4 CAMPUS UTSAV GANDHI campus@technewsiit.com High school math competition visits ||T By Pranava Teja Surukuchi LAYOUT EDITOR The IIT Math Club successfully hosted its first annual High School Mathematics Competition at Wishnick Hall on IIT’s main campus this past Saturday, March 17. Students from high schools all over Chicago took part in the competition. The High School Mathematics Competition was conceived of and organized by four fall 2011 Presidential Scholars who all matriculated from Miami Dade College in Miami, Florida: Luis Larco, Carlos Sosa, Ian Sequeira, and Nicolas Crivelli. Larco and Crivelli had previously organized a successful competition at Miami Dade as students, and they wanted to replicate their past success at IIT. Students took part in an individual test in the morning and a team test in the afternoon. They were given 44 questions in the individual test and 10 questions in the team test, which were designed by the Math Club at IIT with help from Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics Dr. Robert Ellis. Teachers also accompanied students to the university. While the students were taking the test, the teachers were given answers to the questions with due explanation of the solutions. Students were stimulated by the test and were motivated more than ever to explore the beauty of mathematics further. A teacher said, “my students felt the test was tough, but that inspired them all the more to learn mathematics and be more prepared for any more exams that they might be taking in future.” In the presentation ceremony conducted in the Wishnick Hall Auditorium, Dr. Robert Ellis said, “we are thrilled to be hosting the first annual High School Mathematics Competition. Mathematics being the center of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) fields, I ask teachers to make their students understand the prospect of taking mathematics as their field of study.” He added, “we hope when Chicago—area students consider getting a degree in the mathematical sciences, they think about IIT.” Winners, first runner—ups, and second runner-ups in the competition were given trophies and all the participants were generously given gift vouchers which included licenses to Mathematica, sponsored by Wolfram Research. The IIT Math Club and Department of Applied Mathematics hope to continue and grow the competition each year, with the team planning to eventually create a statewide math competition for two-year colleges. UB announces By Miriam Schmid TECHNEWS WRITER As of the Union Board General Body meeting on Tuesday, March 27, 2012, a new executive board will ofiicially take control of the organization, though this group of dedicated individuals has already been working for nearly a month to prepare for the upcoming year. This nine member executive board is William Syvongsa as President, William Fox as VP of Internal Affairs, Harshita Iyer as VP of External Affairs, Fernando Mier and Sharbacha Edward as VPs of Impact Events, Romit Girdhar as VP of BOG Events, Stephen Pepper as VP of Scarlet Fever, Lorraine Dalusong as VP of Marketing, 2012-2013 executive board and Sirgi Theophilus as VP of Finance. In the past year, Union Board has seen many changes including a new website, a fall concert featuring We the Kings, and new general body meetings. UB’s new executive board is passionate about making Union Board, and the entire Illinois Tech campus life, better and more effective. Incoming President Will Syvongsa states, “I feel that the stigma that there is nothing to do at IIT is disappearing, and in the next year I am looking forward to seeing bigger, better events on campus. Watch out for UB!” Under the leadership of the 2012-2013 executive board, Union Board will see many new events and initiatives in the upcoming year. As UB’s mission states: “We, the members of Union Board, value respect, teamwork, dedication and diversity. We believe that these values form a foundation to grow and develop into an accountable, beneficial and enjoyable organization. With these goals, we strive to create a more cohesive IIT community and to develop a stronger sense of school spirit. We will achieve these ends through unique programming that provides personal and memorable experiences for all that participate. We’ll make our peers aware of the programs, which will be inclusive, impact—ful, and entertaining.” With this mission, UB looks to work with all students and organizations who would like to make IIT a more exciting place to be through programming. Contact ub@iit.edu for how to get involved and suggestions for events! TechNews I Tuesday, March 27, 2012 Finaid 3.27.12 By IIT Office of Financial Aid It feels like summer is here already! While spring classes are still underway, now is a great time to consider taking courses at IIT for the summer term. Registration for summer classes will open in April, so