Tuesd November], 2011 I TechNews GRAEME PORT sports@technew com 7 Women's soccer succeeds to quarter finals By Graeme Port SPORTS WRITER The womens soccer team concluded therr regular league season thrs past weekwrth a comfortable 370 mrdweek away wrn over Holy Cross Colleger before a drsapporntrng4e1 home defeat on Saturday agarnst the number 16 team rn the natlonr Judson Unlverslty The Hawks traveled to face Holy Cross on Tuesday on the back of a four game wrnnrng streak and It was the vlsltors that started the brlghter ofthe two teams In Just the 6th mrnute of play Nore wegran super strrker MarrtTundal danced past the home teams defense before she unleashed an unstoppable drrve rnto the bottom corner of the net to put the Hawks one up The vrsrtors doubled therr lead rn the 12th mrnute when wrnger Veronrca Torres , who must have been rnsprred by her fellow countrymanr the Fllleaustranarlan legend that rs Robert Rurer , cut rnsrde from the left wrng before rocketrng a Rureresque strrke past the home keeper to make the score 270 The deadly duo ofTorres andTundal Were at It agaln In the 39th mlnuter Wlth the fleeteofefoot Torres tearrng past several dee fenders before provrdrng the Norwegran goal machrne wrth a delrghtful cross that Tundal smashed rnto the back of the net to grab her second and the Hawks thrrd goal ofthe game The goal proved to be the final tally of the day as the Hawks crursed through the second halfof the match to record a comfort able 3eOwln On Saturday the Hawks faced a far tougher task as they welcomed the 16th ranked team rn the natlonr ludson Unrversrty to Stuart Fleld The vrsrtors grabbed the games first goal rn the 16th minute through ]enna Stefe fensenr and added to therr lead Just three min utes laterr through Angela Blanchl The Hawks Norwegran tallsmanr Tundalr got the home team backrnto the game rn the 35th minute when she snrped a 20 yard bullet rust under the crossbar to record her team leadrng 10th goal ofthe year The Hawks pressed for the equallze rng goal rn the second half but rt was ludson who grabbed the games next goal rn the 67th mlnuter through Blanchlr before the ludson strrker recorded her hatetrlckln the 89th mlnr uter makIng the final score 471 to the vlsltors Wlth the wrn and the loss thrs past week the Hawks finrsh the regular league season rn fifth place rn the CCAC The ladres wrll play the fourth placed team , Robert Morrrs who the Hawks beat 10 durrng the regular season , away rn the quarterfinals of the CCAC playoffs thrs comrng Saturday Men’s soccer earn spot in conference By Ciaran Kohli-Lynch STAFF WRITER The mens soccer teams regular cone ference season drew to a close on Saturday wrth an rmpressrve vrctory agarnst local rrvals ludson College The Hawks have been busy lately wrth a run offour fixtures rn two weeks Flrst up was Trrnrty Internatronal Unlverslty The team battled well throughout the match securrng a 2r1vlctoryln the 76th mrnute through a John Connor header after Llam Barrett had equallzed the game five min utes earlrer by latchrng on to a Graeme Port freeeklck Next on the Hawks schedule was a home match agarnst conference strugglers Calumet Llam Barrett gave the Hawks an early lead four mrnutes lnr curlrng an unstoppable drrve past the opposrtron goalkeeper Graeme Portr Gurlherme Nunes Robert Rlxerr and Barrett agarn would also add to the Hawks tally before Calumet clawed back some hope wrth a goal on the halfhour mark Rlxel’s goal was of course the prck of the bunch The Hawks talrsmanrc wrnger drd superbly well to lose hrs man rn the box and crash home a thunderous header wrth the force ofa thousand Rawasakrs The Hawks 51 lead gave Coach Davrd