4 umv amour campus®technewsllt corn we". | mastic: Apn 17 2012 Electronic waste recycling collects over 10,000 pounds Ev Brock Auerbach-Lynn TECHNEWS warren HT and the Office of Campus Ens ergy gr Sustainablllty (OCES) hosted three electronrc waste recyclrng collectron days throughout March and succeeded rn collectrng oyer 10,A00 pounds ofunwanted electronrcs Electronrc waste rncludes any unr wanted computers, phones, prrnters, copra ers, cameras, fax machrnes or any other deyrce wrth a plug These deyrces often cons tarn lead, mercury, and other dangerous substances that could harm human health and the enyrronment rf drsposed of rn a landfill or srmply on the srde of the road Desprte these dangers, Amerrcans throw away mrllrons of tons of electronrcs every year The problem rs gettrng worse as our electronrcs are becomrng obsolete faster, whrch makes us buy more to serve new needs As oflanuary 01, 2012, ll was lller gal to throw away eledronrcs rn lllrnors They were requrred to be recycled wrth a certrfied electronrc waste recycler whrch would ens sure that all eledronrc preces are recycled rn a safe and enyrronmentally benrgn manner ln an effort to comply wrth thrs new law and proyrde an easy means of do rng somethrng good for the enyrronment, llT heldthree eledronrc waste recyclrng collectron days The first two days, on March 14 and 15, were geared towards the HT Communrty wrth droprofflocatlons rn the Hub, MTCC and the Tower as well as at llT‘s Downtown Campus The Downtown Campus event was the first evereyent ofthrs nature at thrslocatron andwasorgamzzdbythestudentgroupNetln—r pact The March 31st event was gearedtowards the communrty at large and 31 people from as farsouth as l-lyde Rark to as far north as Laszr rewcame to drop oftherrunwanted electronrcs llT partnered wrth certrfied eleCr tronrcs waste recycler Unryersal Recyclrng Technologres, whrch transported the collected electronrcs back to therr sortrng facrlrty All the electronrcs wrll be tested wrth those that are strll functronal berng resold, those that have some useful parts berng salvaged and those that are completely nonropelable berng recycled All memory cards and hard drryes are shredded Unryersal Recyclrng Techs nologres recycles all the electronrcs wrthrn the us so none of rt gets shrpped abroad The electronrcs collected also count as part of Recyclemanra , the 8 week rec/r clrng competrtron gorng on from February 05 7 March 31 Electronrcs rs a separate category from general recyclables and we‘re hoprng our erwaste numbers wrll pm us top rn the state Due to the success of these three .|\\": tlsrrrlr. l.r electronrc waste recyclrng collectron days, the Office of Campus Energy at Sustarnabrlrty rs lookrng at makrng them a regular thrng every semester that wrll serve both the HT Corns munrty and the general publrc currently, all llT departments can get therr erwaste collects ed by pmung rn a work order wrth facrlrtres A5peclalthankstothevolunteersEler abeth Mauban, Nrcole Clrclo Matthew Maule, kendall Cranberry, Emrly Eardsley, Flax-ices Ratterson, and Leroy kennedy, whose help was rnyaluable rn these events runnrng smoothly To learn more about recyclrng and sustarnabrlrty at UT, come to llT‘s Aprll sustarnabrlrty Event, on April 19 at noon in the MTCC Ballroom where the Office of Campus Energy at sustarnabrlrty along wrth WISER wrll recap the progress (or wards meetrng our 2020 Sustarnabrlrty Coals as well as discmslng llT‘s energy future Fhumrhy acreage mm» and serum Mum American Cancer Society's Relay for Life speeds to ”T this Friday Ev Melanie Koto spouts EDITOR For the first trme rn llT hrstory, students, faculty, staff, alumnr, and men-1r bers of the surroundrng communrty wrll come together to partrcrpate rn a Relay for ere event The event, whrch wrll hapr pen on Errday, Aprll 20 on the Quad from 5 pm to 12 am,rs one ofthe most succesr ful fundrarsrng events rn the world, coordlr nated through the American Cancer Socrety Team members take turns rn the Relay, where at least oneteam member must walk rog or run aroundthe track Lhroughom the duratron of the event Teams fundrarse pnorto the event and on srte, wrth all monr ey gorng to the Amerrcan Cancer Socrety‘s mrssron to fund research, Road to Recovery, l-lope Lodge, and other programs for those who are, or have been, affected by cancer Relay for ere started rn May of 1985, when Dr Gordy Matt, a Tacoma colorectal surgeon, wanted to enhance the rncome ofhrs local American Cancer Socrety office and to show support for all of hrs par trents who had battled cancer He decrded to personally rarse money forthe fight by dorng somethrng he enroyed , runnrng marathons Dr Klatt spent a gruelrng 2A hours crrclrng the track at Baker Stadlum at the 11an yersrty of Puget Sound rn Tacoma He ran for more than 83 mrles That first year, nearly 300 ofDr k'latt‘s frrends, famrly, and patrents watched as he ran and walked the course Throughout the nrght, frrends donated $25 to run or walk wrth Dr Klatt for 30 minutes Hls efforts rarsed $27,000 to fight cancer (source www relayforlrfe org, "What rs Relay foreret“) 11-11985 one man made ahugeleap rn helprngto fundthe American Cancer Socretys mrssronto makethellvesofthosebattllngcanr cer a lrttle easrer, a lrttle more comfortable, and a lrttle more hopeful Now, more than 20 years later, members of the m communrty have the same chance to make ground breakrng strrdes to help support the Amerrcan Cancer Soclr ety and make a long lastrng tradrtron at m Rlease yrsrt wwwrelayforlrfeorg/ rrtrl or contact Melanre l