OPINION 2 CAMPUS 3 AErE 5 SLIPSTICK 6 SPORTS 1 Student newspaper of the Illinois Institute of Technology since 1928 NSBE-IIT visits Indianapolis for national conference ENPro303:Wishmap fundraising@ lleor Chicago Lighthouse Joannas Joseph TECH N EWS WRITER An almost nostalgic feeling revere berates through many of us who remember our first NSBE (National Society of Black En, gineers) conference in Indianapolis, FRC (Fall Regional Conference) in 2010 Who knew that for many of our graduating seniors, returning to Indianapolis would also mark the ends of the undergraduate NSBE conference experi7 ence? It is no secret that throughout this academic year, the organization faced some fi nancial tribulations However, through the ef forts of the executive board and the dedicated members, approximately 30 students were able to travel to Indianapolis for the 39th annual Convention from March 27 to March 311 The Convention featured speakers such as Mike Muse, cofounder of Muse Ree cordings; NSBE Executive Director Carl Mack; Randall Pinkett, Season 4 Apprentice winner; Ryan Mack, Author, Entrepreneur and Come munity Activist; Nicole Lyons, CEO of Cole Muscle Cars and featured performances by Luke James and Melanie Fional Although the conference featured a rigorous schedule of workshops, a career fair, national executive elections and debates, hospitality suites and general sessions, the group did find some time for relaxation The IIT Alumni Relations ofiice in collaboration with Ms Lisa Montgomery, Director of the Student Center of Diversity and Inclusion at IIT, hosted an alumni reception at the Mc7 Cormick and Schmick’s Seafood Restaurant where the Chapter’s President paid 6 notable alumni tribute via presentationl During the ref ception, students were faced with the question, “Should education be a free commodity to all?" Input particularly from Lucius Doxerie (’13), Courtney Regis (’13) Carnot Joseph (’13) and Karlene Gibbs (’14) helped to reach a general consensus where we should first teach social responsibility to the future generation and to have a greater appreciation for our history On Saturday, March 30, the achieve, ments of the NSBEEIIT Chapter were high, lighted During the Region IV (consisting of Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio) meeting, the NSBEEIIT was awarded as the chapter with the Most Submitted Tran, scripts and the one with the Highest GPA for the 201272013 academic yearl This depicts the scholastic dedicae tion of our members by delivering in both quantity and quality whilst emerging ahead of 69 other institutions The Boeing Flight Competition also featured the Illinois Tech Team, Aerotech (Roselle Grant & Avery Brown) who were very competitive Although unsuccessful in the flight competition, the team did get the op, portunity to meet IIT alum Anthony Metoyer; Director of Operations and Strategic Develop, ment at The Boeing Company and received the winning strategy for next yearl The convention concluded with the Golden Torch Awards where two members; Joannas Joseph and Krystal McDoom were named BCA (Board of Corporate Afiiliates) Scholars for the past academic yearl Thirty there (33) members were also named into the Academic Pyramid of Excellence (APEx), which was another crowning achievement for the chapter For many college students, a convention of this caliber may be perceived as either a networking opportunity or a glorified vacationl No matter the outlook, all the meme bers of the NSBEEIIT chapter who attended attest that it was indeed worthwhile for their professional growth * w” Photos courtesy ofNational Socieg/ ofBlack Engineers-[IT Liam Barrett STAFF WRITER The WishMap team from ENE PRO303 has been running a fundraising event over the past two weeks, in col, laboration with IIT Dining Services, in order to help raise money for The Chicago Lighthouse for People Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired Students have been voting on three new specialty burritos by submitting monetary contributions and the choice with the highest monetary vale ue at the end of next week will be permae nently added to the Center Court menul WishMap tables will continue to be set up during the lunch hour at Center Court for this event until April 12, where you can stop by, vote and donate All the money raised will go directly to The Chi, cago Lighthouse to help fulfill their wish of keeping their beloved radio show on airl However, with The Chicago Lighthouse needing $5,000 in order to fuL fill this wish, WishMap has now organized another innovative fundraiser where members of the WishMap team have vole unteered to be blindfolded for the day The WishMap participants will be seeking sponsorship for every hour that they man, age to stay blindfolded and hopefully this will help them in their quest to raise even more funds for The Chicago Lighthousel This event will take place within the court, yard ofMTCC and will start from 9 am on April 121 Once again we encourage you to support this event, which gives you a unique opportunity to help make a real difference within the local community If you are interested in mak ing a pledge, you can either do so on the day, in MTCC, or online at WishMaplnetl Once you have found the relevant wish, click “Contribute" and then pledge your desired amount, you will not be charged at the time of making the pledge You can pledge as much as you’d like to as many of the WishMap participants as you’d like, and you will receive an email notification to process your payment when the fund, raising effort endsl WHAT: Blindfolded fundraise ing event hosted by ENPRO303: Wish, Map WHEN: April 12, starting at 9 am WHERE: MTCC and online at WishMaplnet WHO: WishMap fundraisers , Liam Barrett, Iva.n Carmona, Amy Care rera, Rosana Elkhatib, Saeed Patel, Erick Perez, Grant Pierce, Alejandro Sanchez and Bingjie Wu WHY: Fulfill The Chicago Lighthouse’s wish of keeping their radio show on air HOW: Vote or donate in the MTCC on April 12th or log on to www WishMaplnet