Strother the opportunrty to grve some of hrs younger players and perrpheral figures lrke veteran mrdfielder Craran KohlleLynCh a chance to get some mrnutes on the park KohlleLynCh went on to score one goal and rf rt had not been for some frankly preposterous ofrsrde calls by the llnesmanr would most certarnly have scored a hatetrlck Graeme Port would go on to score one more goal for the Hawks before a late ree surgence by Calumet ended the game at 7,4 Thrrd on the schedule was Holy Cross Unlverslty In only the 5th mlnuter Graeme Port struck home from 10 yards after some great burld up play by Llam Barrett and Robert Rurer Flfieen mrnutes later the scorelrne was doubled wrth Rurer once agarn rnvolved The Filipino magrcran latched onto a Graeme Port through ball before berng felled cynrcally by the Sarnts goalkeeper Rurer brushed the drrt ofrhrs famous body and stepped up to fire home the resultrng penalty krck The Hawks most famous player managed to score one more goal before half trme to grve the vlsltors a 30 lead gorng rnto the break After halfetlmer Craran KohlleLynchr recently voted most handsome player rn the NAIA rn the coaches pollr added a fourth for the Hawks Ten mrnutes laterr Holy Cross were able to score a consolatron goal through strrker Lurs Delgado before Robert Rurerwrapped up the most famous ofhatrtrlcks In the 78th mlnr ute wrth a low left foot drrve The game stats allegedly attrrbuted thrs goal to Robert thchleeSmlth whrch was a complete mrscarrrage ofrustrce Thrs reporterr lrke many others feels that thrs could only possrbly be part ofa smear campargn by the thlrpprnes mostbrtter rrvals Tarwan Last up was ludson College Over the last few years the Hawks have developed a fierce rrvalry wrth the ludson Eagles Wlth the ambltlon t0 malntaln a good run ofform and secure a home tre for the first round ofplayofrs by finrshrng thrrd rn the regular season league table the team set about therr busrness from the start Robert thchleeSmlth shook the crossbar wrth a terrrfic volley mrnutes rnto the match and thrs was followed moments later by the openrng goal ofthe game Llam Barrett was on hand to prod home after the ludson goalkeeper parrred a Graeme Port strlke ludson rallred rn the second half and equalized rn the 55th mrnute Therr lead was shortellved however as substrtute Craran KohlleLynCh was on hand to score the wrnner 20 mlnutes from tlmer afier Llam Barrett had watched hrs efrort bounce back off the woode work These four wrns have secured the Hawks thrrd place rn the conference and a place rn thrs seasons playofrs As senror mrdfield playmaker Gulle herme Nunes remarked after Saturdays vlce tory “To beat ludson rs so wonderful and magrcal and 1 am really happy 1 am proud of the effort of my teammates Everyone out on the prtch rs fightrng for each other 1feel lrke we are part ofa brg famrly and 1 love them all Hopefully thrs camaraderre wrll propel us rnto a successful run rn the playoffs» Olympian Aaron Peirsol visits with Illinois Tech swim team By Melanie Koto STAFF WRITER Last week the Illlnols Tech Swrm team had a very specral practrce wrth a vrsrt from a US olymprc Swrmmer Aare on Pelrsolr a sevenetlme olymprc medalrst and world recordeholder tooka day to fly to Chlcae go and vrsrtwrth the team helprng out at prace trces to provrde technlque and race trps and also enroyrng a lunch rn our very own Prltzker Club wrth the senror members of the team The vrsrt was one of a krnd for the members of the team who started therr meet seasononFrlday“Havlnganlndlvldualpractlce wrthAaron Pelrsol rs lrkeadream for any back strokerf sard senror backstrokerr CarlosTeJero “And thrs experience certarnly