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LOCAL 8' NATIONAL ADVERTISERS To place an ad, contact us via email at TechNews | Tuesday,Apri123,2013 Arguably, the worst week in recent history Hannah Larson ASSISTANT EDITOR Perhaps you’ve been following the news To say there have been a few notable, awful, episodes is the understatement of the year Let’s start with a local scope The weather in Chicago is always fickle, but this past Wednesday night and Thursday morning proved to be quite the surprise A routine thunderstorm produced five inches of rainfall, causing a massive amount of flooding Governor Pat Quinn constituted that 38 Illinois counties were “disaster areas," and Chicagoland seemed particularly impacted; major interstates were closed, the Chicago River’s flow was reversed into Lake Michigan to relieve tunnels and reservoirs, and a sinkhole swallowed three cars on the south side Albany Park experienced a major overflow of the river, which Mayor Rahm Emanuel wasted no time using this unfortunate event to announce plans for construction of a tunnel to avoid this annual occurrence; the tunnel will cost $45 to $55 million (with $40 million already pledged) according to the Chicago Tribune, and is expected to start next year Temperatures are expected to return to the 60s this weekend On the brighter side of things,the Illinois Househas approved abill for comprehensive sexual education (based on new curriculum requirements in middle and high schools), and passed another bill outlining the basis of a medical marijuana industry (a four year contract, and strict requirements, a feat nonetheless) Hippies and liberals, rejoicel On to national news The deadly fertilizer plant explosion in the town of West, Texas death toll has officially been set at 14, where as many as 200 were injured according to Fox News (CNN had originally reported up to 35 deaths, but this is no surprise concerning their credibility, especially after their dayilong broadcast of false information concerning the Boston Marathon suspect) Authorities have reported that a significant portion of the town was leveled in the explosion President Obama declared the region a state of emergency, bringing in national disaster relief efforts Speaking of the Boston Marathon, the bigoted and judgmental reaction has been extremely crude, and just as devastating of a phenomenon as the terrorist act itself Three people have been declared dead, while roughly 100 people have reported injuries (CNN again inaccurately reported up to 141), according to the Chicago Tribune and local Boston outletsl These aren’t the only victims of the Boston Marathon explosions Subsequent victims of this backlash include the Bangladeshi man who was beaten by another man for being “an Arab" in the Bronx (according to New York Police), the Palestinian woman who was with her young daughter and a friend (both women happened to be wearing hijabs) who was attacked in Boston; the salacious man white man hurled “terrorist" and other profanities at the group, punching the woman in the shoulder (according to Iezebellcom), as well as the two young men (one a high school student who feared for his life and family according to multiple reports) who were featured on the cover of the New York Post with the headline, “Feds seek these two pictured at Boston Marathon" Other reports of Islamaphobic backlash according to local Boston Muslim groups and news outlets have reported more incidents, like the Saudi Arabian national who was injured, interviewed by authorities, and inaccurately dubbed a suspect by the media (insert the Glen Beck conspiracy theory, implicating this person’s involvement in the explosions, that my Editor, iniChief has just informed me of), a Brown University student who was literally tagged as a suspect on Facebook; not to mention the surge of violence that gripped Boston following the attack, resulting in the death of an MIT police ofiicer, death of one of the bombing suspects, plus the essential shutdown of Boston; finally resulting in the apprehension of FBI’s suspect Dzhokhar Tsarvnaev Let’s just take a moment Breather This barrage of morbid national incidents has had yet another unfavorable outcomeia cloud of judgment of foreign affairs, as well as important domestic mattersl Wednesday proved a significant point in the nation’s debate over gun control measures The Senate procured 55 votes in favor of a bill that would expand background checks for gun purchasers, a ban on assault weapons and high capacity gun magazines The sponsors of the bill failed to secure the 60 needed to pass the bill through the Senate This decision outraged President Obama, as well as those who were there on the behalf of the Newtown shooting victims That same day, authorities apprehended Paul Kevin Curtis, the Mississippi manwho has been implicated in sending ricinilaced letters to President Obama, and Senator Roger Wicker (RAMS) The Elvis Presley and Hank Williams Jr impersonator is an active conspiracy theorist, and has an online presence rife with alternative opinionsl This domestic terrorist throwback is reminiscent of the anthraxilaced mail that surfaced shortly after 9/ 1 11 