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Contact the Business Manager at business@ for more information. LOCAL 8' NATIONAL ADVERTISERS To place an ad, contact us via email at TechNews | Tuesday,April 9, 2013 Stunning Swiss mountains of Interlaken Neesha Narayanan TECHN EWS WRITER Everyone experiences the feeling of accomplishing an ambition in one’s lifetime; that’s how I felt when climbing into the ICE (IntercityeExpress) in Switzerland. It has been my long desire to experience the beauty of Switzerland because of which this was left untouched even during WWIII Interlaken brings the best of the beauty from Switzerland It was summer, with green mountains and the blueness of the sky, and the water reflecting the blue sky was mesmerizing It looked the same as if a threeeyeare old had been coloring the water bodies blue in his drawing Lying in my bed, in my chalet, I could see the water and the mountains opposite of each other In the water, I could see touting boatsl lseltwald is the town I stayed in, in the municipality of Interlaken, overlooking the sea and the mountains The place is surrounded by mountains, and in the foothills there are small villages and towns, which are accessible by boatsl One can jump into the cool waters and swim or hire a boat to do fishing in the middle of the lake It was surprising to know that there are these places where an owner offers a section of the chalet to tourists for a price reasonably cheaper than the topmost hotels available I was excited to experience staying at some stranger’s place for a week with my family, and got breakfast with the deal It felt as if I will be more connected to the place as I will be staying with the locals all the time, instead of staying at a fancy hotell When we reached Interlaken, we had to take a bus to reach our chalet The chalet was placed in the tip of the land form right in the middle of the lake and the magnificent and green mountains The chalet was more than what I expected to see, to be honest; it was coziest place I could wish for The landlady was a German, settled in Switzerland for 25 years, so the moment we arrived she was quite impressed with the fact that we could speak German People there appreciate if visitors try to get accustomed to their culture, and especially the language The View from the chalet was breathtaking; one side of the chalet I could just see the dominating mountains that were magnificent enough to touch the clouds and huge chalets with yards and mountain sheep feeding on the lush grassl On the other side the peaceful and calming effect of the blue waters I wish I could own a chalet at that same spot, it would be a dream come true The breakfast that they provided us was complementary to the View outsider Fresh Swiss cheese and fruits with fresh made blueberry yogurt and Indian style egg omelet This was the first time I dared to have flavored yogurt and I fell in love with it I tried to get used to normal flavored yogurt since then but no, I cannot find anything like that anywhere What I have realized while travelling in Europe is that it is best to travel by local transport rather than private transportation, and worrying about parking Also, you really want to dig into the culture and the heritage of the place which is only possible if you explore into the deepest parts of the place which is where local transportation system can be helpful Interlaken is a welleconnected place, one can visit Iungefrau Mountain (highest point that can be reached by train in Bernese Alps), Zermatt and other places with the convenience of punctual trainsl For people who are foodies like me, who are daring enough to try different things, you will fall in love with food as whatever you get there is fresh from the nature Be it dairy products, fruits, vegetables everything is natural, which is why food is reasonably expensive in Switzerland There are food fests where you can go and get a drink and have traditional Swiss delicacies like fondue, Sauerkrautpastetlil There are also choices in international food like Chinese and Indian cuisines which have impressive standards For all the adventure seekers the best ways to experience adventure in Interlaken are paragliding, skydiving, skiing and mountain climbing Keep in mind not to break a bone, and you will be fine 4i :4? P170 fos by Neesha Narayanan