Student newspaper of the Illinois Institute of Technology since 1928 OPINION 2 CAMPUS 3 ABE 6 SPORTS I AlChE-IIT Chapter attends student reSearch conference in San Francisco Utsav Gandhi CAMPUS EDITOR Founded in 1908, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) is one of the world’s largest and most dynamic professional societies seeking to engage students and professionals tackling some of the let century’s foremost challenges. With over 40,000 members and 200 student chapters worldwide, AIChE provides career guidance and networking opportunities to learn more about diverse careers in food processing, pharmaceutical, sustainable energy, biotechnology and environmental engineering. IIT has always had a significant presence in the national AIChE community, ranging from high level administration to a very active student chapter which hosts weekly presentations, alumni panels, field visits, a thriving mentor~mentee program and social events fairly regularly on campus. Last weekend the annual student meeting, held in San Francisco, saw the largest ever IIT delegation successfully attend, learn, network and present research. Besides the traditional career guidance seminars from the active Young Professionals Board and the student research poster presentation, the conference is also known for its flagship Chem E car competition, wherein student groups from around the country show off their chemically engineered (fuel cell/lead acid battery, etc) vehicles, coming in after months of preparation and testing. The competition is a dynamic showcase of young’minds exploring the possibilities of cleaner automobiles — the younger, non-graduating members of the HT delegation came back inspired to start a project of our own right here on campus, even looking into the possibility of algae-sourced biofuel (if anyone reading this wishes to contribute to this cool opportunity, email Other highlights at the presentation included a keynote address from Mr. Aamir Farid, VP of Manufacturing at Shell, who spoke about his 32 years at the company, traveling around the world managing projects in the oil and gas industry. The conference also provided an opportunity to have one-on-one career guidance sessions with Alaina Levine, a prolific speaker, writer, consultant and teacher known around the country for her career counseling. The research poster competition saw several students from IIT participate, presenting on projects as diverse as water quality testing, bioenergy from algae sources, and optimal power flow. Finally, a unique opportunity for some of the emerging leaders of the organization was to participate in the student leadership development seminar, which provided networking opportunities with other leaders from across the country and allowed them to work together to come up with strategies to engage more students in the organization. The conference also provided a unique opportunity for the chapter to bond and spend time with the faculty advisor as well as a group itself. The group was a diverse mix of class levels, interests, project experiences and personalities; and the city of San Francisco provided a perfect setting for the team to explore and unwind in the midst of a busy semester. . The team took some time to explore some of the famous sights of the city as well as some diverse restaurants and neighborhoods in the city, aside from its fabled cobbled streets and scenic waterfront. Saturday night also provided an opportunity to take part in oflicial Halloween festivities arranged by the conference coordinators, wherein the HT delegation decided to show up as “elements”. The chapter hopes to capitalize on the relationships developed at the conference to take itself to newer levels of growth and development. 0