Tuesday, February 28, 2012 I TechNews MELANIEKOTO sports@technewsiit.com 7 Scrubs, Rockers top Intramurals and Recreation By Jennifer Agosto STAFF WRITER The Intramurals and Recreation department is looking to continue to bring students together through a multitude of sporting events. With five more tournaments left this semester, there is still a chance for you to get involved! Over the past two weeks, two tournaments—one for flag football and one for volleyball—were hosted by Keating staff for all to enjoy. The two tournaments proved successful and all the players expressed their enjoyment of the game and these types of events. Flag football brought in 30 students, with the winning team taking the last game with a close score of 30—24. The team, named Scrubs, consisted of captain Eric Nichols, Nate Schueller, Lindsay Drabek, Sean Gallagher, April Hlad, Rutul Patel, and Mike Evans, all members affiliated with HT Research Institute. The volleyball tournament brought in approximately 25 students. The winning team, the HT Rockers, consisted of captain Kushal Shah, Harshil Patel, Het Ioshi, and Niraj Desai. The next tournaments will be dodgeball and indoor soccer. The dodgeball tournament will be held Thursday, March 1. It will be a six— on—six person match—up with a max of seven per team. The registration deadline is Wednesday, Feb. 29 at 6 pm. The next tournament after that will be the indoor soccer tournament and that will take place March 8 and 9 from 7—11 pm. It will be a five—on—five match—up with a max of six per team. This event is open to the first 20 teams to register. The registration deadline is Wednesday, March 7, at 6 pm. Registration can be done online at www. illinoistechathletics.com, in the Intramurals and Recreation section. All tournaments take place at Keating Sports Center and are open to HT, Shimer, and Vandercook students and faculty. Check for updates and information on the Facebook page at www.facebook.com/ HTIntramuralsandRec. Photo courtesy of lennifer Agosto Scarlet Hawks prep for indoor track nationals By Erin Vincent STAFF WRITER This weekend members of the Indoor Track team will be travelling to Geneva, Ohio, to compete at the NAIA Indoor Nationals. To earn a spot at the meet, a competitor must run under a certain qualifying time some time during the regular season. The ‘A’standard qualifies automatically and guarantees a spot in the field; the “B” Standard is also enough, but a team can send no more than three competitors that have only hit the “B” standard. For the third year, the event is being held at the SPIRE Institute’s GaREAT Sports Complex (Geneva Area Recreational, Educational, Athletic Trust).The men’s lone qualifier, sophomore Phil Cano, will be competing in the 1000 Meter Race. He ran a time of2:32.93 at the UW Parkside Classic Open, which satisfied the “B” Standard of 2:33.80. Going into the meet, Cano is ranked 23 of 32, with 14 “A”qualifiers. Freshman Abby Iahn also qualified for the 1000 Meter Race, running a time of 3:02.71at the UW Parkside Classic Open as well. Iahn came in under the “B” time of 3:04.00, and just off of the “A” time of 3:02.00. Twenty—five women qualified in the event and Iahn ranks 19, with 17 under the “A.” The women’s Distance Medley Relay also qualified, with Iahn, junior Veronica Hannink, sophomore Jordan Kelch, and freshman Courtney Rouse, in a time of 12:44.54 at the Chicagoland Championships. The team was just 0.55 seconds off of the “A” standard, ranking them 24 of 34. Many of the other schools in our Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference also qualified individuals and relays, including St. Xavier, Olivet, and St. Francis, proving the strength of our conference. Last year’s national champions were Shorter University (men) and Oklahoma Baptist (women). To stay updated on our team and all of the results, visit www.naia.org. Club basketball ends first season By Jennifer Agosto STAFF WRITER IIT’s club basketball team looked to close out their season with a few more wins. Unfortunately, even with their best effort, the Hawks could not get another win. The Hawks finished the season 1—11. Despite their record, the Hawks have proven that they have heart and enjoy what they are doing, which is ultimately what will lead to their success. Last Tuesday, February 21, the Hawks took on Prairie State College. The game started off well, with the Hakws trailing a bit in the beginning, but their score was never too far behind their opponent. All that changed about midway through the first half. Prairie State College took control of the game and began outscoring the Hawks in both halves, leading to the Hawks loss. Thursday, the Hawks faced Elgin College, and Saturday, they faced Malcom X College, both resulting in losses as well. The leading scorer for the past three games was Trevor Townsend, scoring 11 points Tuesday, 27 points Thursday, and points 12 Saturday. Catching up with Townsend after the Hawks last loss, he commented on the team’s progress. “The season could have been better—it was just a lack of chemistry, dedication, and commitment this season and hopefully it’s better next season. I think that it’s partly my fault in motivating the guys to be dedicated to the game and sometimes this team fell apart, especially in the last two games, and as a coach it is my responsibility to pull the team back together. But, like I said before this team has the talent to be a legitimate team, and we had to face the perils of being a new team and trying to figure everything out, and I believe next year will be a lot better.” Hawks go to national meet By Melanie Koto SPORTS EDITOR It is the final countdown for the Swimming and Diving team, which left today (in fact they are probably on a plane as you read this!) for Oklahoma City to compete in the NAIA National Swimming and Diving Championship meet. The meet, which will span Wednesday through Saturday March 3 will be a prelim—final meet in which competitors will swim or dive in a preliminary morning session in an attempt to qualify (place top 16 in their event) for the final session. Those who qualify return in the evening session for a chance at glory and fame, along with team points and national records. The Scarlet Hawks qualified eight male swimmers, two male divers and six female swimmers for the championship meet, those athletes include seniors Carlos Tejero, Jeff Reilly, Morgan Curran, Julia Duarte, Melanie Koto, and Andrea Zuniga; juniors: Eric Grunden, Matthew Rosenfeld, Ian McNair, and Aimee Dewante; sophomores: Yoni Pruzansky, Felipe Bergh, Michael Bodzay and Abigail Maze; freshmen: Billy Bafia. Live results will be posted on the NAIA website (www.naia.org) for any that want to follow along, and if you see any of those athletes next week be sure to congratulate them on their success! Name: Jeff Reilly Year: Fifth Year Maj or: Physics C O O O C O O O O C O O . Sport: . Diving . Event(s): 0 1 and 3 meter spring board diving . , O O C O O O O C O O 0 Favorite thing about your sport: The adrenaline rush while and after doing a dive! Pre-meet ritual: Ibuprofen, Heat, stretch. Use the bath room... twice! I Best tip for anyone who wants to be great at your sport: “If it feels wrong, it is probably right!” Athlete Spotlight: Jeff Reilly mum ”Ill“ Ml L . . ~Y ‘Ifl'lng- Favorite thing you’ve done on Campus since you came to IIT: Made nationals my senior year! Not to mention had some awesome Ultimate Frisbee games!