Thesda Ap I 2013 sports@technewsiit com CIARAN KDHLI LVNCH 7 Woods looking to increase Masters Hall in Augusta Ciarall Kohli-Lyllcll snows EDITOR Thc world’s lacst golfcrs wlll nlcct at thc Augusta Nauonal Golf Coursc, Gcotn gla Thursday to conlpctc ln thc sport’s nlost prcstlglous tournanlcnt Thc us Mastcrs ls onc ofthc four major tournanlcnts ln profcsc slonal golf, wlth a prlzc fund of nlorc than $8,000,000 Looklng to wln hls nfth grccn ladkct at Augusn, Tlgcr Woodshashlt a rlch ycln of form golng lnto thc tournanlcnt Aftcra hlghly pulallclzcd scandal rcgardlng hls pcrsonal llfc, and a rangc ofonrcoutsc lssucs, Woods has rcc dalnlcd thc world nunllacr l ranklng posltlon for ihc nrst tlnlc slncc Octolacr 2010 On top ofthls, Woods has sccurcd a nunllacr of tour ylctorlcs atTorrcy l>lncs, Doral, and Bay Hlll lérumc major chanlplon, Woods wlll hopc to laulld on thcsc achlcycnlcne as hc chascs lack Nlcklaus lBrmajot world rcoord lfhc ls alalc to contlnuc showlng flashcs ofthc sort of form that nladc hlnl a donllnant forcc ln thc sport for nlorc than a dccadc, Woods wlll undoulatcdlytrlunlph atAugusta and takc onc stcp closcr to thcworld rccord Standing ln hls ways howcycr, arc a hostoftalcntcd golfcrs BrycatnoldNotd-lcmn lrlsh golfchory Mcllroy who currcntly 516 at nunllacr 2 ln thc world ranklngs, ls dclaatalaly thc nlost thrcatcnlng of thcsc Mcllroy has playcd 2 wccks ln a row, golng lnto thc (our nanlcnt at Augusn ln ordcr to fincrtunc hls ganlc Mcllroy an cxcworld nunllacr l, rc ccnily statcd that hc was conndcnt hc could lcayc a mark on thc tournanlcnt, whcrc hc fanlously lalcw a Anshot lcad on thc final day ln 2011 chlllbclooklng to ayold a rcpcat of that Sunday, whcrc hc rccordcd thc worst round ln hlstory lay a golfcr lcadlng on thc lastday ofthc MastcrsTournanlcnt Spcaklng aftcr thc Houston 0pcn last nlonih, Mcllroy sald “My short ganlc ls sharp and l puttcd lt prctty nlcc lfl can llnllt thc sloppy nllstakcs lll lac finc” lnany casc, thc Mastcrs ls a staplc of NBA teams reach play-offs, Nalllall McMahon STAFF WRITER Thls tlnlc ofycar ls onc of thc nlost cxcmng for laaskctlaall fans as NBA tcanls dcspcratcly attcnlpt to sccurc a playoff spot, whllc collcgc tcanls try to nlakc lt through thc NCAA tournanlcnt unscathcd to lacconlc nan tlonal chanlplons Thc NBA playoff racc ls oycr for thc Bastcrn Confcrcncc as thc clght playoff spoB wlth Mlanll at thc top posltlon and thc Bulls unllkcly to nloyc far from thclr currcnt nfth sccd Bycn aftcr thc lnlprcsslyc strcak cndcd, thc Mlanll Hcathas not slowcd down cycn ln thcalascnccofsonlcofthclrstars ltsccnlsllkc lactwccn thc lalg thrcc ofChrls Bosh, Dwaync Wadc, and Lclaron lanlcs only onc ls nccdcd to wln, as thc othcr two slt out, ln ordcr to lac physlcally rcady thc playoff grlnd Thcy arc tcn ganlcs ahcad ofthc Ncw York l