Tuesday, March 27, 2012 I TechNews Tech[nology]N%s: Singing the praises of Samsung Galaxy Note phone By Ryan Kamphuis EDITOR-IN-CHIEF When unveiling the original iPhone in 2007, Steve Jobs made the bold proclamation: that if a smartphone had either a stylus or a task manager, the manufacturer was doing something wrong Those words were quickly heard by the mobile industry, as Palm Treos and other smartphones with styluses were collectively thrown out and touch interfaces were widely adopted Fast forward to 2012, and the newly released Samsung Galaxy Note is turning heads with design decisions that thoroughly ignore Job’s earlier statementsl Equipped with a 53 inch super AMOLED screen, a stylus, and an easily accessible task manager, the Galaxy Note seems to be the antithesis of Jobs’ design mantra and vision for smartphones But the Galaxy Note is perfect proof that, maybe, Iobs’ vision for smartphones isn’t the end all, be all, When first handling the Galaxy Note, the device seems unwieldy Its 53 inch screen makes for an enormous device that seems to be closer to a tablet than a smartphone, and makes one think that it may be too large to fit in a pocket I certainly spent my first day with the Galaxy Note trying to decide why such a large device could ever be useful as a smartphone I found, however, that once I started playing with the device, the screen size started feeling more manageable In fact, with every day I used the Note, the screen size started becoming less of an oddity and more of a killerefeaturel Not only is the Note’s screen large, it is beautiful The contrast and the colors of the super AMOLED screen are jawedroppingl Between the quality and the size of the screen, the Note is unrivaled when it comes to viewing photos, watching videos and movies, and reading E books The major feature of the Samsung Galaxy Note is its stylus, dubbed the S Pent While your finger is still the main controller on this device, when needed, the S Pen can easily be pulled out from the back of the phone and used to draw out notes, control the device, and help navigate web pages with small text Samsung’s implementation of the S Pen is quite good It is easy to use and very responsive The apps that come along with the Galaxy Note that use the stylus are all excellent, and the main note taking application works well with other apps and can easily be brought up at any time, making note taking a breeze The Samsung Galaxy Note runs Android 23/1 with Samsung’s TouchWiz overlay applied The changes to Android that Samsung made to accommodate the Note’s large screen are well implemented, 7 and the device runs slickly and smoothly An update to Android 40 Ice Cream Sandwich is going to be made available to the note in the second quarter of 2012, and this update should only boost the performance of the device Overall, the Note meets the high hardware and software standards that were set by Samsung’s Galaxy S II series of devices The Samsung Galaxy Note is available on the AT&T network for $299 with the signing of a twoeyear contract I found that AT&T’s service around IIT and Chicago was excellent I never dropped a call, and AT&T’s 4G LTE network was sufficiently speedy, even though the Speedtestlnet application said that the want to be our new RYAN HYNES ae@technewsiit.com 5 network wasn’t as fast as Verizon’s 4G LTE that is available on my Samsung Galaxy Nexusl Is the Samsung Galaxy Note for you? That depends The Note is a niche devicel While many will find the large screen and S Pen excellent and really enjoy the note taking capabilities of the device, others will never be able to accept the Galaxy Note as their smartphone of choice because of its size Despite my initial qualms with the device, after only a week of using the Note, I was singing its praisesl The device works great and fit well Image courtesy ofmetcom with my life When I was in meetings, I found it really easy to use the S Pen to jot down notes; when I wanted to explain a concept to somebody, pulling out the Note and drawing the concept out worked great If you’re interested in getting a Galaxy Note, your best plan of action is to find a friend with one Trying one out inthe store only leaves you thinking that it is too large Actuallytalking to someone about it will show you that once you get usedto the size, the Galaxy Note is atop notch device that deserves to be recognized and used Mark Your Calendars! Happy birthday to Mies van der Rohe! n This Tuesday, March 27, 2012, come .nnflnnnag celebrate with Campus Life! We will have cake starting at 11:00 am. and Riddle Mies This trivia in the Campus Life suite. SGA Finance Board proposals are due by MIDNIGHT this Satur- day, March 31, 2012. Make sure to attend a workshop, meet with your finance board advisor, and submit your proposal for the Fall Is your organization an exceptional organi- zation on campus? Nominations for March Student Organization of the Month are due no later than MARCH 31, 2012. Go to www.tinyurl.com/NominateOrg for more information and to complete a nomination. Final Women's History Month Events: March 28—Women Alumni Panel, 1 PM, MTCC Auditorium March 29—Cultural Exchange, 1 PM, MTCC Welcome Ctr. March 29—Women Health Seminar, 6 PM, MTCC Ballroom is looking for a. new Business Manager http://goo.gl/5kZ5x Tricia Berryhill, Coordinator, Organizations # - G Ryan Miller, Director, Organizations H - M Alex Garrett, Coordinator, Organizations N - Z applications are Open until 1 '1 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE or TECHNOLOG Office of Campus Life Sunday, April 1 mam/cam us we email editor@technewsiit.com with any questions Campus.life@iit.edu