Honestly, when’s the last time we considered foreign affairs? Important foreign affair stories developing include India’s growing frustration, and increased sexual violence Following the outrage the public expressed over the brutal and fatal gang rape of a 237yeariold woman, another demonstration has unfolded due to the report of a 5iyeariold girl being abducted, raped, sexually, and physically assaulted, in East Delhi according to NPR Details include a two day protest by local citizens, allegations that the local police were bribed in order to keep the incident quiet (the equivalent of $40), and the call for the death penalty for the two men that have been implicated in the crime Following an onslaught of domestic terrorism, due in part to the elections that took place this Saturday, a series of explosions killed nine people who attended noon prayers at two mosques in Baghdad, Iraq this past Friday The Thursday before saw 32 deaths from a suicide bomber who targeted a cafe Imagine our grievances of the Boston Marathon bombing, on steroids Articles reflecting the gloomy state of current affairs are certain Notably, author (and staunch New Englander) Tom Perrotta published an article in the New Yorker, comparing his experience 9/1 1 to that ofthe Boston Marathon attacks, in a lovely metaphor The Onionpublished an article simple titled “Iesus, this week," and various news outlets have published their onlineiversions of the enumeration of this week’s tribulations; most of them include a picture of an adorable kitten, with an equally adorable captionl December 21, 2012 was the supposed Mayan doomsday, but it was implemented as a date of change Five months of heinous occurrences make me second guess the apocalypse Not the change that we elected President Obama for his first time (incidentally the last time I had a hair cut), but the kind of change that is dismissive and transforms the way we interpret the world; whether we are aware ofthis or not, isn’t as easy as posting a Facebook status This week, the news was rampant with negativity and everyone was on the same, solemn page We disregarded Justin Bieber’s Anne Frank “belieber” comment, and engaged in conversations about social constructs, social protections, and social problems Though the fact that many of these conversations came out of racist and illiintent, they happened nonethelessl Unfortunately the efficacy of these conversations won’t be felt until long after these current events become historical junctures, where we branch off, and change daily behavior This week won’t be remembered from the onslaught of appalling events, but the abundance of overreactions, false information, and actions that make me seriously doubt the humanity and kindness left in the public sphere Harmony within, and in each moment Ameena Payne TECHNEWS WRITER Last week I wrote a bit about attaining authenticity in each moment, and I thought that would be the perfect Segway into attaining harmonywithin and in each moment WhenI speak of harmony, I am speaking of a peaceful bliss between mind, body, and soul 7 a peaceful bliss that you can feel running to the depths of your core Currently, this topic resonates because I just participated in an evening of Pranayam in an informal setting 7 with a group of friends apracticing Ujjayil Pranayam is the art of yoga breathing, and because breath is life 7 literally r it is a wonder to me why we don’t focus more on understanding how breath influences and can manipulate our disposition Growing up, I would participate in Pranayam (as I tagged along with my Dad to Chicago’s International Association for World Peace) however, the meanng was a bit lost on me as a child, and it wasn’t until very recently, that the importance ofbreath guided me back toward this practice Breath is one ofour most vital functions Proper breathing brings more oxygen to the blood and to the brain, controls the Prana, the vital life energy Pranayam is considered one of the highest forms of purification and selfidiscipline, covering both mind and body , the focus is not only intrapersonal healing but interpersonal as well Think about when you’re angry, anxious, and/ or fearful What is your breath like? What would you say is your default reaction to pressure at this current moment? It is likely that it’s vastly different than the breathing you experience when you’re in peaceful bliss (that place that was discussed a few weeks ago in which you feel most natural) That’s because your body is not separate from your mood and your actions When you’re confronted with a challenge, your body reactsl Your body, your mood, your words, and your actions are all interconnected and typically pretty consistent with one another Becoming aware of your breath, the practice of Pranayam, is a way of being mindful of (and attentive to) yourself Eventually, this will spread into dailylife and interaction with others That’s what makes this practice so powerful and so practical I am not the expert in these practices, but if you are interested in being connected to organizations and individuals that support these values and practices, please email me at Ameena@AmeenaPayne as this is not subjugated knowledge