Tuesday, April] 7, 2012 I TechNews campus@technewsiit.com UTSAV GANDHI 9 Dean of Students encourages student feedback on campus religious climate By Utsav Gandhi CAMPUS EDITOR A few days ago, the Office of the Dean of Students sent students a link to an important survey which is being conducted by the University in conjunction with the Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC) about student perceptions of the university’s spiritual andreligious climate This survey is meant to explore the ways that campus climate affects student experiences and development while in college They are hoping . How do students perceive various spiritual and religious facets of campus life? to hear from students who represent a wide spectrum of worldviews, includingreligious and nonereligious perspectives To access the survey please copy and paste the following linkto your internet browser’s address bar: http://studentvoicercom/p/?uuid:0b7695 SSCb164aOb972702067d383d7b Recognizing that student time is limited; in appreciation of student efforts, they will be offering students the opportunity to enter a raffle in exchange for completing the survey The raffle prize is a gift certificate for lunch for two at the Pritzker Club at IIT If you have any questions about this project, please feel free to contact them at: dos@iitredur The IFYC report says, “National research on college students in the last decade has documented student interest in and commitment to exploring spiritual issues of significance and the remarkable potential of the college years to enhance positive spiritual qualitiesr Such efforts promise to bring a new, holistic approach to postsecondary education and prepare students for leadership and engagement with the religiously diverse world beyond campusr Integrating interfaith and spiritual initiatives in higher education, however, is complicated by the realities of religious and worldview diversity, . Do students perceive campus as a safe space for diverse religious and non-religious identities, beliefs, and practices? . What are the most positive aspects of campus climate? What areas of campus climate present challenges or opportunities for improvement? . How are students engaging in curricular and co-curricular initiatives, particularly those that relate to interfaith action, dialogue, and service on campus? . How do students respond to and interact with others representing different worldviews? . What are students’ attitudes toward diverse worldviews? How do they perceive their own capacities to effectively engage religious and worldview pluralism? . To what extent are students committed to their spiritual, religious, or non-religious worldview? . What changes or transformations do students perceive in themselves during their years in college? . How do dimensions of the religious and spiritual campus climate influence students’ attitudes and behaviors? as well as the contentious discourse around religious diversity currently prevailing in American public life Given these realities, there is aneed to assess both the campus climate and the outcomes of emerging programming The Campus Religious and Spiritual Climate Survey (CRSCS) is an assessment tool designed to assist campus leaders as they navigate the challenges and possibilities that religious and worldview diversity bring to higher education institutions The survey gauges college students’ perceptions of key climate dimensions and profiles attitudes and behaviors related to interfaith engagement” ASME—IIT chapter visits Caterpillar Plant in Aurora, IL alt"' C' :zflllll Pile/[U by Narayan Namrajan