Special Summer Issue | . . " Greek Life @ IIT: high cost, yields higher rewards Bill Molchan GREEK COUNCIL PRESIDENT To join a Greek chapter is to take an oath to hold yourselfto a higher standard. When someone joins a greek chapter they agree to, for the rest of their life, abide by their chapter’s values and hold their fellow chapter members accountable to those values. In exchange that person is welcomed as a brother or sister by every member of the fraternity or sorority. It begins a relationship that is stronger than friendship: a two way pledge of absolute trust and confidence that creates a family that you get to choose for yourself. A family that expands as you grow and meet new and interesting people whom you want to care about and to have care about you. It is of course possible to have close friends without utilizing Greek Life, but Greek Life formalizes the promise and creates an environment for those relations to thrive. The stereotype about Greek Life is Utsav Gandhi CAMPUS EDITOR For most undergraduates, one of the most unforgettable components which make up the college experience is life in the residence halls. Without it, four years of college really seem incomplete. The sheer convenience of living on campus is why even the lucky few whose families live close enough for them to commute are encouraged to look into on- campus housing as an option. For those from areas further away, there’s perhaps no easier way of settling into a life away from home than to share the experience with your classmates and colleagues. Halo marathons, midnight trips to McDonald’s, and synchroniZed homework procrastination are just some of the appealing side effects of living on campus. And with such an incredibly diverse college community like Illinois Tech’s, this invaluable experience is magnified multiple times. You meet people from countries you may not even be able to point out on a globe, with cultures and cuisines vastly different from your own. These experiences build on your character, and make you grow in ways your parents may never have-imagined. In the end, it’s when you get that empty-stomach feeling on move out day when you truly look back that it is a group of people who are inseparable and that constantly attend parties together. While yes, there are parties now and then, the truth is so much more. To name two, Greek Life is also about academic growth and supportive friends. In my own experience, to speak with fewer generalities: I have stayed up all night helping my brothers study for calculus exams on numerous occasions, even if I had class the next morning. Reciprocally, I have had brothers teach me about subjects ranging from Electrical Engineering to the History of Middle Earth (That’s a real class) all the way out to vocational topics like Lighting Design and Carpentry. To the second point, immediately after my relationship with one my previous girlfriends ended, I walked over to my chapter home. Immediately upon entering one of my brothers noticed I was upset, and inquired what was wrong. He subsequently dropped everything he was doing, gave me a flying tackle hug, and was willing to talk or distract me as I needed. and realize that every penny you paid for this experience was worth it. At IIT, living in MSV and SSV are two completely different experiences, each with their own pros and cons, The dorm structure and large common areas of MSV encourages dialogue and conversation between its residents, especially on the individual floors. Host to some of the biggest pianos and one of the largest television screens on campus, the MSV lounge area is famous for hosting ice cream socials and FIFA tournaments, mostly organized by the Resident Advisors. Close proximity to most academic buildings, the athletics center, and the cafeteria are major plusses. Resident’s mailboxes are also in MSV, making getting mail convenient. The only sore points of MSV are the lack of an elevator (which is a great way to beat that freshman lS-pound weight gain!) smaller rooms, shared laundry rooms (Sunday nights are the worst times to do laundry. Keep that in mind and you will be fine!), and shared bathrooms (Which if you don’t try to shower ten minutes before the 8:35 AM class like the rest of the world, you will be fine). If you’re looking for an open, welcoming, friendly, and richly diverse dorm experience, MSV is highly recommended. Suggestions? Pack light and get/rent a microfridge. If comfort is your number one priority, look no further than SSV. With a kitchen and laundry room on These examples illustrate some of my personal experiences, but each chapter looks to support and assist their members and the only way to find if there is a chapter that can support you in a way that fits you is to go out and visit them. The first week of school is recruitment week and all week long the Greek chapters will be hosting events for anyone to visit, with no obligation to join. Several chapters will invite visitors to dinner or lunch to give a better chance to be acquainted with the chapter. Even if you’re not sold on wanting to join Greek Life you are still welcome to attend the events. If you decide you are interested in joining a chapter the process is as follows: First, you should indicate your interest to the chapter so they can explain the small variances in the process they might have. Then, if the chapter agrees you are a good fit and would benefit from the chapter you will receive a document known as a bid which is a formal invitation to join. These “bids” can not be given out until each floor, elevators, bigger rooms, a rooftop terrace to die for, a convenient location next to Crown Hall, and a bathroom in each suite that is shared with fewer people, SSV has a reputation for being the fancy dorms on campus. The SSV Resident Advisors have traditionally organized fantastic programs for their residents, which helps improve an environment which can be somewhat anti—social and much quieter than the hustle of MSV’s floor lounges and common areas. If you live in SSV, though, don’t let the “distance” from the athletics center be a deterrent to stop exercising in the cold winter months! - SSV is close to the Green Line, so use that as an excuse to explore the city of Chicago. Also try to engage more with your floormates in the common kitchen areas, comfortable lounges, and by participating in the programs which the RAs organize. Gunsaulus Hall may also be an option for some of the eligible upperclassmen at the university. Gunsaulus has many apartments which allow students to step up from dorm life while still experiencing the convenience of living on campus and having access to the services that Residence and Greek Life provides. The views of Lake Michigan from the upper floors are worth waking up to every morning, and the combined package of independence with on—campus convenience makes Gunsaulus Hall an option definitely worth considering if one is eligible. the end of the first week of school, in part to give all parties time to consider their decision. It is possible to receive multiple bids, but it is only possible to accept one. Most chapters give you a time period, for example a year, that the invitation is valid for, in the event you want to take some more time to get to better meet the members of various chapters and decide which one fits you best. After accepting a bid there is a new member process specific to each chapter usually consisting of an explanation of the chapters history and values. After the process is complete you are “initiated” into the chapter officially, becoming a brother or sister and earning all the joys and commitment that comes with it. If you are looking to get the most of your college experience, or have been here for awhile and find that you aren’t quite satisfied with your experience, give Greek Life a chance. A chance costs but the time to visit a fun event and you have everything to gain. What NOT to bring to campus housing These items are NOT allowed in McCor mick Student Village, State Street Village, Gu‘ aulus Hall and (larman Hall: Aloyhol (xi‘you are under 2 1) Appliances with an exposed heating element Candles & in- tense Drum \Cts Hot plates Illegal drugs Banned substanc- es Microwaves (permit, ted in (}U, SSV, CA apartments] Music Amplifi- CI'S Pets (except fish in a tank less than 3 gallons) Ref cubic 01's over 3.0 or it) cubic feet il'cnergy star (,‘uuri \i' of]! Multiple tutors in ti room k artmenl Rice cookers (SSV apartments are equipped ’ microwaves; residents otCarman and (Jun- suulus are permitted to bring micrw waves) Sp c limiters 'l'ousicr 01’ lildStL‘l' UV- ens [permitted in (iU, ' apartments) Weapons Hookahs Explosives Fire l’mpellants EXiCIlHUl‘I cords & outlet split— tei‘s I’lt'iisc klIUH' i/Iiit iii] aim/7115 liuzisiii i is sum/(veil is prohibited in iii] S‘umkiiig rumpus housing,