ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY University Calendar WWW“? Chicaeo Women's Health Speaker Feminists United 12:409m - l:409m Perlstein Hall 109 W API’ fh Uaeina Monologues Feminists United ' me - 99m Wednesday, Apnl 10th “T Tower Condom Carnival Hawk 101 Feminists United Living 8: Working in a Diverse Environment I lam _ me Office of Campus Life d B d h II 12.509m - 1.50m Qua an 5 e Perlstein Hall, Room 108 Make Your Own Dessert Sushi “PP ““235. Dinine Services 5pm _ 9pm 1 1:15am - l:459m Stuart 111 The Commons . EWB Sprln2 BBQ! Bollywood Karaoke Night 12:409m - 2:309m (ii) Union Board & Isa Farr Field/ Quad Bandshell 9pm - lam The B02 Pajama Party, LAN Party Bingo Night Union Board (2) 5') Union Board 8: Triangle 6:309m - 1 pm 7“" ' 9pm The 802 The 5” Sprine Formal Union Board b) 7:009m - l l:009m The Drake I UpcomingWevents General Body Meeting/Brainstorming Fall 2013 Union Board Bollywood Karaoke Nieht Thursday, April I lth 9pm - lam Tuesday, April 9th . . lpm- lzzopm Bingo Nleht Mch Auditorium Thursday, April I lth me - 9pm The 802 V‘ Spring Formal 2013: The Roaring Twenties Friday, April 12 2:009m - l l:OOPm The Drake Pajama Party, LAN Party Friday, April 12th 6:3OPm - 19m The 802