was for mel» Freshman freestylerr Nrcolette Lewrs also enyoyed the experience “It was one ofthe coolest thrngs 1 have ever done? sard Lewrs "‘He had a lot ofgreat advrce» The vrsrt was a oncern a lrfe trme chance for mostofthe swlmr mers as well as a great learnrng experience for meets Now rn thelr competrtrve season the team had two meets thrs past weekend Frle day evenrng was the 3rd annual breast cancer awareness meet agarnstNorth Central College On Saturday the teams traveled to Unlverslty ofChrcago to compete agarnst the Maroons The first event ofthe meet the 2007 yard medley relay saw the Womens team take 5th place overall (senrors Andrea Zunlgar lue lra Duarter runror Armee Dewante and senror Melanie Koto) with a tlme of20165r while the Mens team took 3rd (sophomore Mlchael Bodzay runror Erlc Grundenr sophomore Fee lrpe Bergh and senror Max Rammrnger) wrth a tlme of 1 41 (ill and the team oflunlor Mate thew Rosenfeld freshman Bllly Bafiar Dan Sommerfeld and Matt o>Rourke took 5th In the Womens 200yard freestyler Dewante took5th overall (2 07 52) and on the Mens srde sophomore Yonl Pruzansky took 2nd(15233)r senlor Tomasz Cholnackl took 5th (157 71) Bafia took 6th (158 75) Koto and Zunrga placed 3rd and 4th rn the Womens SOeyard freestyle (27 37 and 28 25) and rn the Mens50yardfreestylerRammrngerplaced2nd wrth a 22 08 and senror Dylan Maus took 5th wrtha23 47 Senror Morgan Curran placed4th overall rn the Womens 200yard IM (2 25 69) whrle Duarte placed 6th wrth a 23468 Bodzay and Rergh went oneetwo for the Hawks rn the Mens eventr poste rng trmes of 20125 and 20375 respece trvely In the 1007yard freestyler Koto took 4th (10026) and freshman Nrcolette Lewrs finlshed 5th (11720)r whlle on the MEWS srde Rammrnger took 1st (48 49) Grunden took 5th (5084) and Maus took 6th (5235) Zunrga placed 4th rn the Womens 100yard backstroke wrth a trme of 10770 and Bodzay took 1st for the Meris team wlth a tlme of 5625 Rosenfeld placed 4th In the event finrshrng wrth a trme of 10057 In the SOOeyard freestyler Curran took 4th for the Womens team (549 96) and sophomore Abby Maze took 5th (5 52 75) whlle Bergh took 2nd for the Meris team (50519) Pruzansky took 5th (51639) and freshman Igor Grynrv took 6th (54761) Duartetook4thrntheWomens100 yard breaststroke wrth a 114 55 and Grunden took 2nd rn the Menswrth a103 94r whrle Bar fia took 4th (105 04) and O>Rourke took 5th (10971) The last event of the day the MEWS 200yard free relay of Grynlvr Maus Pruzane sky and Cholnackl took 3rd wrth a 13594 The team has two more meets thrs weekend Frlday at Lewrs Unrversrty rn Romeovlller and Frlday at home agarnst Robert Moms for the ladles team so Come out to the pool Saturday to cheer them onl Photo llyMelum'e Km Volleyball win, lose By Kayla Heller STAFF WRITER The Illlnols Tech womens volleyball team played two conference games thrs past week resultrng rn one wrn and one loss for the conference record The ladres played ludson Unrversrty on Tuesday nlghtr recordrng a wrn rn a close five games set 25'12125'22123'25117'25115' 13 Sophomore Kate Kendall led the Hawks wrth 23 krlls and 13 drgs whrle r setter Rebecca Bograd dlshed out49 set asslsts Sophomore Brlttany Mead also chrpped rn 24 unlor drgs rn the match The Hawks then took on St Rrane crs Unlverslty on Thursday rn the Hawks last home game ofthe season It was a battle but the Hawks ended up dropprng the game rn a four set match 12, 251 25'191 22'251 21725 Kendall and senlor Kayla Heller led the Hawks wrth 10 krlls and two servrce aces aplecer whrle Rograd had 32 set asslsts The Hawks wrll Unlverslty Tuesday November 1 rn therr final game of the regular season take on Roosevelt