Tuesday, April 1 7, 2012 | TechNews MELANIE KOTO sports@technewsiit.com 11 Intramural classes, tournaments will continue until finals By Jennifer Agosto STAFF WRITER As the spring semester comes to an end, there are still a few events to try and get involved in. Zumba classes will continue through May 1. Classes will be held Tues- days from 5 pm. to 6 pm. in one of the west racquetball courts. Salsa will be on Mondays from 7p.m. to 8:30 pm. in the MTCC Ball- room and will continue through April 30. Vigorous Vinyasa, a form of yoga, will be held in one of the west racquetball courts on Wednesdays from 6:30 pm. to 7:30 pm. and continue through April 18. Our final event of the semester will be the dodgeball tournament and it will be held Thursday April 26. The tournament will begin at 7 pm. at Keating Sports Center. It will be a 6 vs. 6 match-up with a maximum of 7 members per team. The registration deadline for this tournament will be April 25 at 6 pm. You may register online at www.illinoiste- chathletics.com. This tournament is a great way to relieve stress before finals and is open to all HT, Vandercook, and Shimer students. Over the summer, Keating will be open for students’ general use, but no classes or tournaments will be held. Check the website for updated summer hours (http://www.illi- noistechathletics.com/f/General_Hours.php). Starting next fall classes will resume and will include Salsa, Zumba, and Yoga. Tour- naments to look forward to will be flag foot- ball, basketball, soccer (both indoor and out- door), ultimate frisbee, and much more. Some students have expressed interest in additional classes such as strength training and kickboxing and these are being taken into consideration. If you would like to see a particu- lar tournament or class at Keating next year, please be sure to check out the Intramurals and Recreation Facebook page at www.face- book.com/iitintramuralsandrec and make note of your interest on the wall. There is sure to be more classes to be chosen based on the interests of our students. Keating Sports Cen- ter wishes all students good luck on their fi- nal exams and a wonderful summer break. Photos by jenniferAgosto Water Polo spring season in full swing By Billy Bafia TECHNEWS WRITER The club water polo team is back in action for the Spring 2012 semester. After a short break during the swim season, water polo kicked it off with their first game against the University of Chicago on Sunday, April 1 with a victory of 15 to 8. Overall the match went very well with a lot of good plays, but the team is still a bit rusty. Top scorers in the game were Matt O’Rourke, Igor Gryniv, Billy Bafia and Tomasz Chojnacki with 5, 4, 2 and 2 goals respectively. The game went very well with new comers Brian Shaw, Roman Gallais, Nate Hurst and Johnny Broek really making an effort in the water. Johnny continues his water polo playing with us after graduating and playing at the University of Iowa. He has brought a tre- mendous amount of knowledge and skill to the rest of the team. Brian and Nate now continue to enjoy the sport on the club team after many years of playing in high school. Roman, on the other hand, has never played the game be- fore and has caught on quickly these past few weeks proving himself as a dedicated member. The water polo team’s next game is on Sunday, April 15 at 3:00 pm. against the Southwest Master’s Team and Sunday, April 22 at 3:00 pm. also against the Southwest Master’s Team. The team meets for practices Tuesday and Thursday nights from 9:00 to 11:00 pm. Anyone is welcome to come and try it out. If you have any questions, you may contact Billy Bafia at wbafia@hawk.iit.edu. Photo by Billy Bafia {49m Name: Luis Montoya Year: Senior Major: Architecture Sport: Baseball Position: Pitcher Favorite thing about your sport: You al- ways get another pitch to redeem yourself. Athlete Spotlight: Luis Montoya Pre-game ritual: Sitting on the bench alone and zoning in for the game. Favorite thing you’ve done on Campus since you came to UT: Playing Fungo Golf on the baseball field Best tip for anyone who wants to be great at your sport: Don’t over think, just play the game the way its supposed to be played.