you have time to consider the benefits of summer classes now. A few things to consider when making your summer plans: Summer classes are a great way to take care of required courses and advance yourself towards your degree! This will put you closer to graduation and your career. Several summer sessions are available. This allows you to have some flexibility with your schedule, leaving time for family vacations, jobs and fun! Living on campus provides you with a chance to spend time with friends, meet new people and gives you close access to downtown Chicago and nearby neighborhood summer time activities! Summer scholarships are available to most undergraduate students. Federal aid for the summer is limited but may apply. Financial Aid will award students with their eligible aid after summer enrollment begins. To view available summer courses, visit: https://my102.iit.edu/ banr/bwckschd.p_disp_dyn_sched. Additionally, check the DegreeWorks channel in the portal to see which courses are required for you to graduate and remember to check with your advisor for any academic concerns you may have. Don’t miss the opportunity for a great summer at IIT! If you have financial aid questions, please contact us at finaid@iit.edu or 3 12—567—72 19. Greek Week fosters community philanthropy, competition among fraternity, sorority chapters By Stacy Economy TECHNEWS WRITER Come spring, students on campus hear loud cheers of “The Final Countdown” coming from the Quad. You may wonder, “What is happening over there?” It’s Greek Week, of course! Greek Week is a celebration within the Greek community. The 10 chapters, consisting of seven fraternities and three sororities, show their pride and spirit by competing in various events throughout the week, including a week-long philanthropy event. Events take place during the lunch hour, at night on the Quad and at various places on campus. They challenge both the body and the mind while fostering community, philanthropy, and competition among the chapters. The week starts off with skits and the revealing of each chapter’s banner. The themes are kept secret until they are introduced on the first night. The banners are kept hung visibly by the Quad. Other favorite events are tug of war, quiz bowl, and dance-off. Tug of war, commonly referred to as tug, has teams from each fraternity and sorority tug against each other in a double elimination competition. The event this year takes place on Tuesday at 9:30 pm. on the Quad. Later on in the week is the Quiz Bowl, which challenges members from each chapter through trivia questions. The dance—off takes place in Herman Hall Auditorium at 7 pm. Sunday, April 1, and is the last event for Greek Week. Each chapter performs some sort of choreographed dance to music according to their theme. It is a great way to come together and wrap up the week by cheering and watching everyone perform. These traditional events have been a part of the IIT Greek community since the 1950s. Keep an eye out for a full detailed schedule around campus, on Facebook, and on the Quad. Come join us in celebrating one of IIT’s longest running traditions! ISA presents Cultural Night By Raksha Raj agopalan TECHNEWS WRITER The IIT Indian Student Association (ISA) presents SanskrIITi—Cultural Night 20 1 2. Are you ready to see some amazing talent? Get ready for some great bhangra (north In- dian dance), fusion, vocal talent and mimicry. The ISA is hosting its biggest show of the semester, SankerITi—Cul- tural Night 2012 and would love you and your friends to come and be a part of the event to celebrate India’s glorious culture. The location will be the McCormick Auditorium, Hermann Hall, on Saturday, March 31, at 6:30 pm. They will be serving food from 6:30 p.m.—7:00 p.m. Doors open at 7:00 pm. for the show. The ticket sales started on March 12 and will continue until March 29. Students can directly pick up tickets up from Oflice of Campus Life in the MTCC. The ticket prices are as follows: IIT student or staff: $5.00, Non—IIT guest: $7.00, limit two tickets per valid student ID. All proceeds from ticket sales are going to charity: the Association for India’s Development (AID), www.aidindia.org! There will also be an after party celebration at Rocky’s Sports Restaurant. To see a promo video of the event, go to http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=85yy8uT4v4s&feature=youtu.be. 9M 9W SKII B-MAN IIIE Elil} I088 [ill MEEIINli [Eli IllNNEl [Illll BllWl BAI SPIN SEA flAME NlliNI flBSIAIIlE llllllflSE IIAliI BABE IlANlIE llEE AWAliIlS ANI] BIN! PENNY WARS 9:30PM WISIINIK AlllllTlllilllM IzllllPM mm FlElll w 9:30PM IIIE llllAll lzllllPM IIIE llllAll _ 9:30PM IIIE uunn * lzllllPM mm: FlElll 9:30PM WISNNIK AlllllIllfllllM lzllllPM INE llllAll INE BIN} 1:00PM INE llllAll 1:00PM NIIB _ 7:00PM NIIB AlllllIflfllllM 6:00PM INE llllAll Questions? Email sports@iitgreek.com