois 60616 E-mail: Website: TechNews STAFF Editor-in-Chief Ryan Kamphuis Assistant Editor Hannah Larson Campus Editor Utsav Gandhi ABE Editor Matti Scannell Sports Editor Nathan McMahon Business Manager Kori Bowns IT Manager Pranava Teja Surukuchi Copy Editors Travon Cooman Kristal Copeland Shireen Gul Anoopa Sundararajan Layout Editors Rachael Affenit Swasti Khuntia Distribution Manager Emilie Woog Financial Advisor Vickie Tolbert Faculty Advisor Gregory Pulliam MISSION STATEMENT Our mission is to promote student discussion and bolster the IIT community by providing a newspaper that is highly accessible. a stalwart of journalistic integrity, and a student forum. TechNews is a dedicated to the belief that a strong campus newspaper is essential to a strong campus community. GENERAL INFORMATION TechNews is written, managed. and edited by the students of, and funded in part by, Illinois Institute of Technology. The material herein does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Illinois Institute of Technology or the editors, staff, and advisor of TechNews. There will be no censorship of TechNews publication by the faculty or staff of IIT. Sole authority and responsibility for publication and adherence to the values set forth in this policy rests with the TechNews staff. This paper seeks to bring together the various segments of the Illinois Tech community and strives through balance and content to achieve a position of respect and excellence. TechNews strives for professionalism with due respect to the intellectual values of the university and its community. Allmaterialsubmitted becomes the property of TechNews, and is subject to any editorial decisions deemed necessary. 5 U B M | SS | O N S TechNews is published on the Tuesday of each week of the academic year. Deadline for all submissions and announcements is 11:59 pm. on the Friday prior to publication. Articles, photos. and illustrations must be submitted electronically to the TechNews website at EDITORIAL POLICY The editors reserve the right to determine if submitted material meets TechNews' policy and standards. For more information about our editorial standards. please email LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters to the editor may be submitted by anyone. but are subject to review by the Editor-in-Chief. All letters-to-the-editor become the property of TechNews upon’ submission. TechNews does not accept or publish anonymous letters or sto ADVERTISING Legitimate paid advertisements, from within or outside the IIT community, which serve to produce income for the paper. are accommodated. TechNews holds the right to deny any advertisement unsuitable for publication. Media Kits are available upon request. Ad space is limited and is taken on a first-come, first-serve basis. Contact the Business Manager at business@ for more information. LOCAL 8 NATIONAL ADVERTISERS To place an ad. contact us via email at Sharing Table welcomes 33rd Street Productions Shireen Gul COPY EDITOR I still remember the first time I went to a Sharing Table event with my friend; I didn’t know I would get so involved in it. I originally was not willing to go because I’m not a big fan of food from The Commons, but since I like to socialize and have new experiences, I went. Now I am literally waiting for the first Thursday of every month so I can meet new students, faculty, and staff. It is such a lovely feeling to learn about the life of different people. There are many people on this campus who share the same hobbies or habits but we just don’t know about them because we don’t have enough time sga@iitledu EMILE to interact with each other. This event is during our lunch hour, meaning we have time to have our lunch while sitting with students, faculty, and staff who we do not know and exchange our thoughts and learn about each other. I believe the best part is when you learn about the life journey of your instructors and you can clearly see that nothing is easy in this life without striving for it. You learn that they had the same struggles in life as we did. Some even had to work harder because they didn’t have the facilities that our current generation has. Apart from this, you might get to know about different instructors with whom you might have to take classes in later semesters. It’s a great opportunity to get to see them in person before you join their class; you get to know more about the course and the instructor. This Sharing Table featured 33rd Street Productions, a student theatre group on campus. They gave a great presentation on the background of the theatre and how it works. They answered our all questions regarding their production and how could we contribute to it. Because of the interesting discussion, I am seriously considering joining them in the future. Each year, they produce all aspects of a theatrical performance, from play selection to directing, stage—managing to props, set design, acting, creating costumes, technical lighting, audio, and more. I really enjoyed learning about them at this month’s gathering. @IEINIATI‘EJJR SPEDTEEEEIIET Q? What prompted you join SGA?: SGA has a large impact on campus, and I knew that if I want- ed to get something changed, then they were the place to start. Which projects have you workediworking 031?: I have designed a few of the SGA posters that can be seen around campus. I am also working on setting up a mass texting and calling system that will deliver important campus notifications. Fur- thermore, I am working with the communications committee on a fall book drive for children in need. What aspect of the university experience are you most passionate about improving?: I would like to improve the academics and campus life for freshmen. Many students have expressed dissatisfaction with their first year on campus and I believe I can change that. Every semester at IIT should be an enjoyable experience. Cool fact about you?: In my spare time I practice riding a unicycle, working on my Tesla coil, and using Photoshop. Look out for posters on campus, you may be able to find tiny easter eggs in the ones I have designed. Contact: