1‘? ::I U I! if ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY I n 2013 GRADUATING IIT STUDENTS ATTEND GRAD SALUTE! MONDAY, APRIL 22 OR TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 2013 NOON — 7 PM. AT GRAD SALUTE YOU CAN: 0 PICK UP YOUR CAP AND GOWN 0 GET YOUR GUEST TICKETS 0 ORDER CLASS RINGS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS O HAVE A CAP AND GOWN PHOTO TAKEN FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT: www.iit.edu/commencement QUESTIONS? email commencement@iit.edu G LAM Il'l‘ CAMPUS RID-E- WEEK, CONSERVATION MONDAY Wig NATIONALS 2013 I' I FREE Rainbow Tie-Dye I 1 1:30 AM _ 1:50PM Save energy to win. It’s that simple! L The Quad, near the Delta Tau Delta Fraternity House I II TUESDAY WEE One Google search: Documentary Screening: How to Survive a Plague $th5.ng can power a 100w lightbulb for I I seconds E1 102 ' can power a blke for 14.4 seconds O0.00000000000000000000000000000000 .. o z : generates as much C02 as your car drIVIng 3 Inches : WE DN ESDAY ll:l:l/l]l:l-l : consumes as much power as your heart uses in 9 minutes 0 LGBTQ HIStOl'y condom BINGO . One serach uses .0003 kWh and .029 C02 0 7PM ' 9PM 0 More information on calculations can be Found at: http://tinyurl.com/googleenergysearch 0 E1 121 ° 0 o O0.00000000000000000000000000000000 E1121 ““33“ Wl' (300816 FRIDAY lWE Day of Silience 12PM - 2PM MTCC Bridge eswiitl @gmail.com and campussustainaloili|y@iit.edu Brought to you by Engineers for a Sustainable World and the Office of Campus Energy and Sustainability