Tuesday, February 19, 2013 | TechNews campus@technewsiit.com UTSAV GANDHI 3 Vedic Vision Society: Qualities that make us human Sneha Saraf STAFF WRITER Speaker Nityananda Pran began Fri, day’s lecture, “Qualities That Make Us Human", with a brief review of the Descending System of Knowledge The Descending System is one through which knowledge is passed down from generation to generation, through an unbroken chain of bona fide spiritual teachers and students who later become teachers ime parting knowledge in disciplic succession. The speaker listed the four propene sities that are common to humans and ani mals: 1) eating, 2) sleeping, 3) mating and 4) defending So what makes the human form of life so special? Nityananda Pran explained that human life has a greater purpose, which, in one word can be summarized as “dharma": The definition of dharma in this case can be ‘relationships’, as higher purpose of life cannot be attained without loving relationships, which are only natural to the soul: So, the dharma of human beings is relationships, particularly in serving: Service encompasses everything that human beings do: the husband and wife serve each other, par ents serve their children, children serve their parents, airlines and hotels provide customer service, we serve our pets, etc: But one cannot serve, say, a table, since the table is an inanie mate object: The relationship of service only applies when one serves other conscious living beings, whether they are other human beings or even animals: According to the speaker, it is through service that we form relationships There are three components to service: 1) the served, 2) the servant/server and 3) the service being provided: One of the most important things in this relationship is that the service must be for the benefit and satisfaction of the one being served: If one performs a service only for the sake of one’s own benefit, then it can no longer be called a service , it becomes a business: Therefore, the servant needs to have a clear sense of the other person’s preferences, likes and dislikes: There are several qualities which manifest in one who serves others out of love: The servant is kind and respectful, he has a quality of ‘pridelessness’, full of humility (will, ingness to learn), compassion and gratitude; he is honest and trustworthy; and many other things: Out of all the qualities listed, Nityanane da Pran gave three main ones: 1) Inquisitive, ness (ie: spirit of inquiry), 2) Humility, and 3) Gratitude: It is important to have a spirit of in, quiry, to ask questions from bona fide sources in order to seek knowledge on the spiritual platform: Humility then comes into play; to be humble here means ‘to act in one’s true posi tion’: For example, an employee who works un der his boss will not say, “You are doing your job wrong , let me teach you?’ Instead, that employee listens to his boss’s instructions and criticisms, and then acts on those instructions accordingly Finally, when one has gratitude, that person automatically expresses this gratie tude in the form of service, which deepens our ability to receive spiritual truths because there is that relationship for knowledge to flow It is only through the three qualie ties mentioned above that one can access the Absolute Truth: This Absolute Truth pertains to knowledge on the spiritual platform, and does not change regardless of time, place, or circumstance: And when we access Truth, we also access a whole list of qualities that make us human beings: Next week will be an overview of “Anatomy of Anger", or how and why we get angry and how to overcome it: As always, tasty free lunch is provided, as well as food for thought: WIIT sporting modern equipment, eager for new DJs Utsav Gandhi CAM PUS EDITOR Ever walked by the pool tables in the MTCC and glance to your left to see the college radio station? Did you regularly tune in to SGA/UB’s weekly radio show on Thurs, days at 1 pm: last semester? Ever wondered how this same organization, completely stue denteled, managed to work with the Office of Campus Life to bring in Bill Nye, definitely one of most recordebreaking, welleattended events from the last semester? Did you know that the college radio station can be streamed directly online, too? This is WIIT, 88:9FM, IIT’s own rae dio station; and it is looking for student volun teers to serve on the exec board as well as fill up some remaining spots for DI’sl Utsav Gan, dhi, Campus Editor for TechNews, was able to interview the station manager, Craig Sewell and the Technical Director, Kevin Sampson, f f” ._ last week to get a little update on what’s new at WIIT One of the oldest student organiza tions, WIIT has been around on IIT’s came pus since the 1920’s: Operating out of a small room in one of the fraternity houses, it was called WOUI and was an AM radio station back then: The studio was recently renamed as the Sydney A: Katz studio, honoring an alum, nus (EE, ‘62), significant donor and previous DJ who is now apartner in the law firm Husch Blackwell Sanders, Welsh & Katz Over the years, WIIT has served as a local platform for music artists from differ, ent genres to showcase their talent and cur rently has shows such as the “Caribbean Pow, er Hour," “The Melting Pot" (hosted by two freshmen), “The Sunday Cram," “IazzBop,” etc: In the past it has also hosted a popular program called “Band Night," where local mu, sicians, like the Future Laureates, were called in every week: One of the ideas brought up during the conversation was the idea of hav ing an international news broadcast (WIIT is required by law to have a Public Service An, nouncement every hour as an educational, noneprofit community outreach initiative), catering to the wide international audience we have here at IIT WIIT recently underwent a major redesign, with new boards, a neat throwback logo, a new speaker system, and freshlyepainte ed walls: The Technical Director and Station Manager have worked very hard to revive the radio stations presence on campus, and they are now in need of students to fill positions on the exec board as well as take up some of the empty time slots as DI’s: They believe IIT’s techesaWy student body usually doesn’t take too long to learn the electronics, so even those interested without previous D] experi ence should contact the station manager: Even those not interested in DIing but wishing to gain some experience in how to run a student, led, logistical and administrative enterprise should definitely look into this as a unique op portunity to get involved on the IIT campus: The exec board currently needs a treasurer, a web director, an events director, a public, ity director, a music director and a design] communications coordinator If you have any questions about any of these positions please contact Craig Sewell, the Station Manager at wiit@iit:edu or Kevin Sampson, the Technical Director attd:wiit@iit:edu: You can also drop by their lounge in the MTCC right next to the radio station if you see them there: You can visit radio:iit:edu for more information about the current schedule, open slots for DI’ing, the livestrea.m, and to request a show, take a look at WIIT policies, or read their blog: Along with the campus newspaper, the IIT Magazine, IIT Today and the online presence of some of the bigger student orga nizations like Union Board and Student Gov, ernment, WIIT Radio has contributed to IIT’s history for almost a century now: Getting in, volved with it would be one awesome way of showing some school spirit! Photo by Utsav Gandhi The Bog attracts sweethearts, singles on Valentine’s Day Photos by Chandranshn Singh