ll. UTSAV GANDHI campus@technewsiit.com TechNews | Tuesday, Apri116,2013 Wagner Institute for Sustainable Energy Research (WISER) Photos by Nick Caldwell Date: April 19,2013 Time: 12:00 - 1:30 pm Location: Crown Hall Lower Core: Presentation Upper Core: Breakout Sessions ||T's Office of Campus Energy & Sustainability invites you to engage in a collaborative sustainabilityforum designed to tap into your knowledge and vision of sustainability on campus and create a viable path forward. A brief presentation on llT's 2012-2013 Sustainability Report will document our progress towards our seven 2020 sustainability goals. An appetizer-style lunch will follow as you participate in smaller break-out sessions around each sustainability topic. A subject matter expert from our office or the HT community will guide this collaborative effort to build a vision for llT's sustainable future and realistic projects that can get us there. tinyurl.com/ SustainablePath *elskewsw W; ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Office of Campus Life Student Organizations— AII paperwork related to Spring 2013 programming must be turned in to Campus Life by Monday, May 13, at 9:00 am. Anything not turned in by this time may not be paid for! Looking to start a new student organization this semester? Wednesday, April 17, is your last day to turn in the New Student Packet to Campus Life. Friday, April 19, is the last day to schedule a new student meeting with OCL and SGA! GET LINKED DOES YOUR ORGANIZATION HAVE WHAT IT TAKES? Get LINKED is your chance to win some great prizes and use Hakaink in some new and exciting ways for your student organization. Now through May 3 student organizations who use Hakaink will be entered into a chance to win organization t-shirts, a Sodexo credit, or a ! Scan the QR Code for more information or go to http:/l tin url.com46etLinkedllT , 'l Support Denim Day—April 24 Wear Denim (jeans) to show your support for Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Why Denim? www.denimdayusa.org