Tuesday OctoberZ 2012‘ spurls@tezhnewsulmm Men's soccer fights for a win, settles for a tie ay Liam amen me; Wm R The uT nene eeceeg 22m Teeed e mugh fixtur: zwzyta yudeenhetTueedeg m e gene thetendedwtthhnth teene ehegmg the spud; m en entatemmg Ll dnw uT wzs gwen e hugeheedpnn tn the genee heknerwtththe mctunen uf derenda Inge Szhs mthe equed ena hneuyhang dectekedekghxetephy Iths the vmung teenn thet etemdhnghteg nut quhz (wauzms, eetheyhekedte teke zdvznugnn the wtde ekeee end gut e nmha ntnenecmg dekvenee mte the nppeemg bux wtthnut gum hang ehxe te find e fimshmg tnuch Afin en ham pfpxeg yudepn tank the Teed zgunn the nm ufphywhm Lhzy bundlzdthz heuhene mm enenpty net ertek whet eppeekedteheve been e fwu.‘ en the szkf geexkeepec Edmn Zzgd nT keepended wen te thn eetheck end cpntmued m yushfm then ehmve firstgml an the med The gee: wwuld eventuenycene hut netunuuete m the gene whan wtthjusttwu mmuus lzfi an the dock Manda Nndme Amhlkycurlzd e dekghm thntmteu-e mpxert cnna thhe geemen lSyuds Dunngatue une 1t wee cteek thet Tr enypne wee gemg te teke euthkeepnnte framthu gene xtwuuldb: the szks, heweva deepne than £9115 bath uzmscndgdup hevmgte eetue {m e dnw m whet hed heene ymmmng duphyfmm HT Next the Hewke phyed hm te keeeevext Unwemtym e mun wm gene fax nT ee dry leaked te nemtem u-ek peemenneek the tap erthe cpnraenee The Hewke mnzdwell end tank the Teedwtthmtan mmuus pfphg when large Sexeehtckedente e Inhn Cannm peee end dmxedthehemnte theth thhe keewettnet wm-etn twe nmutee the Hewke deeuhxed that zdvznug: whenrnwekd Lum senettken mm e thkeugh peee {mm at. Nums end meshed the hen heme Teevmg the eppennggeexkeepek nechenee Benettdnuhledhtepaepnexteuyrek thentght era 15 mmulzs, wkenhewee ehlete dwekt e Bnndm kemkez shmham framjufl twe yuds aux keeeevett wee ehlete pun e geeueeek ertek nT hed gmd the vmung uzm peeeeenen hawzvgn the gzme’s canedusmn wee heyend my dwubt befax: hzlfum: when Cnnn Khhhe Lynch hheted the hen heme far he first gm] erthe cenpetm thh en :xqum'z Temeet pue dnva In the eecpnd halfdz Hewke cpnunued te laak denganue end Inhn Comm edded e d; _ '11! W1: by am Kuhn Lwnt fithgazlfmm e gmck cemekhy kehat RM» bcfm: senett camplmd hxs het tuck fiam the penexty 5pm te wkep up en mpkeenve sex wctmyfm the Hewke Next up {at the nene mm Te e vmt {mm Cudmzl Stntch m whet pmmeee te be en entenemmgtnp thhetehxe cteeh eeneke eme yvu cene end euppnt ywur very awn Tcekxet Hewke Lhu Wednesdzye khakufl'xs et 7pm Mental games keep Tech from success ay Rom: Mimtenko me; Wm R As muthzx week peeeee {m the ne knne Tech Wmnene Veueyhen Teem the chencee te chmh up the cpnraenee kenke mge eke exnwxy hang teken zwzy The week wee e tnugh ene {m the Scum Hewke remng 2,3 te keeeevext Unwemty end that reumg we: te St Xewek Unwanty OnTueedeg the Scnlzt Hewke weke Indyfm’ e hetue WALh that exdceechee whe hed left twe yeeke ege te ceeeh et Raasmk Unwanty The netch wee e nented fight fax neny af the ntdek umeue heceuee dry hed ymvmusly phyed WALh the ceeeh whe teught u-ek tendaeee tn the Raasmk him The Tcekxet Hewke cene aux dawlym the first gene egemet keeeevett endng thh 2245» but Lhzy wae Indy te fightrn e wm Tr: men thhe netchwent heck end fanh WALh Tech wmnmg the eecpnd netch 254; then reumg shun 19725» indemdude mg the find eete 2x45 end 1on Iunm Kete Kenden hntehed WALh e netch htgh af 13 Me whue svphmnm’: szlar Dumm fine lil‘zd M011 10 km 32mm“ kehecee Bayzd fintthed WALh at eenete end : eawee ecee Ana such e dzvznmnglass, Tech leaked te rece the undeceud Teeda erthe NmLh Dmnen St Kama Unwanty peee mg Lhn vay Lndmunzl Mime Tech wee une ehxe te keep dzm et bzy Tr: ecnee wae ISVZSeZLZSe wees ynthe eecpndnetchthe Scum Hewke wae up mm. but geve zwzy e Tepemt nm whch can than the gene Kmdzfl pamd 12 hue WALh Durmn paste mg x end saphumm: Thee Mmlzy WALh e 1t heceme :wdznt thet whan phymg egemet e etmng daanewe teem hke St Xewec Tech needed te try thet much hzldfl te pm the balls enthe flan! end emp the hen etthe net The math] hetue fax Tech wm zlwzys be time put hepemxy Lhu funk hee been slapped. end thae wm be e chenee fax the uzm te neke 1t tn the cpnraenee tnmnenent m Nevenha The week the Scum Hewke wm phy et ondned Stntch Unwantyrn e mg nnkskeeetCeneekgemeendwtnheetthecen raenee enema Teumenent Fndzy et 5 so pnendsmdeyet lZOOpm endzoopn