Tuesday, September 1 7, 2013 | KNOW YOUR IX Nine things you should know about your Title IX rights and your university’s Title IX responsibilities Title IX is a landmark federal civil rights law that prohibits sex discrimination in. education. Title IX is notjust about sports; it also addresses sexual harassment, gender-based discrimination, and sexual violence. Title IX does not apply to female students only. Male and gender non-conforming students are protected from any sex-based discrimination, harassment or violence. Schools must be proactive in ensuring that your campus is free of sex discrimination. Schools must have an established procedure for handling complaints of sex discrimination,» sexual 5 harassment or sexual violence. Schools must take immediate action to ensure a complainant—Victim can continue his or her education free of ongoing sex discrimination, sexual harassment or sexual violence. Schools may not retaliate against someone filing a complaint and must keep a complainant-Victim safe from other retaliatory harassment or behavior. Schools can issue a no Contact directive under Title IX to prevent the accused student from approaching or interacting with you. In cases of sexual Violence, I schools are prohibited from encouraging or allowing mediation of the complaint. However, they may still offer such an alternative process for less severe complaints. Schools cannot discourage you from continuing your education since you have a ‘ ‘ right to education under Title IX. You have a rightto remain on campus and have . every educational program and opportunity available to you. If your school isn’t respecting your rights, you have options. Learn more and get involved at knowyourIX.org IX IMAGIH éleflWK? them” , . 'K- W YOUR NAME editor@technewsiit . com lEEE@|lT's first General Meeting, ECE Department BBQ Swasti Khuntia LAYOUT EDITOR The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Student Chapter at IIT had their first general body meeting of this semester on Wednesday, September 11, and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering had a welcome barbeque for all the new-coming and transfer students on Friday, September 13 in front of Siegal Hall. The barbeque event was aimed to introduce the new Department Chair, Professor Ashfaq A. Khokhar. Professor Geoffrey Williamson who was the interim chair introduced Dr. Khokhar to the new students. The first general meeting of IEEE@IIT was a grand success. The Wishnick Hall auditorium, where the meeting occurred was packed with students mainly because of Goldman Sachs’ presence. George Williams, Industry chair of IEEE@IIT, started the meeting by introducing the IEEE@IIT executive board to the students and then spoke about the agenda which included IEEE-sponsored projects, upcoming events/tours, IEEE competitions/ conferences and IEEE@IIT calendar. Iuan Wang, Project Chair of IEEE@IIT gavea brief overview of all four IEEE-sponsored projects. The projects that are funded by IEEE are Quadcopter, Muti-touch project, Guitar Amp and Ardupilot. IIT students are highly encouraged to work on any of these projects. This was followed by a short speech by a representative from Goldman Sachs. Two students who interned at Goldman Sachs last summer also talked to the students about the benefits of interning there and advised to visit their stall at the Career Fair. IEEE@IIT has plans to conduct tours to the Microsoft Technology Center, S&C Electric and many more activities that will be announced later. Also, students have the chance to participate in an online competition called IEEEXtreme. The organization is seeking students to fulfill the vacant positions of Program Chair, Newsletter Editor and Webmaster. Anyone interested can contact IEEE at ieee@iit.edu. Students will be notified about upcoming events/ meetings via e-rnail and the Facebook page. a. . f: rm Photos by Swasti' Khuntia